Python microcourses

The University in Stavanger offers 4 microcourses in Python programming. The courses are project based with a combination of theoretical and practical approach.

Published Updated on

2 (E-MOD321- E-MOD323) 4 (E-MOD324)



Method of work


Teaching language


Next startup

Spring 2025

Application deadline



6000 NOK per course+ semester fee + literature

There are four microcourses in Python programming. You can choose whether you wish to take all of the four courses or just one/some of the courses. Each course has a duration of one semester. The course will be set up as long as there is a sufficient amount of applicants. You can read more about the courses by pressing the read more button.

Basic Python programming with subsurface applications course E-MOD321 (2 ECTS)

This micro-course is the first in a four-micro-course-program created for professionals who need to incorporate python programming in their daily work, but who have little or no background in Python.

Picture over basic python progamming

Course decription

Trough this course you
will develop a functional understanding of Python as a programming language. At the end of this course, you will have the basic skills to understand and write simple Python code. among other various tasks. You will also learn how to import and export files, such as text files, Excel files, simulation grid files, output files from reservoir simulators, and images, from local or online servers.

At the end of the course, students can:

  • Organize virtual environments in the Anaconda interface.
  • Understand Python libraries and their usage.
  • Construct metadata and documentation to support Python code.
  • Be able to create and design Python codes.
  • Acquire and use technical vocabulary for Python programming.
  • This is a project-based course where the students learn concepts and their application to practical problems. We use multiple forms of dissemination: the student learns from teaching material prior to the class. In the class, physical teaching is mixed with guided coding activities during 2 days. After the class, virtual meetings are held to discuss the student coding project.
  • Teaching material available prior to the course meeting
  • 2 days physical teaching with integrated lectures and labs
  • Python programming on laptop/computer during meetings and at home
  • One virtual meeting during the micro-course to assist with the project
  • Virtual meeting at the end of the micro-course to discuss the project outcomes
  • There will be a combination of digital lectures and lectures in classroom and labs (to be announced).
  • 2 weeks digital homeexam
  • The exam is a practical coding project. The students will submit the code with internal documentation and the output with a short explanation.
  • Date: to be announced

General admission requirements

  • Higher Education Entrance Qualification (GSK = grunnleggende studiekompetanse) or prior learning (realkompetanse).
  • Read more about the admission requirements here: Universitet og høgskole - Samordna opptak. If you apply on the basis of formal competence , the necessary documentation must be uploaded at the same time as you apply.

Admission requirements for foreign education

  • You must document their higher education entrance qualification according to the GSU-list. You can find more information about the GSU-list here by choosing the country where your education is taken. The language requirement is mandotary for English and Norwegian.
  • You must must upload an offical translated diploma in either English or a Scandinavian language before submission.

Language requirements

  • Applicants with English as a second language must document sufficient knowledge of English. Either an English test like TOEFL or upload a document from your HR/superior at work, that English is your working language.
  • To learn more about the language requirement go to Samordnaopptak
  • You can also go to Samordna opptak to see which countries require an English test (GSU list).
  • If you do not meet the language requirements above you may apply on the basis of prior learning. If the default language at work is english, please upload a document from your manager/HR manager that confirms your language proficiency.

Admission based on prior learning (realkompetanse)

  • If you wish to apply for admission to higher education, are aged 25 or over and do not have higher education entrance qualifications, you may apply on the basis of prior learning. The University of Stavanger itself has the authority to assess what qualifications that are required. Please upload a CV and work-certificate.
  • Material available prior to the course startup.

Apply for Basic Python programming with subsurface applications E-MOD321

Data analytics and visualization in Python with subsurface applications course E-MOD322 (2 ECTS)

Data Analytics and Visualization

This micro-course is the second in a four-micro-course program created for professionals who need to incorporate python programming in their daily work, but who have little or no background in Python. At the end of this course, students will have the basic skills to fetch, clean, visualise and analyse subsurface data using Python. Students will have the opportunity to work with different domain-specific data types (e.g. LAS, SEG-Y, xyz).

