Rules when applying for exchange

What is required to go on exchange?

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Rules for applying for exchange as part of a full degree programme

Approved by the Education Committee on 12 September, 2012. Last revised on 15 November, 2023.

These rules apply to regular semester mobility.

  1. Students must apply for exchange within given deadlines. The application must be registered in Søknadsweb. The student must ensure that the registered application is complete and that any required documents are attached. Incomplete applications may be considered up to 1 week after the application deadline. The student must document the reason for the delay (for example, by submitting a medical certificate).
  2. Any offer will be sent via email, and the student must respond to the offer within the given deadline. The response must be registered in Søknadsweb. Please note that the offer will be cancelled if the student does not accept within the deadline.
  3. The student must have passed a minimum of 60 credits of higher education before the start of the exchange. A conditional offer may be considered if 60 credits have not been achieved at the time of application. This requires a plan to obtain the missing credits before the exchange. If this criterion is not met, the offer will be cancelled, regardless of the reason.
  4. The student must meet any requirements set by the partner institution.
  5. The exchange shall not lead to a delay in the student's studies.
  6. The academic content of the exchange must be pre-approved by the faculty/department. The student applies for pre-approval after accepting an offer from the International Office.