Earth Systems and Energy Resources (GEO100)

The course gives an introduction to the Earth as a system. Therefore, it covers aspects for other fields than earth sciences alone, such as construction, environment and climatology. Laboratory practices aim for the understanding of basic concepts and processes in applied geosciences. This course is taught in English but the student can choose to submit in Norwegian or English.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



Essential topics that will be addressed in the course are:

  • General geology (e.g. paleontology, climatology, plate tectonics)
  • Evolution of the Earth and classification of rocks and minerals
  • Origin, abundance and locations of critical raw materials for the energy transition (or green transition) like lithium, base metals, rare earth elements, etc.
  • Sustainable energy forms (e.g. wind, solar, hydrogen, etc.)
  • Energy storage systems (e.g. batteries and reservoirs)
  • Climatology and global warming

The course includes recommended, but optional short field excursions.

Learning outcome


Knowledge about the structure and history of Earth.

  • Knowledge about geological time and geological processes that form the Earth structure .
  • Knowledge about elements and processes of subsurface methods to address a wide field of sciences like environment, geology, construction and economic geology.
  • Knowledge on different methods to classify rocks.
  • Basic knowledge of geoscientific processes related to global warming and climatology
  • Knowledge about the origin of resources for the energy transition with focus on critical raw materials (e.g. lithium, sodium, titanium, vanadium, rare earth elements, etc.)
  • Knowledge about basic principles of the main sustainable energy forms (e.g. wind, waer, solar, hydrogen, etc.)


  • Be able to identify different types of rocks and minerals.
  • Be able to apply basic geologic concepts for the fields of environmental geology, economic geology, and geohazards.
  • Be able to apply basic knowledge of subsurface analytical methods to a wide field of sciences.
  • Be able to estimate the potential of resources for sustainable energy forms and critically reflect the connection.

General competence:

  • Background on general geology that can be used as a basis for other areas in geology, engineering, environment, construction, social sciences and economics.
  • Have an understanding of the complexity of geological elements and processes that form the Earth.
  • Be able to communicate and explain basic geology.
  • Have an understanding of the complexity, origin and availability of critical raw materials for the energy transition.
  • Be able to apply this knowledge to the evaluation of sustainable energy forms and their potential.

Required prerequisite knowledge




Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Oppgave 1 1/2 1 Weeks Letter grades All
Oppgave 2 1/2 1 Weeks Letter grades All

No re-sit opportunities are offered for the assignments. Students who do not pass one or borth assignments can retake it the next time the course is held. Both assignments must be passed in order to get a passing grade in the course.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Udo Zimmermann

Study Program Director:

Lisa Jean Watson

Course teacher:

Udo Zimmermann

Head of Department:

Alejandro Escalona Varela

Method of work

This course consists of lectures, laboratory exercises and a recommneded excursion (not mandatory).

6 hours of lectures per week

2 hours of laboratory practice per week

This course has physical only meetings. The student is responsible for checking the course syllabus and class meeting information provided by the instructor in Canvas.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Geology (BIP330_1) 10

Open for

Open course for all students with an active right to study and who meet the requirements for general university admissions certification (GSK).

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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