Specialization in History (LHIS271)

Course description for study year 2024-2025


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction


Required prerequisite knowledge

One of the following alternatives:
HIS145 European History from Antiquity to 1815, HIS165 Modern History, HIS175 What is History? Historiography, Historical Theory, Method and History Didactics
HIS100 Modern History after 1914, HIS105 Modern History after 1814 AD, HIS110 Antique and Medieval History before 1350 AD, HIS115 Later Middle Ages and Early Modern History 1350-1815, HIS190 What is History?
HIS100 Modern History after 1914, HIS105 Modern History after 1814 AD, HIS115 Later Middle Ages and Early Modern History 1350-1815, HIS190 What is History?
HIS145 European History from Antiquity to 1815, HIS175 What is History? Historiography, Historical Theory, Method and History Didactics, HIS195 The History of the City
HIS145 European History from Antiquity to 1815, HIS165 Modern History, HIS195 The History of the City
HIS165 Modern History, HIS175 What is History? Historiography, Historical Theory, Method and History Didactics, HIS195 The History of the City


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Oral exam 1/1 20 Minutes Letter grades All

Coursework requirements

Three mandatory assignments, Mandatory participation

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Vidar Fagerheim Kalsås

Course teacher:

Marie-Theres Fojuth

Study Adviser:

Anne Marie Nygaard

Course teacher:

Gitte Westergaard


Search for literature in Leganto