Qualitative Research in (Higher) Education (DUH240)

The course is structured as a hybrid offering, with a blend of online and face-to-face components. Our primary platform for course management will be Canvas. All course materials, including the syllabus, weekly readings, and announcements, will be accessible through the Canvas site. This platform will also serve as a hub for interactive discussions and engagement opportunities. Furthermore, it will be the key channel for staying informed about course updates and announcements.

Course description for study year 2024-2025


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start

Spring, Autumn

Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



The course is designed to introduce PhD students to the methodology of qualitative research while fostering a deep understanding of its application in the field of (higher) education. It places significant emphasis on relevant theories, methods, and best practices in qualitative research to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and competence needed for effective planning, execution, and reporting of qualitative inquiries.

A key component of the course involves critically engaging with recommended resources to prepare for in-depth theoretical discussions on various aspects of qualitative research, including research topics, design choices, data collection strategies, and approaches to data analysis. In pursuit of this goal, students will identify and explore diverse approaches within qualitative research designs. They will also cultivate their qualitative research skills, following a structured course curriculum that offers step-by-step guidance, hands-on experiences, and interactive activities.

Moreover, the course places an emphasis on both individual and collaborative qualitative research skills development. This approach enhances students' capacity to generate practical and theoretical knowledge, fostering a holistic understanding of qualitative research methodologies.

The course will be structured around the following overarching questions:

  1. What defines qualitative research, and why is it of significance?
  2. How are qualitative research methods selected and applied effectively?
  3. What kind of inquiries prompt qualitative research investigations in the realm of (higher) education?
  4. What initial assumptions underpin qualitative research, both in a general context and within the sphere of (higher) education?
  5. What are the various approaches and methodologies available for qualitative research?
  6. What analytical techniques are commonly employed by qualitative researchers?
  7. What are the diverse methods and frameworks for facilitating discussions within qualitative research?
  8. How do qualitative researchers go about documenting and sharing their research findings?

Course Expectations and Requirements:

Graduate-Level Performance: We expect all students to demonstrate a high level of performance consistent with graduate-level studies. At this level, students are expected to take significant responsibility for their own learning. Consequently, it is essential that you diligently and thoroughly complete all relevant assignments before each class.

Class Attendance and Participation: Active participation during in-class sessions is expected from all students. Your presence and active engagement contribute significantly to the learning environment.

Timely Submission: All assignments should be submitted on time. Unless otherwise specified, all out-of-class assignments should be typewritten. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Self-Regulation: You are responsible for managing your own learning and ensuring that you cover the syllabus comprehensively. Take an active role in your educational journey.Feedback: We strongly encourage you to seek regular feedback on your progress through either face-to-face or online tutorials.Academic Honesty:

Plagiarism Warning: In this course, we emphasize the importance of academic honesty. Plagiarism, which involves presenting someone else's words, ideas, or work as your own, is strictly prohibited. This includes copying others' homework, using someone else's work without proper attribution, using your own previous work for credit without permission, or paraphrasing another's work without giving appropriate credit. It also extends to using others' ideas without proper acknowledgment.

Citation and Attribution: Properly referencing the work of others not only enhances the quality of your own work but also demonstrates your engagement within an intellectual community. Whenever you refer to someone else's ideas or work, it is essential to provide correct attribution and citation. Failing to do so is considered academic dishonesty. Unacknowledged copying or paraphrasing of someone else's work is also a breach of academic integrity.

Consequences: Violations of academic honesty will result in consequences, ranging from failing an assignment or the entire course to potential dismissal from the university. If you have any doubts or questions about citation and attribution, please seek clarification. It is always better to prevent or correct genuine misunderstandings.

The instruction language for this course is English.

Learning outcome


By the end of the course, students will have the capacity to:

  • Comprehend the major approaches to qualitative research in the field of education.
  • Analyze fundamental theories that underlie various research paradigms.
  • Explain the principles that underpin the utilization of qualitative research methods.
  • Justify qualitative research processes in terms of their robustness and rigor.


Upon completing the course, students will be proficient in:

  • Identifying and developing research topics suitable for in-depth exploration of educational phenomena.
  • Formulating research questions using qualitative research methods.
  • Conducting procedures related to research design, participant selection, and contextual considerations.
  • Collecting and analyzing data using a variety of methods.
  • Synthesizing and integrating data from multiple sources effectively.
  • Drafting individual or collaborative qualitative research reports.
  • Strategizing, conducting, and evaluating qualitative research for professional development.


At the end of the course, students will have the competence to:

  1. Develop a thorough understanding of key terms and contemporary issues in qualitative research within the context of (higher) education, such as reflexivity, voice, authority, representation, credibility, trustworthiness, and ethics.
  2. Cultivate a critical perspective through which to address educational challenges and concerns.
  3. Derive data-driven interpretations to inform and improve educational practices.
  4. Gain insights into the complexities and challenges associated with conducting qualitative research in educational settings.

Required prerequisite knowledge



Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Written assignment and oral exam 1/1 Passed / Not Passed

The final evaluation comprises a 20-minute oral examination, which can be conducted online or in person. The examination begins with a 10-minute verbal presentation of a self-selected qualitative research design that employs a specific approach. This presentation should include a detailed description of the design, the context, the participants, the data collection and analysis methods, as well as the processes for ensuring validity and constructing the research.Following the presentation, there will be a collegial discussion about the presented project. The examination will be assessed on a pass/fail basis, and you will receive comprehensive constructive feedback on your performance.

Coursework requirements

Active participation in lectures and seminars, accompanied by a minimum attendance rate of 75%, and the timely completion of written small-scale assignments are mandatory components of this course.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Kenan Dikilitas

Study Program Director:

Hein Berdinesen

Method of work

The course is offered partially on CANVAS platform in the form of a hybrid course (online+F2F). Course materials (e.g., syllabus, weekly readings, and announcements) is available on the CANVAS site, which also provides opportunities for communication - access to course content, updates, and announcements as well as submission of the given assignments.

The course consists of lectures led by course tutors and seminars based also on student-led discussions. A detailed timetable and syllabus is made available to the course participants at the beginning of the semester.

Open for

The course is designed and offered to PhD-candidates in higher education as well as those in the Faculty of Arts and Education and the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Stavanger. PhD candidates in programs at other universities and research institutions may also register for the course.

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital subject evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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