Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Broekel, Tom
Complexity, Capabilities, and Economic Development, Research Seminar, Birmingham.
Internal Research Seminar;
2024-01-09 - .
Broekel, Tom
How News Data can reveal the Regional Economic Climate: The RegNeS-Database.
Geography of Innovation Conference;
2024-01-11 - .
Broekel, Tom
Spinning Stories: The Impact of Wind Turbine Density on Public Narratives in Germany.
Internal Seminar;
2024-01-24 - .
Broekel, Tom
What you read is what you see? A spatial analysis of how wind power shapes public discourse in German regions.
4. DFG Network: The dynamics of Innovation Systems;
2024-01-25 - .
Broekel, Tom;
Fitjar, Rune Dahl;
Haus-Reve, Silje
An innovation ecosystem at Ullandhaug? Conceptualizing key analytical dimensions.
Ullandhaug Innovation District Meeting;
2024-02-09 - .
Broekel, Tom
Trainee SørVest mars: Make use of AI/ChatGPT, Chamber of Commerce Stavanger, SørVest Programm.
SorVest Training;
2024-03-07 - .
Broekel, Tom
Feeling the Heartbeat of Regions: Local News and Economic Sentiments.
RSA Conference;
2024-04-03 - .
Broekel, Tom
AI in Education: Reflections and Realities.
Internal Seminar;
2024-04-09 - .
Broekel, Tom
Technological complexity – some clarifications and reflections.
CfIR Seminar;
2024-06-04 - .
Broekel, Tom;
Klarl, Torben
Die langfristige Entwicklung der technologischen Komplexität und ihre Beziehung zum Wirtschaftswachstum.
Annual Meeting Evolutionary Economics Group;
2024-07-06 - .
Broekel, Tom;
Knuepling, Louis
Not all Spaces are Networks: On the use of the Network Perspective in the Evaluation of Knowledge Spaces.
RIP Conference;
2024-09-26 - .
Broekel, Tom;
Knuepling, Louis
Not all Spaces are Networks: On the use of the Network Perspective in the Evaluation of Knowledge Spaces.
CfR Public Workshop;
2024-09-18 - .
Broekel, Tom
Feeling the Heartbeat of Regions: Local News and Economic Sentiments.
Internal Research Seminar;
2024-11-19 - .
Fitjar, Rune Dahl;
Broekel, Tom
Do we have the competences needed for the green and digital economy?.
Executive Forum;
2023-11-01 - .
Broekel, Tom
Navigating AI in Business Practises and Academia: Reflections and Realities.
Forskerforbundet ved UiS: OU-seminar;
Broekel, Tom
ChatGPT: Embrace or Reject?.
UiS Stavanger Business School, Alumni Meeting;
Broekel, Tom
The Skill Divide: How Urban and Rural Job Markets Shape Occupational Skill Profiles.
UiS Stavanger Business School Innovation Research Seminar;
Broekel, Tom
Navigating AI in Business Practises and Academia: Reflections & Realities.
Stavanger Business School Breakfast Meeting;
Broekel, Tom
The Evolution of the Regional Demand for Green and ICT Skills in Norway,.
RSA Annual Conference;
Broekel, Tom
Urban scaling 1877 to 2020: Boosting, Sorting & Complexity.
3rd DFG-Network meeting;
Broekel, Tom
News – more than just a novel data source in regional science.
GEO-TEXT workshop;
Broekel, Tom
The long-term evolution of technological complexity & its relationship with economic growth.
Faculty of Technology and Science Research Seminar;
Broekel, Tom
The long-term evolution of technological complexity and its relationship with Economic Growth.
TU Berlin Invited Seminar;
Broekel, Tom
Boosting, Sorting, and Complexity – Urban Scaling of Innovation Around the World.
NordicERSA Online-Seminar;
Deegan, Jason;
Broekel, Tom;
Haus-Reve, Silje;
Fitjar, Rune Dahl
How regions diversify into new jobs: From related industries or related occupations?.
Regions In Recovery;
Broekel, Tom;
Deegan, Jason
In the beginning was the Word – A text-based perspective on regional development.
Global Conference on Economic Geography;
2022-06-09 - .
Haus-Reve, Silje;
Fitjar, Rune Dahl;
Broekel, Tom;
Deegan, Jason
What we do or where we work.
61st ERSA Congress;
2022-08-22 - 2022-08-26.
Håland, Marie;
Haus-Reve, Silje;
Fitjar, Rune Dahl;
Broekel, Tom
Forskarar frå UiS har utvikla analyseverktøy for økonomisk vekst.
Garlid, Hilde;
Haus-Reve, Silje;
Fitjar, Rune Dahl;
Broekel, Tom
DiveOpp, et nytt selskap fra UiS-forskning.
