Student health and welfare

Psychologists, therapists and a public health nurse work at SiS to attend to the health and welfare of students. Any student who has paid the fee for the semester may use SiS healthcare services.

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SiS Health offers financial subsidies for major healthcare expenses, and can provide information about choosing a GP. You may also contact them if you would like them to run a course or other customised programmes regarding psychosocial issues. 

A student chaplain is also associated with SiS, so please feel free to contact her if you would like someone to talk to.

Read more about the services provided by SiS Health

Doctor and dentist

The Student Welfare Organisation in Stavanger does not provide a medical or dental service. Anyone who so wishes should nevertheless be able to get a GP. The majority of residents in Norway are entitled to have a GP. In most cases, you must find a dentist yourself.



If you are a new student at UiS and have moved, you may have to change your GP. The following groups of people are entitled to be registered with a GP:

All persons who have a registered address in Norway
Asylum seekers who have a D-number
NATO personnel who have a D-number and their families


The county authority is responsible for the public dental service. Treatment for 19 and 20-year-olds is offered at 25% of official rates. More information about dental services in the City of Stavanger.

Older students are not entitled to treatment at public dentists. 

Reimbursement of medical and dental expenses through SiS

You can be reimbursed for some of your medical and dental expenses. 

Nurse and travel vaccines

There is a nurse on the Ullandhaug Campus who, among other things, can answer any questions you may have about contraception and sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs).


If, as an exchange student, you need travel vaccines, you must contact Reisemedisinsk senter at SUS (the Tropical Medical Bureau at Stavanger University Hospital).

Helsestasjon Campus Ullandhaug (Campus Ullandhaug Health Station)

The nurse at SiS (Studentsamskipnaden - the Student Welfare Organisation in Stavanger) can help you with the following:

  • Guidelines and examinations in connection with questions about contraception, pregnancy and termination of pregnancy
  • Testing for and treatment of chlamydia
  • Information about other STDs
  • Prescriptions for contraception

Opening hours: Monday-Friday, from 9.30–11.00 a.m. and 12.00–3.00 p.m. The service is free to students at SiS.

Drop by Kitty Kiellands hus on Campus Ullandhaug, or book an appointment

Travel vaccines for exchange students

Travel vaccines are given at the Tropical Medical Bureau at Stavanger University Hospital.

Opening hours: 8.00 a.m.–4.00 p.m. Wednesdays 8.00 a.m.–8.00 p.m.


Visiting address: Gerd-Ragna Bloch Thorsens gate 8, 4011 Stavanger

More information about the nurse, health stations and travel vaccines on the SiS web pages.

Psychology services

SiS Health is provided in addition to public health services, and treatment is not prioritised according to the degree of severity. If you have serious psychological problems or need an urgent assessment, you should contact your GP.

Foto: Elisabeth Tønnesen

Useful information about treatment

SiS Health provides treatment for less serious psychological problems. Discussions are offered on how you can improve your mental health, tackle academic and interpersonal challenges and different life crises. Treatment duration is limited.

Talking as a form of treatment is a co-operation between the student and therapist. You are expected to show up at the agreed times and be prepared to work on your problems outside of treatment also.

As far as possible, SiS Health tries to provide a service within four to five weeks. Unfortunately, waiting times may be longer during certain periods due to demand.

Common reasons for making contact:

  • Depression
  • Concentration and motivation problems
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Various anxiety issues (for example perfectionism, exam stress or social anxiety)
  • Eating disorders
  • Loneliness and grief
  • Poor self-image
  • Abuse

More information about psychology services is available on the SiS web pages.

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