We conceptualize advanced operational functions as well as explore optimization methods and physics-informed AI to address present and future operational hurdles, aiming for economic, resilient, and secure operations of electric power system.
Merkebu Zenebe Degefa
Kristian Thorsen
We aim to facilitate implementations of proactive operations and better observability of the electric power grid. Our research equips human operators better with advanced tools and practices.

The dynamics in the power distribution system are increasing in relation to integration of renewables, the electrification process, and connections of new types of loads. On the other hand, with the large amount of data and communication possibilities availed by ubiquitous sensors and communication infrastructure, near real-time monitoring and control possibilities are becoming permissible. It is time to shift from the traditional way of operation anchoring on responding to incidents (reactive operations) to operational planning-based operations (proactive operations).
As the power system is a critical cyber-physical infrastructure, we are required to deploy new operational techniques and tools carefully while maintaining clear view of the physical infrastructure limitations and certain level of explanations to selected operational measures. We research on physics-informed approaches to solve Alternating Current Optimal Power Flow (ACOPF) problems which are fundamental analysis in operational and long-term network planning. We study optimization techniques and Artificial Intelligence related methods to solve the ACOPF problem in sufficiently acceptable accuracy and computational speed while tailored to specific operational functions.
New advanced operational functions enabling optimal, secure, and economic operations of the power system are conceptualized, implemented, and tested. While the main focus is on power distribution networks including regional (sub-transmission) (132 -32 kV in Norway), medium voltage (22-10 kV in Norway) and low voltage (230- 400 V in Norway) networks, high voltage transmission systems are also considered especially when operational coordination is an issue.
Important aspects for advanced power system operations such as load and generation forecasting as well as component and network model developments are studied in this group.
Domain expertise
- Modelling of power system load, generation, network and flexibility
- Optimization of power system operational objectives
- Power system analysis
- Design of ancillary services
- Voltage regulation and congestion management
Focus area
- Tools for proactive operations (economic and resilient)
- Optimization of operations (economic and resilient)
- TSO-DSO-Generations-Aggregators-Market interactions in operation
- Advanced operational functions
The research group
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
External collaborator:
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