Steel Structures (BYG200)

The course initially introduces properties of steel, behavior of steel structures, corresponding fracture/failure scenarios and design philosophy of steel structures. The course mainly provides a fundamental understanding of design principles of steel structural elements/structures in ultimate and serviceability limit states in accordance with Eurocode and National Annex. The course finally introduces computer tools for structural analysis and design by few case studies.

Course description for study year 2024-2025


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



Introduction to steel structures; Properties and behavior of structural steel; Design philosophy and code of practices; Applications, types, elastic or plastic behavior (i.e. cross sectional yielding or fracture due to axial force, bending, shear or bearing and buckling of member due to local, flexural buckling, torsional or lateral torsional) and design of steel structural elements (i.e. tension members, compression members, flexural members, axially loaded members with moments, torsion members and joints) in ultimate and serviceability limit states in accordance with Eurocode and National Annex; Introduction to element method and relevant computer tools.

Learning outcome

After completing the course, the student shall be able to design steel structural elements such as tension members, compression members, flexural members, axially loaded members subjected to bending moments and torsion, in ultimate and serviceability limit states. In addition, the student should be able to recognize various types of fracture models, caused by structural damages, deterioration, fatigue, as well as maintain and repair the damaged steel structural elements.

Required prerequisite knowledge


Recommended prerequisites

BYG140 Structural Mechanics 1


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Written exam 1/1 4 Hours Letter grades Alle kalkulatorer, Norsk Standard NS-EN 1993-1-1:2005+A1:2014+NA:2015, Norsk Standard NS-1993-1-8: 2005+NA:2009, Alle sammendrag utdelt i forelesninger, Steel Profile and Formula book “Stålkonstrukjoner”, Maximum 10 pages (A4 size) of own handwritten

Written exam on paper.

Coursework requirements

5 of the total of 7 compulsory assignments must be approved in order to take the exam.

Course teacher(s)

Head of Department:

Mona Wetrhus Minde

Coordinator laboratory exercises:

Samdar Kakay

Method of work

6 hours of lectures and 2 hours tutorials per week. Compulsory assignments.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Steel Structures 1 (BIB520_1) 5
Steel structures 2 (BIB510_1) 5

Open for

Civil Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering Mechanical Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering Marine and Subsea Technology, Master of Science Degree Programme, Five Years
Exchange programme at Faculty of Science and Technology

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital subject evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


The syllabus can be found in Leganto