PhD skills course: Academic writing and "kappe"

Onsdag 25. oktober kl. 09:30 - Torsdag 26. oktober kl. 15:30,
Arne Rettedalshus,

A course in the nature of academic writing and publishing.

Publisert Sist oppdatert


The course is for PhD candidates and UiS who want to publish their work in acadmic books or journals. The final part of the course will focus on how to collect all the pieces together in a "kappe".

The purpouse of the workshop is to reflect on the central challenges af academic writing and publishing and focus on a current witing project.

Course description: The workshop will take participants systematically through some of the main challenges of academic writing and publishing: audience, core argument and structure, as well as picking a journal and handling feedback from peer reviewers.

Requirements: Participants must bring with them a copy of a paper they would like to work on (rough drafts are encouraged). They may send a copy of the draft to the facilitator beforehand to give her an idea of what you are writing about and how far you have progressed.

Application process: During the application process, applicants will be asked to answer a couple of questions about their PhD projects and challenges when it comes to academic writing. Applications will be processed on a first-come first-served basis.

The second day of the workshop focuses on writing the "kappe" of your PhD Thesis. A thesis by publication comprises not only the articles aimed at publication, but also the narrative (“kappe”) that is intended to convince your examiners that you have successfully met the criteria of “doctorateness”. In this workshop, we reflect on what your examiners want to you demonstrate, discuss how to approach the writing process, and look at the elements of a good “kappe”.


The course instructor is Lynn Nygaard. She is an experienced course instructor, author and researcher. Nygaard has held workshops in academic writing for several years at UiS. She is employed at PRIO.

Sign up

All PhD candidates at UiS should have recived an email for sign up by October 4th.

If you have any questions regarding sign up or the course please contact