Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science at University of Stavanger is a member of an international consortium that aims at developing didactic materials to improve knowledge concerning the implementation of Lean Thinking in the workplace.
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ERASMUS+ funded project Innovative Learning Approaches for Implementation of Lean Thinking to Enhance Office and Knowledge Work Productivity (ILA-LEAN) involves five European countries.
The specific objectives of the ILA-LEAN project:
- Increase the cooperation among educational institutions and enterprises in EU for better employability
- Increase the synergic use of up-to-date technologies, in an integrated way, with a team work approach and personal development
- Improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning of vocational contents on lean in Office and Knowledge of how it works and the workplace
- Increase the opportunity for distance learning
- Upgrade and innovate existing training tools
- Start Date: 01.10. 2016
- End Date: 30.09. 2018
- Project Reference: 2016-1-PL01-KA203-026293
Project partners
Educational partners:
- Poland- Rzeszow University of Technology
- Norway- University of Stavanger
- Portugal- University of Minho
- Finland- University of Oulu
Industrial partners: