Marianna Dudley: Energy Landscapes and renewable energy in UK

Onsdag 24. august 2022 kl. 14:00-15:30,
Hulda Garborgs hus,
HG N-106.

Greenhouse gjesteforsker i grønn omstilling Marianna Dudley holder foredrag om sitt prosjekt

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Marianna Dudley

In the fall of 2022, University of Stavanger is welcoming 12 guest researchers and artists from across the world to engage with each other and the UiS community in a semester-long exploration of the meanings of green transitions.

In this Greenhouse Green Transitions Lecture, Marianna Dudley presents the project she is working on during her fellowship in Stavanger. Marianna is a historian at the University of Bristol. Her work explores environmental change and its impacts on communities, places, and politics in modern Britain. The rise of renewable energy is a current focus, and she is writing a history of wind energy.

The transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy is a key step towards reducing global carbon emissions, and it is already underway. Wind energy in particular is a tested, reliable, and increasingly cheap way to produce electricity. Much of the discourse around renewables is focused on their future potential, but these are technologies already in use, with substantial histories. During my Green Transitions Fellowship, I’ll be exploring how historical understanding of wind energy (and other renewables) can inform the ‘clean’ energy transition. I will be taking a critical look at how new energy infrastructure has been introduced into historical energy landscapes, and thinking about turbines as a generative presence – producing not just electricity, but also contributing to a ‘sense of place’, to locally-forged identities, and to ideas of environment, activism, protest, and politics.

The lecture will be live streamed on Zoom. Register via Zoom to receive a link. A recording of the lecture with captioning will be available afterwards.