Bachelor's Thesis in Environmental Engineering (MLJBAC)

The bachelor's thesis is an independent project in which you will apply the knowledge acquired during your studies for solving a given assignment. It is through this assignment that you will show your abilities and qualities as a future employee.

The assignment will normally be carried out during the last semester of your studies. At this stage you will have acquired the knowledge and know-how needed for accomplishing a relevant assignment in your studies.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



Theses for the bachelor’s degree may be very different. Many projects include construction or experimental work, while others may be more theoretical. One project may consist of an overview presenting a topic based on different literature sources, a more theoretical discussion project, or a project where the student must solve a concrete problem or develop a product.

In general, the thesis should have a clearly defined message, be well structured, easy to browse through and easy to read. Arguments for and against a given assertion should be presented in a logical way. The presentations must be able to be read by a fellow student with the same background without the need to use additional information material to understand the message.

Reproduction of textbooks etc. on general theory and knowledge should be limited. A complete reference list should also be made.

The bachelor thesis must include a discussion of ethical and environmental consequences of discoveries / themes / developed products.

Further information about the bachelor’s thesis can be found at here: Thesis writing at Faculty of Science and Technology

Learning outcome

A candidate who has completed and passed his or her bachelor thesis has acquired the following learning outcomes:

  • Can work independently
  • Can describe the task clearly and orderly according to the subject area's terminology and forms of expression
  • Has experience with literature searches and scientific reporting
  • Can apply relevant theoretical models or studies supported by research results
  • Knows and can justify relevant method tools and working methods
  • Can investigate the problem and connect the conclusion to it
  • Has the ability to critically assess one's own work
  • Can do an impact analysis of what has been developed. Important here are environmental, health and societal consequences and with ethics as a guideline

Required prerequisite knowledge

Refer to Regulations for the Bachelor's and Master's thesis (Thesis writing at the Faculty of Science and Technology | University of Stavanger ( for requirements for passed credits to take a bachelor's thesis: at least 100/130 ECTS must be passed.

At least 30ECTS are required from the following list:

  • KJE150 General Chemistry
  • KJE200 Organic Chemistry
  • KJE220 Inorganic Chemistry
  • KJE240 Analytical Chemistry
  • BIO200 Biochemistry
  • BYG125 Water and Wastewater


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Project work 1/1 4 Months Letter grades All

The thesis can be executed individually or in groups of max. 3 students. Note that you primarily only have one attempt for writing the thesis, see section 3-10 number 4 in Regulations relating to studies and examinations at the University of Stavanger.For rules, important deadlines and more information, please refer to our website entitled Thesis writing at Faculty of Science and Technology.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Ilke Pala Øzkøk

Course teacher:

Krista Michelle Kaster

Course coordinator:

Krista Michelle Kaster

Method of work

The bachelor's thesis must be relevant to the field of study. The student can apply to write about a project suggested by the study programme's supervisors, or one can also propose a problem oneself and formulate a thesis description in consultation with a supervisor.

It is important for both the student and supervisor that one establishes a good cooperation during the completion of the assignment. This can happen, for example, by having regular meetings where the student presents and discusses the work. It is a good rule that the student must have written something as a starting point for conversation/discussion with the supervisor. It is an advantage to start writing the thesis as early as possible.

Open for

Environmental Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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