UDIT 2023 – call for papers

UDIT (Norwegian Conference on Didactics in IT education) is a meeting place for scientific publication, discussion, and exchange of experiences related to teaching ICT in higher education.

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We welcome contributions on all topics related to education, teaching, didactics, and the use of ICT in learning. If you have gained new insights and good ideas through your work on developing a course or academic programme, UDIT can be an excellent arena for presenting and publishing your work.

UDIT invites the submission of research papers, which will be peer reviewed. Accepted papers will be published as part of the conference reports from the NIKT series (e-ISSN 1892-0721), which is accredited at Level 1 i Norway. Last year's UDIT papers can be found at https://ojs.bibsys.no/index.php/NIK/issue/view/87

It will also be possible to propose presentations based on abstract only. Abstracts will not be peer reviewed, but selected by the programme comittee based on their relevance and potential to generate fruitful discussion. Such abstract-only presentations are appropriate both for work in progress, and for challenges where the author invites input to concrete problems in their own teaching or educational design. Abstracts accepted this year are particularly welcome as full papers next year.

Research papers

Research papers submitted to UDIT are subject to peer review by at least two independent reviewers. Education and didactics is a broad disciplines, and we recognise that papers may be written in any of a range of genres, using methodologies from social, human, or natural sciences. Whatever the genre, we require a solid, scholarly standard, and the peer reviewers will use the following five criteria in the assessment.

  • Relevance for the conference
  • Potential to stimulate discussion on teaching and learning
  • Importance
    • Does the paper bring new knowledge to the community?
    • Does the paper deal with important issues in IT education or society more broadly?
    • Can the results be generalised?
      How useful are the results for teachers of other courses at other universities?
  • Scholarly quality
    • Are the goals and research questions clearly stated?
    • Are the methods clearly stated?
    • Are the results clearly formulated and justified in light of existing literature
      and/or empirical results?
    • Are the conclusions clear?
    • Are the references adequate and relevant?
  • Presentation
    • How readable is the paper? How well structured is it?
    • Does the title and abstract reflect the contents of the paper?
    • Is the paper formatted correctly according to the NIKT template, and does the paper stay within the page limit?

Practical Instructions

  • The principal language of the conference is Norwegian/Scandinavian.
    However, individual participants may also submit their paper and/or
    give the presentation in English, as desired.
  • All contributions have to be original and not be published or under
    review elsewhere.
  • Papers will be published with Open Access, and authors otherwise retain
    all rights to their contribution.
  • At least one author must register for the conference and present the work at the conference.
  • The upper page limit is 14 pages (including references).
    There is no lower page limit, and short contributions are welcome and
    will be assessed acording to the same criteria.
  • Submissions do not have to be anonymous, but you may choose to submit anonymously.
  • The deadlines for full papers are common for all NIKT tracks and will be announced
    on the NIKT page.
  • The deadline for abstract-only contributions is 15 October 2023.
  • Other details have to be agreed with the central organisation of NIKT and may change from last year. This will be announced later. This includes

UDIT 2023 organization


  • Chair: Hans Georg Schaathun, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Technical Co-chair: Yngve Lindsjørn, University of Oslo
  • Local Co-Chair: Erlend Tøssebro, University of Stavanger

Programme Committee:

  • Salah Uddin Ahmed, USN
  • Per-Arne Andersen, University of Agder
  • Marcin Fojcik, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • Laurence Habib, OsloMET
  • Birgit Krogstie, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Per Lauvås, Kristiania University College
  • Henrik Hillestad Løvold, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Robin Isfold Munkvold, Nord University
  • Torstein Strømme, University of Bergen