Heloise Baldelli
PhD Candidate

Email: heloise.baldelli@uis.no
Faculty of Performing Arts
Department of Classical Music
About me
French-Italian lyric soprano Héloïse Baldelli has a master in singing with distinction, under the guidance of internationally renowned soprano Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz, and a specialization in opera from the University of Tor Vergata, Rome. She has interpreted roles such as Monica in "The Medium", Contessa in "Le Nozze di Figaro", Juliet in "The Little Sweep", Cavaliere Armidoro in "La Cecchina" and Euridice in "Orfeo". As a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Performing Arts, University of Stavanger, her focus is on the performance practice of modernist French art songs. Alongside classical repertoire including 20th cent. chamber music, romantic opera and operetta, her interest lies in cabaret and comic songs, as well as creating performances where dance and theatre are integrated with classical vocal music.
Héloïse performs regularly as a soloist and in chamber music ensembles both in Norway and abroad. Since 2021, she is a member of the Ensemble Nereides, which stages performances of classical music with incursions into the light repertoire such as musical and cabaret; as well as the Duo Apropos which focus on 20th century art song. Héloïse is currently being mentored by the Norwegian soprano Ingegjerd Bagøyen Moe through Det Norske Tonekunstnersamfundet’s mentoring scheme. She has sung at festivals such as Stavanger Kunst & Musikk festival 2024, Arctic Opera Festival 2018 & 2019 and Chianciano Music Festival 2017 and has worked with conductors such as Federico Amendola, Per Kristian Skalstad, Terje Kvam, Peter Szilvay and Gabriele Bonolis amongst others.
Héloïse is an engaged candidate and is a representative in the faculty's doctoral board and study portfolio committee, the university's central research and innovation committee and education committee, as well as the Grieg Research School's Candidate Forum. In 2023 she was appointed by the National body for quality in education (NOKUT) as a candidate representative in the committee responsible for assessing the accreditation of the joint Ph.D. program in Artistic Research at HiØ, INN and UiT.