Bachelor's Thesis in Energy and Petroleum Engineering (ENPBAC)

The bachelor's thesis is an independent project in which you will apply the knowledge acquired during your studies for solving a given assignment. It is through this assignment that you will show your abilities and qualities as a future employee.

The assignment will normally be carried out during the last semester of your studies. At this stage you will have acquired the knowledge and know-how needed for accomplishing a relevant assignment in your studies.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



The bachelor's thesis must include a discussion of ethical and environmental consequences of discoveries / themes / developed products. Theses for the bachelor’s degree may be very different. Many projects include construction or experimental work, while others may be more theoretical. One project may consist of an overview presenting a topic based on different literature sources, a more theoretical discussion project, or a project where the student must solve a concrete problem or develop a product.

In general, the thesis should have a clearly defined message, be well structured, easy to browse through and easy to read. Arguments for and against a given assertion should be presented in a logical way. The presentations must be able to be read by a fellow student with the same background without the need to use additional information material to understand the message.

Reproduction of textbooks etc. on general theory and knowledge should be limited. A complete reference list should also be made.

Further information about the bachelor’s thesis can be found at here: Thesis writing at Faculty of Science and Technology

Learning outcome

A candidate with a completed and passed bachelor's thesis should have the following learning outcomes:

  • can present and communicate extensive independent work
  • can describe the problem clearly and masters the terms and expressions within the academic field
  • has acquired an overview of relevant international literature, scientific reporting, and ethical standards in the field, and manages to deal critically with various sources of information
  • Has insight into the environmental, health, social and economic consequences of products and solutions within their field, and can put these in an ethical perspective, life cycle perspective and safety perspective
  • can analyse relevant theoretical models and/or studies supported by scientific research
  • masters analysis of relevant scholarly tools and techniques
  • can give an account of the academic problem and analyse results and independent conclusions according to the problem
  • can reflect upon and evaluate his/her own work in a critical manner
  • can defend high moral standards in scientific, as well as other, context, thus being a good role model
  • can exchange viewpoints and experiences and behave professionally in scientific debate
  • can recognise when a scientific disagreement is important and can debate accordingly

Required prerequisite knowledge

Refer to Regulations for the Bachelor's and Master's thesis (Thesis writing at the Faculty of Science and Technology | University of Stavanger ( for requirements for passed credits to take a bachelor's thesis.

Of the 100/130 ECTS, 30 ECTS of following courses must be passed: BYG140 Structural Mechanics 1, ENP100 Process and Production Engineering, ENP110 Drilling and Well Engineering, ENP120 Energy Technology, FYS200 Thermo- and Fluid Dynamics,


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Project work 1/1 4 Months Letter grades All

For rules, deadlines, and information regarding theses writing, visit: Thesis writing at Faculty of Science and Technology.According to Regulations relating to studies and examinations at the University of Stavanger second 3-10 number 4, a student has primarily only one attempt for writing the thesis.Deadline for withdrawal is April 1.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Øystein Arild

Method of work

The bachelor’s thesis should be relevant to the study programme. The student can choose in a list of proposed projects given by the academic staff at the department, or he/she can propose his/her own project and get help to formulate it together with one of the staff. The project can be performed individually or in cooperation with one or two other students.

It is important both to the student and the course coordinator / supervisor that a good cooperation routine is established during the execution of the project. This may e.g. take the form of regular meetings in which the student will present and discuss his/her work as it develops. Preferably the student should have written something that can form the basis of the conversation/discussion with the course coordinator / supervisor. It is an advantage to start writing the thesis at the earliest possible stage.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Bachelor Thesis in Petroleum Engineering (PETBAC_1) 20

Open for

Energy and Petroleum Engineering, Vocational Path - Bachelor in Engineering Energy and Petroleum Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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