Advanced Applications in GIS: Topology and Networks E-GEO370

This course aims to build on existing knowledge of geographic information systems so that participants may learn and apply advanced knowledge and skills for solving spatial problems.

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6000 NOK + semester fee+ Literature

In this course, we focus on the connectivity and behavior of spatial data. Students will learn how to create networks and define topological relationships that are needed in areas like city planning and routing.

Course manager Lisa Jean Watson


GIS Technology

This course focuses on topology and networks, which are applicable for city planning, emergency routing, and various services.

At the end of the semester, students should be able to create a spatial database with topological relationships and use network analytical methods. This course builds on basic cartographic applications and assumes students have some familiarity with GIS software. The course uses the open-source geographic information software QGIS. Successful graduates of the course are issued an official QGIS training certification. This is the only course in Norway that provides official QGIS training certification for topology and network analysis. 

At the end of the course, students will: 

  • Be able to read, understand, and interpret databases with topological relationships; 
    • Have an understanding of network analytical methods; 
    • Be able to create spatial databases with topological relationships; and
    • Be able to solve spatial problems using network analytical methods. 

This is a project-based learning course. The course is a self-paced, where the student learns from reading, watching short videos, answering progress questions, and working through practical exercises. A weekly voluntary online meeting will be scheduled to suit the majority of class participant schedules. All of the course activities build on each other so the student has the skills to combine all of the course learning into a GIS mapping project. The course runs for 8 weeks, where 5 weeks are intended for the course learning and 3 weeks for the exam/project. 

This course does not cover basic introductory GIS material. In the course, all students are expected to have an understanding of GIS principles and how to use QGIS. There will not be spent time on these concepts.

There will be a course launch meeting monday 1st of September 09:00.

This is an online course where you can follow the lectures in your own pace.

A project based in the GIS is due by the course end. It is weighted at 100%. The purpose of the mapping project is to evaluate the understanding of applying GIS to a mapping problem. Resubmission of project follows offering of course; re-enrollment not required. 

  • Project assignment
  • Duration: 6th of October 13:00 - 31st of October 13:00. Submission via Canvas.
  • Grading scale: A-F 

General admission requirements

  • Higher Education Entrance Qualification (GSK = grunnleggende studiekompetanse) or prior learning (realkompetanse).
  • Read more about the admission requirements here: Universitet og høgskole - Samordna opptak. If you apply on the basis of formal competence , the necessary documentation must be uploaded at the same time as you apply.

Admission requirements for foreign education

  • You must document their higher education entrance qualification according to the GSU-list. You can find more information about the GSU-list here by choosing the country where your education is taken. The language requirement is mandotary for English and Norwegian.
  • You must must upload an offical translated diploma in either English or a Scandinavian language before submission.

Language requirements

  • Applicants with English as a second language must document sufficient knowledge of English. Either an English test like TOEFL or upload a document from your HR/superior at work, that English is your working language.
  • To learn more about the language requirement go to Samordna opptak.
  • You can also go to Samordna opptak to see which countries require an English test (GSU list).
  • If you do not meet the language requirements above you may apply on the basis of prior learning. If the default language at work is english, please upload a document from your manager/HR manager that confirms your language proficiency.

Admission based on prior learning (realkompetanse)

  • If you wish to apply for admission to higher education, are aged 25 or over and do not have higher education entrance qualifications, you may apply on the basis of prior learning. The University of Stavanger itself has the authority to assess what qualifications that are required. Please upload a CV and work-certificate.

Literature is provided in Canvas and written by course responsible.

The course will be set up as long as there is a sufficient amount of applicants.


Associate Professor
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy Resources

Adminstrative contacts

Executive Officer
Division of Education
UiS Lifelong Learning
Senior Adviser
Division of Education
UiS Lifelong Learning