Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Ma, Yu;
Li, Lin;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Jin, Jingzhe;
Jiang, Zhiyu
Influence of Environmental Load Directions on the Design of Shared Mooring for an Integrated Floating Fish Cage-Wind Turbine System.
I: Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth (2024) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference - ISOPE 2024.
ISBN 978-1-880653-78-4.
Konstantinou, Xenophon;
Kritikakos, Kyriakos;
Lee, Chern Fong;
Sakaris, Christos;
Sakellariou, John;
Schlanbusch, Rune;
Ong, Muk Chen
Vibration-based structural health monitoring of the
mooring lines in a floating offshore wind turbine under
varying environmental conditions: NN vs STS based
I: ISMA2024 - USD2024 Conference proceedings.
Leuven University Press.
ISBN 979-83-313081-2-4.
Zhang, Jianan;
Wen, Xueliang;
Ong, Muk Chen
Development of a Floating Dock Numerical Model and the Ballast Water Distribution Strategy .
I: ASME 2023 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering : Volume 5 : Ocean Engineering.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
ISBN 978-0-7918-8687-8.
Cheng, Hui;
Aydemir, Onur;
Ong, Muk Chen
Wake Effects on the Drag Force Estimation of Downstream Fish Cages.
I: ASME 2023 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering: Volume 4: Ocean Space Utilization.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
ISBN 978-0-7918-8686-1.
Wen, Xueliang;
Garcia Conde, Alejandro;
Zhang, Jianan;
Ong, Muk Chen
Numerical Study on the Automatic Ballast Control of a Floating Dock.
I: ASME 2023 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering : Volume 5 : Ocean Engineering.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
ISBN 978-0-7918-8687-8.
Li, Lin;
Karatas, Ismail Gökay;
Zhu, Xinying;
Ong, Muk Chen
Dynamic analysis of lift-off operation of a subsea spool from a barge using different fender models.
I: Proceedings of the Thirtieth (2020) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference Shanghai, China, October 11-16, 2020.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers.
ISBN 978-1-880653-84-5.
Xing, Yihan;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Hemmingsen, Tor;
Ellingsen, Kjell Einar;
Reinås, Lorents
Design Considerations of a Subsea Shuttle Tanker System for Liquid Carbon Dioxide Transportation.
I: ASME 2020 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 5: Ocean Space Utilization.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
ISBN 978-0-7918-8436-2.
Yin, Guang;
Ong, Muk Chen
Numerical Investigation of Scour Beneath a Submarine Piggyback Pipeline .
I: MekIT’19 - 10th National Conference on Computational Mechanics (Trondheim, Norway, 3-4 June 2019).
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
ISBN 978-84-949194-9-7.
Janocha, Marek Jan;
Ong, Muk Chen
Flow-Induced Vibration of Tandem Cylinders in the Vicinity of a Horizontal Plane Wall .
I: MekIT’19 - 10th National Conference on Computational Mechanics (Trondheim, Norway, 3-4 June 2019).
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
ISBN 978-84-949194-9-7.
Ong, Muk Chen;
Liu, Shengnan;
Liestyarini, Utari Cendhy;
Xing, Yihan
Three Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Flow in Blind-Tee Pipes.
I: MekIT’17 - Ninth national conference on Computational Mechanics.
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
ISBN 978-84-947311-1-2.
Abrahamsen-Prsic, Mia;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Pettersen, Bjørnar;
Myrhaug, Dag
LES of Flow Around Tandem Cylinders Close to a Horizontal Wall.
I: Proceedings of the twenty-fifth International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference - ISOPE 2015.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers.
ISBN 978-1-880653-89-0.
Bihs, Hans;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Kamath, Arun;
Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir
A Level Set Method based Numerical Wave Tank for the Calculation of Wave Forces on Horizontal and Vertical Cylinders.
I: MekIT'13 Seventh National Conference on Computational Mechanics, Trondheim 13-14 May 2013.
Akademika forlag.
ISBN 978-82-321-0266-2.
Ong, Muk Chen;
Myrhaug, Dag;
Hesten, Peder
Scour around Vertical Pile Foundations for Offshore Wind Turbines due to Long-Crested and Short-Crested Nonlinear Random Waves plus a Current.
I: ICSE-6 6th International Conference on Scour and Erosion : Proceedings.
ISBN 978-2-906831-90-2.
Myrhaug, Dag;
Ong, Muk Chen
Aspects of wind gust over wind waves and sea ice.
Proceedings - International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions.
ISSN 0376-6756.
Myrhaug, Dag;
Gjengedal, Cecilie;
Ong, Muk Chen
Scour Below Pipelines in Shoaling Conditions Beneath Random Waves.
I: Coastal Structures 2007.
World Scientific.
ISBN 978-981-4280-99-0.
