UiS' green travel grant for outbound exchange

UiS offers students planning to go on exchange through Erasmus+ the opportunity to apply for an environmental grant. The grant is part of UiS's commitment to green transformation.

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There are 5 grants available each academic year: 2 grants for the spring semester and 3 for the autumn semester. Each grant is a one-time amount of NOK 2,000.

Feel free to use the travel calculator, Klimasmart Semester, to explore how you can make your journey as environmentally friendly as possible. Considering traveling by train? Check out Erasmus by train and plan your trip at interrail.eu.

Utsikt fra tog i vinterlandskap

Application and allocation

Send a message to your contact person in the Exchange Guide, describing your travel route and indicating your intention to apply for the UiS environmental grant.

Application deadlines

  • Spring semester: 1 February
  • Autumn semester: 1 June

The grant is awarded after the deadline for documenting the journey. If there are more eligible applicants than available grants, a lottery will be conducted. Students awarded the grant will be contacted through the Exchange Guide.

Documentation of the journey

After the stay, upload travel documents (receipts, tickets, or similar) in the Exchange Guide. Students unable to document that over half of the journey was made using environmentally friendly transportation will not receive the grant.

Documentation Deadlines

  • Spring semester: 30 August
  • Autumn semester: 30 January

If the semester is not finished before the deadline, you can upload documents for the planned travel route.

Additionally, students awarded the environmental grant must contribute content to the International Section's Instagram account @uisutveksling. You must send us pictures and a brief text from the trip for later publication.

Grant payment

The environmental grant will be paid after the exchange period, along with any remaining Erasmus+ grant.

Payment dates

  • Spring semester: 30 September
  • Autumn semester: 28 February

When traveling through Erasmus+, you can also apply for additional funding for environmentally friendly travel, known as 'green travel.'