Join the Sensory Energy Walk on Campus and through Sørmarka!

Wednesday 26 March 2025 17:30-19:30,
SiS Studenthus.

Join this walk across campus and through Sørmarka where we are going to explore how we can sense the energy that surrounds us.

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An electricity pylon framed against a blue sky and between two tracts of woodland
A pylon in Sørmarka. Photo by Melina Antonia Buns.

It is easy to not think about the energy we use in our daily lives. It reaches us through seemingly invisible paths – from wind turbines up in the mountains, oil rigs out of sight in the North Sea, waterfalls put in pipes, from wells deep underground, and from the light switch in the wall. In our offices sensors control light and temperature that follow along with our presence and movement. The buildings sense us and use energy from their mechanical sensing. But how can we sense this energy? And is it even possible?

Join this walk across campus and through Sørmarka where we are going to explore how we can sense the energy that surrounds us. Equipped with maps and logs we invite you to think about how energies, technologies, and bodies are connected. We are going to explore how energy production, transportation, and consumption not only are technological processes but also leave traces in environments and bodies.

The walk includes a visit to UiS Energisentralen which restricts the number of participants (max 30 participants).

Register here

The sensory energy walk is organised as part of the Infrastructure Citizen Week 2025 of the research project Energy Lives! Infrastructural Citizenship in Nordic Energy Transitions. You can read more about the project on its website.

Practical Information

Wednesday, 26 March, 5:30-7:30pm.

Meeting in front of the new SiS Studenthouse, eastern entrance towards Ullandhaugtårnet, see also on the map.

We will end at the substation in Sørmarka. Those who need to get back to UiS can tag along on the way back.

The walk will take between 90 and 120 minutes, depending on the size of the group.

Dress according to the weather. We are going to walk in the forest.

Hot chocolate will be served.

NB! Unfortunately, the walk will not be suitable for wheelchair users as we are going to walk in steep and uneven terrain. The sensory energy walk is open for everyone but addresses an adult audience.