Ong, Muk Chen;
Utnes, Torbjørn;
Holmedal, Lars Erik;
Myrhaug, Dag;
Pettersen, Bjørnar
Numerical simulation of flow around a marine pipeline close to the seabed.
I: Coastal Engineering 2008 (vol.3).
World Scientific.
ISBN 978-981-4277-39-6.
Ong, Muk Chen;
Utnes, Torbjørn;
Holmedal, Lars Erik;
Myrhaug, Dag;
Pettersen, Bjørnar
Numerical Simulation of Flow around a Marine Pipeline Close to a Flat Seabed at High Reynolds Numbers.
I: MekIT'09 : Fifth National Conference on Computational Mechanics, Trondheim 26-27 May 2009.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag.
ISBN 978-82-519-2421-4.
Ong, Muk Chen;
Utnes, Torbjørn;
Holmedal, Lars Erik;
Myrhaug, Dag;
Pettersen, Bjørnar
Numerical Simulatin of Flows aroun a smooth Circular Cylinder at High Reynolds Number.
I: Computational Methods in Marine Engineering II.
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE).
ISBN 9788496736191.
Ong, Muk Chen;
Utnes, Torbjørn;
Holmedal, Lars Erik;
Myrhaug, Dag;
Pettersen, Bjørnar
Validation of a Dynamic Turbulence-Closure Model for Rough Turbulent Oscillatory Flow with Suspended Sediments.
I: Fourth national conference on Computational Mechanics.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag.
ISBN 978-82-519-2235-7.
Myrhaug, Dag;
Gjengedal, Cecilie;
Ong, Muk Chen
Scour below piplines in shoaling conditions beneath random waves.
I: Coastal Structures '07.
ISBN 88-89405-05-8.
Ong, Muk Chen
Offshore Floating wind Turbine Concepts and Techno-Economic Challenges.
Impactwind Summerschool 2023;
2023-06-05 - 2023-06-08.
Sakaris, Christos;
Schnepf, Anja;
Schlanbusch, Rune;
Ong, Muk Chen
A Comparative Study on Damage Detection in the Delta Mooring System of Spar Floating Offshore Wind Turbines.
16th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis;
2022-11-16 - 2022-11-18.
Cheynet, Etienne;
Liu, Shengnan;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Jakobsen, Jasna Bogunovic;
Snæbjörnsson, Jonas Thor;
Gatin, Inno
Influence of the local terrain on the mean flow characteristics in a fjord.
The 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE) ;
2019-09-01 - 2019-09-06.
Cheng, Hui;
Aarsæther, Karl Gunnar;
Li, Lin;
Ong, Muk Chen
Numerical Study of a Single-Point Mooring Gravity Fish Cage With Different Deformation-Suppression Methods.
ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering;
2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14.
Huang, Xiaoping;
Yan, Xiaoshun;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Huang, Yingcai
The Effect of Fatigue Loading Spectrum on Crack Propagation in a Ship Detail.
37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering;
2018-06-17 - 2018-06-22.
Igeh, Laila Aarstad;
Liu, Zhenhui;
Wu, Jie;
Ong, Muk Chen
A Comparative Study of Fatigue Damage Assessment Methods to a Rigid Planar Jumper.
37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering ;
2018-06-17 - 2018-06-22.
Li, Lin;
Jiang, Zhiyu;
Wang, Jungao;
Ong, Muk Chen
Predicting the Heading Misalignment of a Vessel-Shaped Offshore Fish Farm Under Waves and Currents.
37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering ;
2018-06-17 - 2018-06-22.
Li, Yuzhu;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Gudmestad, Ove Tobias;
Hjertager, Bjørn H
Numerical Analysis of Steep Wave-Induced Seabed Response and Liquefaction Around Gravity-Based Offshore Foundations.
37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering ;
2018-06-17 - 2018-06-22.
Liu, Shengnan;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Obhrai, Charlotte
CFD Simulations of Spilling Breaking Waves and Steep Waves Past a Monopile Structure at Different KC Numbers.
37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering ;
2018-06-17 - 2018-06-22.
Sun, Shuzheng;
Li, Hui;
Ong, Muk Chen
Experimental Study on Hydrodynamics of Hybrid Deep-V Monohull With Different Built-Up Appendages.
37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering ;
2018-06-17 - 2018-06-22.
Wu, Jie;
Lekkala, Malakonda Reddy;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Passano, Elizabeth;
Voie, Per Erlend
OMAE2017-61766 Prediction of Combined IL and CF VIV Response of Deepwater Risers.
OMAE 2017;
2017-06-25 - 2017-06-30.
Ji, Guomin;
Li, Lanjing;
Ong, Muk Chen
On-Bottom Stability Analysis of Subsea Pipelines Under Combined Irregular Waves and Currents.
ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering ;
2017-06-25 - 2017-06-30.
Wu, Jie;
Lekkala, Malakonda Reddy;
Ong, Muk Chen
Prediction of riser VIV with staggered buoyancy elements.
ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2016;
2016-06-19 - 2016-06-24.
Ji, Guomin;
Li, Lanjing;
Ong, Muk Chen
ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2016;
2016-06-19 - 2016-06-24.
Ong, Muk Chen;
Myrhaug, Dag
Burial and Scour of Short Cylinders and Truncated Cones due to Long-Crested and Short-Crested Nonlinear Random Waves Plus Currents.
ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering;
2016-06-19 - 2016-06-24.
Ong, Muk Chen;
Trygsland, Eirik;
Myrhaug, Dag
Numerical Study of Seabed Boundary Layer Flow Around Monopile and Gravity-Based Wind Turbine Foundations.
ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering;
2016-06-19 - 2016-06-24.
Myrhaug, Dag;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Dyrseth, Silje
Time Scales for Scour below Pipelines and around Vertical Piles due to Nonlinear Random Waves.
8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion;
2016-09-12 - 2016-09-15.
Ong, Muk Chen;
Fu, Ping;
Myrhaug, Dag
Scour below Marine Pipelines due to Random Waves on Mild Slopes.
8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion;
2016-09-12 - 2016-09-15.
Ong, Muk Chen
CFD Applications in Offshore Engineering.
Experimental Fluid Mechanics;
2016-11-15 - 2016-11-18.
Ong, Muk Chen
Ocean Technology - from Current Technologies to New Possibilities.
Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy;
Wang, Jungao;
Fu, Shixiao;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Li, Huajun
Experimental Investigation on Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Free-Hanging Riser Under Vessel Motion.
ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering ;
2016-06-19 - 2016-06-24.
Pavlou, Dimitrios;
Ong, Muk Chen
Damping Effect on the Wave Propagation in Carbon Steel Pipelines Under Fluid Hammer Conditions.
ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering;
2016-06-19 - 2016-06-24.
Prsic, Mia Abrahamsen;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Pettersen, Bjørnar;
Myrhaug, Dag
LES of Flow Around Tandem Cylinders Close to a Horizontal Wall.
ISOPE 2015;
2015-06-21 - 2015-06-26.
Ong, Muk Chen;
Leira, Bernt Johan;
Li, Hui;
Myrhaug, Dag
Dynamic analysis of offshore monopile wind turbine including the effects of wind-wave loading and soil properties.
2013-06-09 - 2013-06-14.
Ong, Muk Chen
Unsteady RANS Simulation of Flow around a 5:1 Rectangular Cylinder at High Reynolds Numbers.
31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,;
2012-07-01 - 2012-07-06.
Henry, Pierre-Yves T;
Tørum, Alf;
Arntsen, Øivind Asgeir;
Myrhaug, Dag;
Ong, Muk Chen
Probability of exceeding the critical shear stress for sand motion in specific wave and current conditions.
International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2012;
2012-07-02 - 2012-07-06.
Myrhaug, Dag;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Holmedal, Lars Erik
Suspended Sediments Due to Random Waves Including Effects of Second Order Wave Asymmetry.
33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering;
2012-07-01 - 2012-07-06.
Prsic, Mia;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Pettersen, Bjørnar;
Myrhaug, Dag
Large Eddy Simulations of Three-Dimensional Flow Around a Pipeline in a Uniform Current.
OMAE 2012;
2012-07-01 - 2012-07-06.
Tian, Xinliang;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Yang, Jianming;
Myrhaug, Dag;
Chen, Gang
Three-Dimensional Effects of the Flow Normal to a Flat Plate at a High Reynolds Number.
OMAE 2012;
2012-07-01 - 2012-07-06.
Li, Hui;
Ong, Muk Chen;
Leira, Bernt Johan;
Myrhaug, Dag
Dynamic Analysis of Offshore Monopile Wind Turbine Including the Effect of Scour.
2012-07-01 - 2012-07-06.
Myrhaug, Dag;
Ong, Muk Chen
Random wave-induced scour around submerged breakwaters.
1st European IAHR Congress;
2010-05-04 - 2010-05-06.
Ong, Muk Chen;
Holmedal, Lars Erik;
Utnes, Torbjørn;
Myrhaug, Dag
Near-Bed Sediment Dynamics Beneath a Marine Pipline.
The 32nd International conference on Coastal Engineering ;
2010-06-30 - 2010-07-05.
Myrhaug, Dag;
Ong, Muk Chen
Aspects of wind gust over wind waves and sea ice.
Proceedings of the 20th International conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Condiotions;
2009-06-09 - 2009-06-12.
Ong, Muk Chen;
Utnes, Torbjørn;
Holmedal, Lars Erik;
Myrhaug, Dag;
Pettersen, Bjørnar
Numerical simulation of flow around a marine pipeline close to the seabed.
31 st. International Conference on coastal eng.;
2008-08-31 - 2008-09-05.