Exam concert with conducting student Omer Shteinhart

Tuesday 23 May 2023 13:00-13:45,
Fartein Valen.

Welcome to this free concert with Rota, Bloch and Stravinskij on the program.

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Omer Shteinhart dirigerer
Omer Shteinhart. Photo: Gstaad Conducting Academy/Theresa Pewal

Together with Stavanger Symphony Orchestra (SSO), Faculty of Performing Arts invites you to an exam consert with Omer Shteinhart. Shteinhart is a conducting student at UiS and assistant conductor at SSO.

The concert is free, but you need to

The concert is free, but you need to collect your ticket at SSOs page here.The tickets are unnumbered.

The music Shteinhart will conduct are:

Nino Rota (1911-1979) – Divertimento Concertante for double bass and orchestra, 1. sats (1971) 9 min

Ernest Bloch (1880-1959) – Poems of the Sea (1922) 9 min

Igor Stravinskij (1882-1971) – Ildfuglen (1919-versjon) 20 min

Concerts and shows at UiS

Opening ceremony on Campus Bjergsted

Tue. 13.08.2024

