For UiS studenter: "Highered Banking, Finance, Consulting Virtual Career Fair" frå 9 - 11 mai, 2023.

Tirsdag 9. mai kl. 08:00 - Torsdag 11. mai kl. 20:00,

Vi ønskjer deg velkommen til å registrere deg for å bli med på "Banking, Finance, and Consulting Virtual Career Fair" frå 9. til 11. mai, med spesiell merksemd til 10. mai, då rekrutterere vil vente ved stendene sine, klare til å komme i kontakt med deg gjennom chat og live webinarer.

Publisert Sist oppdatert
Banking, Finance, Consulting Virtual Career Fair picture

NNB! Yrkesmessa er internasjonal og går føre seg på engelsk. Difor er den vidare informasjonen nedanfor på engelsk.

UiS students are invited to join the Highered Banking, Finance, Consulting Virtual Career Fair from May 9 - 11, 2023.

Attention! Here is your opportunity to connect with international top banking, finance, and consulting employers.

We welcome you to register to join the Banking, Finance, and Consulting Virtual Career Fair from May 9-11th, with particular attention to May 10th, when recruiters will be waiting at their booths, ready to connect with you through chat and live webinars. 

Pro tip: Update your profile and turn on the "Be discovered" mode to stand out to recruiters!

Participating companies such as AXA Investment Managers, Deloitte, Accenture, UniCredit, Capfi Groupe, DLPK, are waiting for you.  

Invite your classmates, friends, and colleagues.

This event is part of the 2023 Highered Event Series, and here are some of the participating companies that are waiting for you. 

 It's an excellent opportunity for students and graduates to get trainee positions and full-time jobs, CV, and career coaching.

 How to register:

  1. Click the link below and follow the prompt to create a profile
  2. Look for "Virtual Events" from the Menu (on mobile) or top navigation bar (on desktop)
  3. Search for "University of Stavanger" and verify with your student E-mail.
  4. Finally, register for the virtual fair.

Note: You must use your student e-mail (for example "" and not your student number when you sign up.

 Please use this link to sign in:

Links to an external site.