Bøker & Beats

Friday 18 October 2024 12:15-13:00,
Universitetsbiblioteket i Stavanger.

Jazz and dance at the University Library

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This Friday, a unique experience awaits when the jazz and dance group Lysbrudd performs the piece "Crossing Streams".

The group, which consists of jazz musicians Maja Persson and Stella Brachel, together with dancer Johanne Risnes Lerheim, take you on an atmospheric journey where they explore closeness. Through words, music and movement, they delve into what binds us together - from the blink of an eye with contact, to the silence between us, and the small but powerful gestures that create true intimacy.

In addition, you will hear the exciting duo Aurora Brusevold (trumpet) and Erlend Johannessen (piano). They compose and perform their own music, with clear melodies and simple harmonies. Inspired by the values ​​of pop, but with the soul of jazz. Their free improvisation makes each performance completely unique - you never know what awaits.