Disputation for Ingrid Glette-Iversen

Tuesday 18 June 2024 10:00-15:30,
UiS, Kjølv Egelands Hus,

Philosophiae Doctor Disputation - Faculty of Science and Technology

Published Updated on

Ingrid Glette-Iversen will defend her PhD thesis at the University of Stavanger, Kjølv Egeland House E-164. The language of the trial lecture will be English, while the disputation will be in Norwegian.

Kl. 10.00: Trial lecture "Artificial intelligence in a risk analysis and risk science context: I) Basic ideas II) How it is and can be used and III) Challenges”

Kl. 12.15: Disputation “Contributions to Risk Analysis - Improving the understanding and characterization of risk following an uncertainty-based risk perspective”

Both the disputation and trial lecture are open to all interested/the public

Assessment Committee:

  • Professor Henrik Tehler, Lund University, Sweden
  • Dr. Hanna Lindbom, AFRY, Sweden
  • Professor Eirik B. Abrahamsen, University of Stavanger


  • Main supervisor: Professor Roger Flage, University of Stavanger
  • Co-supervisor: Professor Terje Aven, University of Stavanger

Chair of the defense:

  • Professor Jon T. Selvik, Department of Safety, Economics and Planning, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger

Digital participation on Zoom

Meeting ID: 645 8668 0300

Password: 449613