At the end of the course, students can:

  • Create plots, tables, and graphs using Python.
  • ii Import Python libraries for data analysis and visualization, such as NumPy, Pandas,
  • Matplotlib, and Seaborn.
  • Visualize and analyze orientation data, grids, and images using Python.
  • Visualize and analyze domain-specific data using external libraries (e.g. Lasio, Segyio, PyVisA).
  • Acquire and use the technical vocabulary for data analysis and visualisation.
  • This is a project-based course where the students learn concepts and their application to practical problems. We use multiple forms of dissemination: the student learns from teaching material prior to the class. In the class, physical teaching is mixed with guided coding activities during 2 days. After the class, virtual meetings are held to discuss the student coding project.
  • Teaching material available prior to the course meeting
  • 2 days physical teaching with integrated lectures and labs
  • Python programming on laptop/computer during meetings and at home
  • One virtual meeting during the micro-course to assist with the project
  • Virtual meeting at the end of the micro-course to discuss the project outcomes
  • There will be a combination of digital lectures and physical teaching with integrated lectures and labs (to be announced).
  • Exam: 2 weeks project
  • The exam is a practical coding project. The students will submit the code
    with internal documentation and the output with a short explanation.
  • Date: to be annonced

General admission requirements

  • Higher Education Entrance Qualification (GSK = grunnleggende studiekompetanse) or prior learning (realkompetanse).
  • Read more about the admission requirements here: Universitet og høgskole - Samordna opptak. If you apply on the basis of formal competence , the necessary documentation must be uploaded at the same time as you apply.

Admission requirements for foreign education

  • You must document their higher education entrance qualification according to the GSU-list. You can find more information about the GSU-list here by choosing the country where your education is taken. The language requirement is mandotary for English and Norwegian.
  • You must must upload an offical translated diploma in either English or a Scandinavian language before submission.

Language requirements

  • Applicants with English as a second language must document sufficient knowledge of English. Either an English test like TOEFL or upload a document from your HR/superior at work, that English is your working language.
  • To learn more about the language requirement go to Samordnaopptak
  • You can also go to Samordna opptak to see which countries require an English test (GSU list).
  • If you do not meet the language requirements above you may apply on the basis of prior learning. If the default language at work is english, please upload a document from your manager/HR manager that confirms your language proficiency.

Admission based on prior learning (realkompetanse)

  • If you wish to apply for admission to higher education, are aged 25 or over and do not have higher education entrance qualifications, you may apply on the basis of prior learning. The University of Stavanger itself has the authority to assess what qualifications that are required. Please upload a CV and work-certificate.
  • Material available prior to the course startup.

Apply for course Data analytics and visualization in Python with subsurface applications

Applied statistics and Machine learning with subsurface applications course E-MOD323 (2- ECTS)

Applied Statistics and Machine learning

This micro-course is the third in a four-micro-course program created for professionals who need to incorporate python programming in their daily work, but who have little or no background in Python. At the end of this course, students will have a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts upon which applied statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are based and the differences between these methods. They will have the opportunity to apply these methods to domain-specific areas (e.g. well logs 1D and seismic data 2-3D).

  • At the end of the course, students can:
  • Differentiate between applied statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
  • Apply statistical tools, such as numpy, scipy, and pandas on real world examples (e.g. subsurface and engineering problems).
  • Apply advanced machine learning libraries, sklearn and pytorch on real world examples (e.g. subsurface and engineering problems).
  • Develop awareness of how to apply these techniques.
  • Acquire the basic concept and relative vocabulary for applied statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
  • This is a project-based course where the students learn concepts and their application to practical problems. We use multiple forms of dissemination: the student learns from teaching material prior to the class. In the class, physical teaching is mixed with guided coding activities during 2 days. After the class, virtual meetings are held to discuss the student coding project.
  • Teaching material available prior to the course meeting
  • 2 days physical teaching with integrated lectures and labs
  • Python programming on laptop/computer during meetings and at home
  • One virtual meeting during the micro-course to assist with the project
  • Virtual meeting at the end of the micro-course to discuss the project outcomes
  • There will be a combination of digital lectures and psysical teching with integrated lectures and labs (to be annonced).
  • Exam: 2 weeks project
  • The exam is a practical coding project. The students will submit the code with internal documentation and the output with a short explanation.
  • Date: to be announced

General admission requirements

  • Higher Education Entrance Qualification (GSK = grunnleggende studiekompetanse) or prior learning (realkompetanse).
  • Read more about the admission requirements here: Universitet og høgskole - Samordna opptak. If you apply on the basis of formal competence , the necessary documentation must be uploaded at the same time as you apply.

