The Good Society

Friday 25 October 2024 11:15-12:00,
Universitetsbiblioteket, Campus Ullandhaug.

Mímir Kristjánsson and Simen Velle discuss what is best for Norwegian society.

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It’s not always easy to spot the major political differences in small Norway. Politicians’ visions for a good society are strikingly similar. By looking to the political extremes, we might uncover some real alternatives, some choices. 

We’ve invited two political rivals, Mímir Kristjánsson from Rødt and Simen Velle from Frp, to discuss what they want for Norway. What constitutes a good society? What is the good life? And what should we do with all the money we earn in this country? 

Simen Velle, leader of Fpu, has successfully engaged a new generation with his politics and his TikTok presence. The party is growing and attracting young voters. Velle is challenging the old saying: if you’re not left-wing when you’re young, you have no heart; if you’re not right-wing when you’re older, you have no brain. 

Every norwegian has a relative who votes for Frp but also admits to liking Mímir Kristjánsson. The Stavanger-born Icelander, from Norway’s most far-left party, knows how to charm and engage people across the political spectrum. He has helped the Red Party establish itself as a relevant and solid party with eight seats in the Norwegian parliament. 

The conversation will be moderated by Ingeborg F. Solli from UiS School of Business and Law 

This event is a collaboration betwenn KÅKÅnomics, University of Stavanger and the university library.