Smart grid with distributed production (ELK250)
The course introduces operating power distribution networks with distributed energy resources. Analysis of impacts of electric vehicles charging infrastructure, solar and wind energy system integration will be studied. The students will understand the challenge these systems bring regarding voltage quality, peak power demand, reliability and balance in the distribution networks and how to deal with this. The students will be introduced to renewable integration practices and to concepts of protection coordination.
Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.
Course code
Credits (ECTS)
Semester tution start
Number of semesters
Exam semester
Language of instruction
Learning outcome
- Have knowledge of distributed power generation, microgrid and smartgrid, as well as smart electricity meters and load prioritization.
- Be able to describe how to set up your own local grids in ports and on large construction sites and regulate local production and energy storage against local consumption with the aim of achieving grid stabilization.
- Be able to run analysis of distribution system for stability and protection.
- Have basic understanding of communication protocols for distribution network management.
- Have knowledge of connection and regulation of distributed production to existing grids.
- Be able to design, calculate, analyze and simulate microgrids with regard to both stationary and dynamic behavior and performance.
Required prerequisite knowledge
Recommended prerequisites
Written exam and report
Form of assessment | Weight | Duration | Marks | Aid |
Written exam | 2/5 | 4 Hours | Letter grades | Basic calculator specified in general exam regulations |
Report | 3/5 | Letter grades |
Written exam 3/5 (Pen and paper, Letter grades)Report 2/5 (Letter grades)The report documents the work done in the project part. The report can be written individually or in the group of maximum 4 students. If the report is written in the group, each group participant will get the same grade.There will not be any resit exam on the report. Students who wish to take the project part again has to wait until next time the course is given.
Coursework requirements
8 compulsatory theory assignments.
8 compulsatory lab assignments.
Course teacher(s)
Casual teacher:
Nils Jakob JohannesenCourse coordinator:
Merkebu Zenebe DegefaStudy Program Director:
Tormod DrengstigCourse coordinator:
Tormod DrengstigMethod of work
6 hours lectures, 2 hours problem solving and 2 hours lab sessions pr week.
The project part last the entire semester in parallell with the teaching.