Jianan Zhang has performed research on the numerical modelling of the floating docks. On 31 May, she defended her doctoral thesis.

On Friday 31 May, Jianan Zhang defended her doctorate at the University of Stavanger (UiS). The title of the thesis is " Numerical Modelling and Global Response Assessment of Floating Docks towards Efficient, Safer and Autonomous Docking Operations". The main supervisor was Professor Muk Chen Ong (UiS), and Dr. Xueliang Wen (UiS) and Associate Professor Lin Li (UiS) were co-supervisors.
Jianan Zhang has been involved in developing an in-house code to build the digital twin model for the floating docks towards efficient, safer and autonomous docking operations. It includes a six-degree-of-freedom model, a hydrostatic force model, a hydrodynamic force model, a hydraulic model, a modified P-controller algorithm, a contact model and a bending model. The proposed numerical method can be used to perform stability analysis as well as dynamic analyses of ballasting and de-ballasting operations with automatic control for the floating dock with and without a vessel onboard. The numerical model was validated in both model-scale experiments and field test measurements, and it is ready to serve as the numerical prediction tool for industrial applications.
During the trial lecture, Jianan presented an overview of mooring large structures in shallow and deep water. The challenges and solutions of mooring systems in both shallow and deep water were outlined.
"We congratulate Jianan on this great work," said head of department Mona Wetrhus Minde.
"We are also very happy with the collaboration this project has facilitated with Gdansk University of Technology".