Broekel, Tom
What you read is what you see? Wind turbines in the German news.
RSA City and Regional Sustainability Transitions ;
Broekel, Tom
Boosting, sorting, and complexity – Urban scaling of innovation across cities around the world.
Geography of Innovation ;
Broekel, Tom
In the beginning was the Word – A text-based perspective on regional development.
GfR Annual Meeting;
2022-06-15 - 2022-06-17.
Broekel, Tom
The long-term evolution of technological complexity and its relationship with economic growth.
Annual Forskermøtet ;
Broekel, Tom
Technological complexity and its implication for innovation policy.
NetSurvey Workshop;
2022-11-24 - 2022-11-25.
Fitjar, Rune Dahl;
Deegan, Jason;
Broekel, Tom;
Haus-Reve, Silje
How regions diversify into new jobs: From related industries or related occupations?.
Regional Innovation Policies Conference;
2022-09-22 - 2022-09-24.
Broekel, Tom;
Sareen, Siddharth;
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen;
By, Rune Todnem;
Rothkopf, Alexander Karl
Dog Eat Dog.
Deegan, Jason;
Broekel, Tom;
Haus-Reve, Silje;
Fitjar, Rune Dahl
What we do, or where we work? – the impact of occupational and industrial relatedness on regional diversification.
60th ERSA Congress - Territorial Futures Visions and scenarios to cope with megatrends in a changing Europe;
2021-08-24 - 2021-08-27.
Deegan, Jason;
Broekel, Tom;
Fitjar, Rune Dahl
Is smart specialisation helping regions to support the right activities?.
RSA blog.
Broekel, Tom
Warum „mehr messen“ keine Lösung, sondern eher das Problem ist.
ISSN 1865-2263.
Broekel, Tom
The Geography of Innovation News.
Jena Economic Research Seminar Wintersemester 2021/22;
2021-11-17 - .
Broekel, Tom
The spatial diffusion of simple and complex technologies.
GSSI Webinar;
2021-10-28 - .
Broekel, Tom
R&D subsidies – What is “left” to be explored?.
COSPIN Workshop;
2021-10-28 - .
Broekel, Tom
The regional dimension of news.
60th ERSA Annual Congress;
2021-08-28 - .
Broekel, Tom
Did you see the news? Linking local news and regional development,.
60th ERSA Annual Congress;
2021-08-24 - .
Broekel, Tom
Diversity, Complexity or Relatedness of Occupations – What Drives Industrial and Regional Development?.
Annual Meeting of the German Section of the Regional Science Association (GfR);
2021-07-02 - .
Broekel, Tom
The relationship of skill-complexity, diversity, and relatedness with regional growth.
Regions in Recovery festival;
2021-06-11 - .
Broekel, Tom
Technological complexity and economic growth.
Complexity Science Hub Vienna Seminars;
2021-05-07 - .
Broekel, Tom
The geography of innovation and technology news – An empirical study of the German news media, online presentation.
CRIE Seminar, University of Bremen;
2021-04-27 - .
Broekel, Tom
The relationship of skill-complexity, diversity, and relatedness with regional growth, invited seminar.
WIFO Research Seminar;
2021-04-14 - .
Haus-Reve, Silje;
Fitjar, Rune Dahl;
Broekel, Tom;
Knüpling, L
Smart specialization in skills: Skill-complexity and skill-relatedness of Norwegian regions. .
Geography of Innovation Conference;
2020-11-28 - 2020-11-29.
Fitjar, Rune Dahl;
Haus-Reve, Silje;
Broekel, Tom
Smart spesialisering i Rogaland.
Deegan, Jason;
Broekel, Tom;
Fitjar, Rune Dahl
Searching through the haystack: The relatedness and complexity of prioritised industries.
European Policies Research Centre Webinar Series;
Deegan, Jason;
Broekel, Tom;
Fitjar, Rune Dahl
Searching through the haystack: The relatedness and complexity of prioritised industries.
Rethinking Clusters - III International Conference on Cluster Research ;
2020-11-24 - 2020-11-25.
Fitjar, Rune Dahl;
Haus-Reve, Silje;
Brökel, Tom
Smart spesialisering i Rogaland.
Presentasjon for Rogaland fylkeskommune;
Fitjar, Rune Dahl;
Haus-Reve, Silje;
Brökel, Tom
Hva kan vi bli gode på i Rogaland? Mot en ny strategi for næringsutvikling?.
Børs og fakultet;
Fitjar, Rune Dahl;
Haus-Reve, Silje;
Brökel, Tom
Smart spesialisering i Rogaland.
Broekel, Tom
The Geography of Innovation .
BISS Bochum International Summer School;
2002-08-22 - 2022-08-26.