Kristina Johansen
Associate Professor

Telephone: 51831728 / 45492269
Room: KA A-233
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Social Studies
About me
Associate professor in social work with a PhD in social sciences (specialisation in social work), a master's degree in social anthropology and additional studies in journalism and psychosocial support. In addition to researching, I am a course coordinator, lecturer, seminar leader and supervisor at bachelor and master's level. Previously, I have worked with the protection of threatened human rights defenders; as the manager of an NGO; as a social worker with unaccompanied minor asylum seekers and refugees; and as a freelance journalist and writer. Issues such as armed conflict, human rights violations and forced migration have been central in my studies and work. I am particularly interested in people’s experiences, stories, agency and resilience and in how this interacts with socio-political conditions.
Current Teaching responsibilities:
- Course coordinator for the master's thesis in social studies (MSOMAS)
- Course coordinator (with colleague) for the introductory course at the master's degree in social studies on the knowledge base in social work and social pedagogy (MSO114)
- Lecturer on topics such as refugees, forced migration and exile; psychosocial health; resilience; recognition; the knowledge base in social work; essay writing; ethics and critical reflection; emancipatory perspectives in social work.
- Supervisor of students writing master's thesis
- Supervisor (kontaktlærer) of students in work placements at BSOP20
- Seminar leader for Project Seminar at MSO130
- Marker of student assignments
- PhD in Social Sciences, specialisation in Social Work, University of Stavanger, Norway (2015-2023). Title of dissertation: Navigering mellom ambivalent anerkjennelse, betydningsfulle relasjoner og hverdagsforpliktelser (In English: Navigating between ambivalent recognition, significant relationships, and everyday commitments).
- Postgraduate diploma, psychosocial support (Diplomado en Actuaciones Psicosociales en Violencia Política y Catástrofes), Complutense University, Spain, 2014-2015
- Postgraduate specialization in Journalism, University of Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, 2010-2011
- Master's degree (hovedfag) in Social Anthropology, University of Bergen, 2001-2004. Title of master's degree: Som i en boble. Velstående colombianere - vold, usikkerhet og kamp om rom
- First level degree in social and human sciences, University of Bergen, 1997-2001
Former work experiences:
- Assistant professor, Department of Social studies, UiS, 2020-2024
- Research fellow, Department of Social studies, UiS, 2015-2019
- Representative/ guardian for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers and refugees (County Governor of Rogaland) 2015-2020
- Short-term Election Observer (Norwegian Resource Bank for Democracy and Human Rights - NORDEM), 2015-1016
- Freelance Journalist (writing for Klassekampen, norske Le Monde, Verdensmagasinet X, Dagsavisen, Stavanger Aftenblad, Kvinner sammen, Apell, among others). 2011-2015
- Social worker/Information Officer at reception centre for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers (Hero Norge), 2013
- Non-fiction Writer (book published by Aschehoug), 2011-2013
- Human Rights Field Officer - volunteer (Peace Brigades International Mexico), 2009
- Manager (Latin America Groups of Norway/Latin-Amerikagruppene i Norge), 2007-2009
- Human Rights Field Officer - volunteer (Peace Brigades International Colombia), 2006-2007
- Social worker with unaccompanied minor refugees (Municipality of Bergen/ The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs), 2005-2006
My research
Young unaccompanied refugees, psychosocial health, resilience, recognition, participation
Refugees, grief and grief support