Admission requirements for foreign education

  • You must document their higher education entrance qualification according to the GSU-list. You can find more information about the GSU-list here by choosing the country where your education is taken. The language requirement is mandotary for English and Norwegian.
  • You must must upload an offical translated diploma in either English or a Scandinavian language before submission.

Language requirements

  • Applicants with English as a second language must document sufficient knowledge of English. Either an English test like TOEFL or upload a document from your HR/superior at work, that English is your working language.
  • To learn more about the language requirement go to Samordnaopptak
  • You can also go to Samordna opptak to see which countries require an English test (GSU list).
  • If you do not meet the language requirements above you may apply on the basis of prior learning. If the default language at work is english, please upload a document from your manager/HR manager that confirms your language proficiency.

Admission based on prior learning (realkompetanse)

  • If you wish to apply for admission to higher education, are aged 25 or over and do not have higher education entrance qualifications, you may apply on the basis of prior learning. The University of Stavanger itself has the authority to assess what qualifications that are required. Please upload a CV and work-certificate.
  • Material available prior to the course startup.

Apply for course Applied statistics and Machine learning with subsurface applications

Advanced Python programming with subsurface applications course E-MOD324 (4 ECTS)

Advanced python programming

This micro-course is the last in a four-micro-course program created for professionals who need to incorporate Python programming in their daily work, but who have little or no background in Python. At the end of this course, students will be able to recognize the structure of codes, develop unit tests, and identify strategies for robust and readable codes. The skills and knowledge developed in this course provide a basis for incorporating basic programming tasks into workflows where repetitive tasks may be automated through coding. Students will have the opportunity to apply these skills in domain-specific tasks (e.g. subsurface applications).

  • This is a project-based course where the students learn concepts and their application to practical problems. We use multiple forms of dissemination: the student learns from teaching material prior to the class. In the class, physical teaching is mixed with guided coding activities during 2 days. After the class, virtual meetings are held to discuss the student coding project.
  • Teaching material available prior to the course meeting
  • 2 days physical teaching with integrated lectures and labs
  • Python programming on laptop/computer during meetings and at home
  • Two virtual meetings during the micro-course to assist with the project
  • Physical meeting of one day at the end of the micro-course to discuss the project outcomes
  • There will be a combination of digital lectures and psysical teching with integrated lectures and labs (to be annonced).
  • Exam: 2 weeks project
  • The exam is a practical coding project. The students will submit the code with internal documentation and the output with a short explanation.
  • Date: to be announced

General admission requirements

  • Higher Education Entrance Qualification (GSK = grunnleggende studiekompetanse) or prior learning (realkompetanse).
  • Read more about the admission requirements here: Universitet og høgskole - Samordna opptak. If you apply on the basis of formal competence , the necessary documentation must be uploaded at the same time as you apply.

Admission requirements for foreign education

  • You must document their higher education entrance qualification according to the GSU-list. You can find more information about the GSU-list here by choosing the country where your education is taken. The language requirement is mandotary for English and Norwegian.
  • You must must upload an offical translated diploma in either English or a Scandinavian language before submission.

Language requirements

  • Applicants with English as a second language must document sufficient knowledge of English. Either an English test like TOEFL or upload a document from your HR/superior at work, that English is your working language.
  • To learn more about the language requirement go to Samordnaopptak
  • You can also go to Samordna opptak to see which countries require an English test (GSU list).
  • If you do not meet the language requirements above you may apply on the basis of prior learning. If the default language at work is english, please upload a document from your manager/HR manager that confirms your language proficiency.

Admission based on prior learning (realkompetanse)

  • If you wish to apply for admission to higher education, are aged 25 or over and do not have higher education entrance qualifications, you may apply on the basis of prior learning. The University of Stavanger itself has the authority to assess what qualifications that are required. Please upload a CV and work-certificate.
  • Material available prior to the course startup.

Apply for course Advanced Python programming with subsurface applications


Associate Professor
E 301-B
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy Resources

Administrative contacts

Executive Officer
Division of Education
UiS Lifelong Learning
Senior Adviser
Division of Education
UiS Lifelong Learning