Socio-pedagogical work with children and youth (BBA201)

This course focuses on practical, socio-pedagogical work with children and young people. Emphasis is placed on the importance of good relationships and good communication between children and young people and the child welfare worker. In addition, emphasis is placed on the establishment of good development environments, methodical socio-pedagogical work, preventive work and the use of activities in socio-pedagogical work.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



The course consists of five main components:

1. Communication and relationships. Prerequisites for all types of socio-pedagogical work involving children and young people are knowledge and skills on how to communicate with children and young people, and knowledge and skills on how to establish and develop relationships with children and young people. This topic will be a main focus of the course.

2. Good development environment/learning environment. Another key aspect of socio-pedagogical work is to create a good development environment for the groups and in the arenas where child welfare educators work. Good development environments will vary depending on context, age and goals. Having the knowledge and skills to be able to understand, establish and analyse what is a good development environment in different arenas will be one of the goals of the course.

3. Methodical socio-pedagogical work. A complimentary key aspect of socio-pedagogical work is systematic, planned and targeted work involving children and young people, or groups of children and young people with special needs, or in special situations. Knowledge and skills to map, facilitate, implement, document, analyse, assess and evaluate interventions are key goals for the course.

4. Preventive work. In this part of the course, students will gain knowledge about different definitions and approaches to preventive work. Students will gain knowledge about framework conditions for preventive work, and key challenges involved in this type of work in relation to the organisational requirements imposed on the municipalities. They will learn about the difference between universal and general interventions, targeted interventions, and interventions at group and individual level.

5. The use of activities in socio-pedagogical work. Different types of activities are also one of the most important means we have to create a common history, to build relationships and to stimulate development and mastery in a number of areas for children and young people. Knowledge and skills about the use of different types of activities that can be applied with children and young people are also relevant across the four above-mentioned components.

Learning outcome

After completing the course, the candidate will have attained the following learning outcomes


  • Has broad knowledge about communication and collaboration with children and young people in different situations and in different contexts.
  • Has knowledge about different types of methods and measures that can be used in socio-pedagogical work.
  • Har knowledge of socio-pedagogical tools and therapeutic approaches in working with children and young people who are traumatized or live in difficult life situations.
  • Has knowledge about and can assess the risk of adverse events in socio-pedagogical work involving children and young people, and is familiar with methods for following this up systematically.


  • Can apply research knowledge, experiential knowledge and knowledge from children and young people as a basis for socio-pedagogical work involving children and young people.
  • Can apply academic knowledge and discretion to create relationships and guide children and young people in development processes.
  • Can apply academic knowledge from children and young people as part of the basis for ensuring children and young people’s participation and contribution in socio-pedagogical work.
  • Can apply academic knowledge to communicate and collaborate appropriately with children and young people.
  • Can use experience and knowledge to build relationships, collaborate and communicate in a way that promotes inclusion and participation and contribution.
  • Can apply a broad and multidisciplinary platform of knowledge in order to work in a milieu therapeutic, systematic and purposeful manner with children and young people.
  • Can apply research, practice and experience-based knowledge in order to investigate children and young people’s behaviour and situation, and facilitate appropriate socio-pedagogical measures.
  • Can master preventive and health-promoting work in arenas where children and young people are found.
  • Can reflect on power relations, professionalism and one’s own role as a professional in encounters with children and young people.
  • Can apply activities in socio-pedagogical work in order to promote play, learning, mastery, inclusion and participation.

General competence

  • Can plan, implement, document, evaluate and communicate socio-pedagogical measures based on the best interests of the child.
  • Has insight into one’s own preconceptions, attitudes and values, and the importance of relationship skills in socio-pedagogical work.
  • Has insight into and can manage ethical issues in socio-pedagogical work and one’s own practice.
  • Can document and communicate socio-pedagogical assessments, orally and in writing.

Required prerequisite knowledge

BBA101 Child development and developmental environment, BBA102 Children and youth at risk

Recommended prerequisites

BBA103 Welfare policy and welfare organisation, BBA104 Welfare law


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
School exam 1/1 6 Hours Letter grades None permitted

Scope: 2000 words (+/- 10%), excluding table of contents and bibliography. Referencing style: APA 7th. Consequences of failing a re-scheduled examination: If the student does not pass the examination at the re-scheduled examination at the latest, the student must re-sit the examination for the course with the subsequent year group. Any parts of an examination and compulsory coursework that have already been passed do not need to be retaken. The student must take the examination in accordance with any new and revised course description for the course, but decides themselves whether they will attend classes in the new examination semester.

Coursework requirements

Written assignment 2, Written assignment 3, Written assignment, Compulsory attendance

All three of the requirements must be approved in order for the student to take the examination. Approval/non-approval of compulsory activities is announced on Studentweb, normally no later than 7 days before the examination. Students who lack approval of one or more compulsory activities will be withdrawn from the examination.

Written group assignment 1: Assessed as approved/not approved. The topic of the assignment will be defined by the course coordinator. Scope: 2000 words (+/- 10%), excluding table of contents and bibliography.

Written group assignment 2: Assessed as approved/not approved. The topic of the assignment will be defined by the course coordinator. Scope: 2000 words (+/- 10%), excluding table of contents and bibliography.

Written group assignment 3: Assessed as approved/not approved. The topic of the assignment will be defined by the course coordinator. Scope: 2000 words (+/- 10%), excluding table of contents and bibliography.

Referencing style: APA 7th.

Attendance requirements: Preparation for, attendance and participation in five seminars. Students who have less than 75% attendance at the seminars lose the right to take the examination, regardless of the reason.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Hulda Mjøll Gunnarsdottir

Course coordinator:

Erik Paulsen

Study Program Director:

Erik Paulsen

Method of work

The forms of work in the subject will be varied. Students must expect significant self-study in addition to lectures, preparation for seminars in groups, seminars and written group work requirements. Preparation for the seminars and completion of the seminars are of particular importance for learning outcomes related to skills and general competence.

Open for

Bachelor in child protection and child welfare

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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