Sigbjørn Rydland Jårvik is student chaplain at the University of Stavanger. See more information below, and know that you are very welcome to make contact.
Studentenes hus (SH-213)
51 83 15 19
997 93 588
Every now and then, when things become just a bit too much, we all need someone to talk to.
There may be a number of reasons why. You may be facing difficult problems, questions or choices.
You may be facing situations that are difficult and you don't quite know how to handle them.
Perhaps you've been let down in love, or you're mourning someone who is lost to you. You may be wondering about your life and future, and need help to organise your thoughts and identify, what you're good at.
Or perhaps you just want to sit down and have a chat with someone who has time for you!
Life is complicated for all of us, including students. Some days can be more difficult than others. It can sometimes help to talk to someone about difficult choices, complicated thoughts or negative feelings. Maybe you just need someone to lend a sympathetic ear? Perhaps you would like to talk about God, about faith or doubt, or would like someone to pray for you?
The student chaplain will be there for you. Please get in touch if you would like to talk about your life, if you're struggling with something or even if everything is going well. The chaiplain will treat everything confidentially.
Emergency preparedness
The student chaplain is also part of the emergency preparedness team at UiS, mainly to offer psychosocial support work in the event of death, accidents or emergencies.
Quiet room
Sometimes we need a room that is different. A place of refuge from what can sometimes be a hectic world. A place where we can be free from requirements and expectations. A place to gather our thoughts. A place for quiet, rest, prayer, meditation and reflection. If so, the Quiet Room is here for you.

You can find it on the 1st floor of the Arne Rettedal Building, V-212. The room is always open – to everyone.
There are many denominations in the multicultural environment of UiS. The Quiet Room in the Arne Rettedal Building is a quiet room for everyone. There is also a Quiet Room in Kjølv Egelands Building, room C-120.
Other religions
The student chaplain is employed by the Church of Norway, but that does not mean that he is only available to members of that church. He is here for everyone – whether you are a believer or not. Or if you are agnostic.

If you belong to another religious community or religion, the student chaplain may also be able to put you in contact with members of that faith in Stavanger.
Student welfare
A large number of people are working for you to have the best possible time as a student.

You can get a glimpse of this network during the Fadder festival week.
The student organisation StOr also organises many excellent events. It's well worth coming along to their "Coffee around the world" and Cinema Lottery meetings, which are held every Thursday at 2 pm in the Book Cafe. These are very international occasions, and are a great opportunity to meet students from all over the world and to win one of eight cinema tickets for the film showing that evening.
The Student Welfare Association (SiS) attends to many aspects of student welfare in Stavanger. Particularly important here is their work with SiS Health.
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