Stories from Iran

Monday 31 October 2022 13:15-14:15,
Kjølv Egeland house.

Learn more about the situation in Iran.

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How does it affect Iranians at UiS to see what is currently happening in their home country? And more importantly, will UiS take a stand?

Protester i Iran, plakat med bilde av Mahsa Amini

Since Mahsa Aminis death in September there has been an ongoing conflict in Iran. Amnesty International reports that violent police actions as a response to demonstrations has led to 144 people being killed by Iran’s security forces since September 19. 23 of these were children.

How does Iranians at UiS feel about this situation? And why haven’t UiS condemned the violent police actions against students, something both the Universities in Oslo and Bergen have done.

Don't miss:

  • Stories and thoughts about the current situation with two UiS employees and a former UiS student, all from Iran.
  • Thoughts on UiS’ role in this political situation with UiS rector Klaus Mohn.
  • Insights on how the situation in Iran is developing with UiS professor Marianne Hafnor Bøe, who is an expert on Islam and feminism in Iran.

This event takes place at Stavanger University Library. The talk will be led by the library’s event coordinator, David Sviland.

The situation in Iran:

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