Nominate for the University Fund’s Presentation and Community Involvement Award

The objective of the award is to promote outstanding presentation and community involvement at the University of Stavanger (UiS).

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To kvinner med blomsterbukett og diplom
Ingvill Hellstrand (left) was awarded the prize for 2022, presented by Cecilie Claviez from the University Fund. (Photo by Line Hausken / UiS)

The award shall encourage research presentation/communication, artistic presentation and community involvement. Presentation of research and artistic presentation may include all forms of presentation from the candidate's own field of study to the general public and/or external user groups. Community involvement also includes participation in social debate, cooperation with society and businesses and participation on boards and public councils or committees.

The award is an honorary award made to employees and students who in recent years, and in particular the calendar year to which the prize applies, have excelled in these areas. It can be awarded to an employee, a student or a group composed of such at the UiS.

Students, staff and organisational bodies at the UiS can nominate candidates for the award.

Nominations of candidates for the award must be submitted by 15 August following the year to which the award applies.

Nominations shall be justified and documented in the form of:

  •          The candidate's presentation activities
  •          The candidate’s community involvement
  •          The candidate's profile in public and among user groups

Nominate your candidate here

The award is presented by a representative from the University Fund. The award consists of a diploma and a grant of NOK 50,000 awarded by the University Fund.

Candidates are assessed by a jury consisting of the Rector (chairman of the jury), the Prorector for Innovation and Society, a representative from the University Fund, a representative from the media, a representative from the scientific employees and the Chairman of the Student Organisation.

The Secretariat for the award is the Department of Communication and Public Affairs. For any queries, please get in touch with Camilla Larsen.

The award ceremony is held during the National Science Week in Norway Forskningsdagene

Rewarding employees and students for presentation and community involvement is completely aligned with our ambition to be a collaborative and inclusive university.

Rector Klaus Mohn


Statutes for the university fund's presentation and community involvement award

§1. Objective 

The Presentation and Community Involvement Award was set up by University Fund for Rogaland AS (the University Fund). Its objective is to promote outstanding presentation and community involvement at the University of Stavanger (UiS). 

§2. Nature of the award 

The award shall encourage research presentation/communication, artistic presentation and community involvement. Research presentation/communication and artistic presentation mean all forms of presentation from the candidate's own field of study to the general public and/or external user groups. Community involvement also includes participation in social debate, cooperation with society and businesses and participation on boards and public councils/committees. 

The award is an honorary award made to employees and students who in recent years, and in particular the calendar year to which the prize applies, have excelled in these areas. It can be awarded to an employee, a student or a group composed of such at the UiS. 

The award consists of a diploma and a grant awarded by the University Fund. 

§3. Nomination rights 

Students, staff and organisational bodies at the UiS can nominate candidates for the award. 

Nominations of candidates for the award are made before 1 June during the year following the year to which the award applies. 

Nominations shall be justified and documented in the form of: 

  • The candidate's presentation activities 
  • The candidate’s community involvement 
  • The candidate's profile in public and among user groups 

§4. Processing of nominations 

Candidates are assessed by a jury consisting of the Rector (chairman of the jury), the Prorector for Innovation and Society, a representative from the University Fund, a representative from the media, a representative from the scientific employees and the Chairman of the Student Organisation. The jury’s decision is final when selecting the award winner. 

The Secretariat for the award is the Department of Communication and Public Affairs.  

§5. Award ceremony 

The award is presented by a representative from the University Fund during Forskningsdagene, the National Science Week in Norway, in September each year. 

§6. Establishment of statutes 

The Board of Directors of the University of Stavanger establishes the statutes which apply to the award. The Rector is authorised to make any necessary amendments to the statutes.