Thursday 6 June 2024 10:00-14:00,
Kjølv Egelands hus,
KE E-164.
PhD candidate Erik de Vries from the Faculty of Social Sciences will defend his thesis "Varying Bits: A Computational Perspective on News Diversity and Political Parallelism".
Updated on

- Time and place: Thursday, June 6 in Kjølv Egeland's hus, auditorium KE E-164
- Trial lecture: 10:00
- Public defence: 12.00
Assigned topic for trial lecture: Transformer-based approaches to identifying evaluations in texts – challenges and opportunities
Title of the thesis: Varying Bits: A Computational Perspective on News Diversity and Political Parallelism
- opponent: Damian Trilling, Professor, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- opponent: Jessica Kunert, junior professor, University of Mainz, Germany
Administrator: Helle Sjøvaag, professor, UiS
Supervisor: Gunnar Thesen, Professor, UiS
Co- Supervisor: Rens Vliegenthart, professor, University of Amsterdam and Gijs Schumacher, førsteamanuensis, University of Amsterdam
Head of dissertation: Turid Borgen, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences