Management and employees at Centre for learning environment

Center management and all employees at Centre for learning environment. Click on "Page content " to find a specific person.

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Centre management

Head of Centre: Dag Jostein Nordaker

Head of department, Porsgrunn: Solveig Iren Roth

Head of administration:
Ingar Lee (Stavanger)
Lars Halvor Bjelland (Porsgrunn)

Extended management

Research: Ingunn Størksen Education: Ida Risanger Sjursø Public Relations: Kari Stamland Gusfre Communication: Maria Gilje Strand

Employees at Centre for learning environment in June 2023. Photo: Jørn Steen/UiS.

Centre Management

Head of Centre
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Head of Administration
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Stavanger
Head of Administration
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Porsgrunn
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Senior Adviser
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Stavanger

All employees

Management and empoyees in alphabetical order after their sirname. Click on the portraits to read more about them.

Awal Mohammed Larechibara Alhassan

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– learning environment

– diversity and inclusion

– minority language students

– social competence

Anne Kristin Hansen Andresen

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– kindergarten

André Baraldsnes

Senior Adviser
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

Dziuginta Baraldsnes

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

Hege Cecilie Nygaard Barker

Senior Adviser
Læringsmiljøsenteret, Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Stavanger
Areas of expertise 

– student administration

Martyna Bell

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– cyber bullying

Benjamin Sæstad Beyene

PhD Candidate
Lærengsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– motivation, mastery and completion in higher education

Lars Halvor Bjelland

Head of Administration
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– Head of Administration at Porsgrunn department

– budget and accounting

Dieuwer Ten Braak

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– executive function and self-regulation

– role of self-regulation in academic and socioemotional skills

– role of context in self-regulation

– transition kindergarten - school

– playful learning

Lars Edvin Bru

Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– motivation

– mental health

Liv Jorunn Byrkjedal-Sørby (on leave)

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

Simona Carla Silvia Caravita

Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– mental health

– bullying

Anne-Lene Skog Dahl

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avdeling Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– kindergarten

Ulrich Dettweiler

HL A-218 / HG Q-348
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– motivation

– outdoor learning

Carina Dillner

Higher Executive Officer
Læringsmiljøsenteret, Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Stavanger
Areas of expertise 

– administration

– booking and orders

Ellen Elvethon

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– kindergarten

– after-school program

– psychosocial environment

– play and learning

– inclusion - with a focus on children with special vulnerabilities

– social and emotional competence

– change and development

Sigrun Karin Ertesvåg

Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– class management

– teacher-student relationships

– school development

– school management

– bullying

Cecilie Evertsen

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– the needs of the youngest children

– attachment theory

– relationships and interactions

– children at risk

– aggression theory

– learning environment in kindergarten

– self-regulation

Hildegunn Fandrem

Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– bullying

– cyberbullying

– diversity and inclusion

– minority language students

– learning environment and school subjects

– life skills education

Andreas Østbø Fidjeland

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– transition kindergarten - school

Johannes Nilsson Finne

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– bullying

– challenging behaviour

– social competence

Silje Vignes Flesjå

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– inclusion

– safe environment in kindergarten

– management in kindergarten

– trancitions

– care, play and learning

Torunn Helene Lindstad Fredriksen

Senior Adviser
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– Web Editor

– communication

– social media

– podcast

Radel James Eumague Gacumo

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– diversity and inclusion

– kindergarten

– literature pedagogy

– reading and writing skills in children

– educational technology for children

Elisabeth Stray Gausel

Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Stavanger
Areas of expertise 

– research administration

Nina Grini

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– development of inclusive learning environment

– stress and coping

– school development

– school management

Kari Stamland Gusfre

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– Head of Public Relations

– inclusion in primary school and secondary education

– safe school environment

– bullying

Jeanette Halvorsen

Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– project fidelity

Selina Eckhoff Hamadi

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– school attendance

– school refusal

Charlotte Helen Haaland Hancock

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– multicultural classrooms

– students with immigrant background in secondary education

Trude Havik

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– school attendance

– school refusal

– classroom interactions

– friendship

– student engagement

Guttorm Hermann Helgøy

Senior Adviser
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– bullying

– development of inclusive learning environment

– challenging learning environments

Shan Hu

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– cyberbullying

Joachim Kolnes

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– inclusion of children with special needs in kindergarten and school

– interprofessional collaboration between educational-psychological service and other external services, and school / kindergarten

– development of educational-psychological services

– educational-psychological service as an agent of inclusion in school and kindergarten

Ann Kristin Kolstø-Johansen

Senior Adviser
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Stavanger
Areas of expertise 

– research administration

Natalia Kucirkova

Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– kindergarten

– reading and writing skills in children

– educational technology for children (ebooks and apps)

– evidence based use of EdTech

Eli Marie Hoftun Kvæstad

Higher Executive Officer
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administration IGIS
Areas of expertise 

– student administration

Ingar Lee

Head of Administration
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Stavanger
Areas of expertise 

– Head of Administration at Stavanger department

Ragnhild Lenes

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– self regulation

– connection between children's self-regulation in kindergarten and academic results in school

Maren Stahl Lerang

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– teacher support for students

– educational support

Kaja Lillelien

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– teacher´s professional well-being

Guro Lien

Guro Lien
Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– After school programs, kindergarten and school

– transitions in kindergarten, after school programs and school

– learning environment in kindergarten, after school programs and school

Svanaug Lunde

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– after school programs

– kindergarten

– relational competence

– social competence

– connection between kindergarten and school

Unni Lunde

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

Ingrid Veronika Midteide Løkken

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– relations

– social and emotional development

– management in kindergarten

Marianne Torve Martinsen

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– safe environment in kindergarten

– play in kindergarten

– physical environment and organization in kindergarten

– space and time in kindergarten

Ida Holth Mathiesen

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– career guidance

– school counseling

– young people's educational and professional choices

– none-traditional educational and professional choices

Ina Midttveit (on leave)

Senior Adviser
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Stavanger
Areas of expertise 

– press officer

– research dissemination

– social media

Anna Lange Moi

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– follow-up after bullying

Luisa Morello

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– cyberbullying and ethnicity

Thomas Moser

Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– learning environment in kindergarten

– the physical environment in kindergarten

– quality in kindergarten

– profession and professional development

– safe and inclusive kindergartens

– bullying, learning and development in kindergarten

Gunita Gurveer Kaur Mudhar

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– the quality of teacher-student-interaction

– young people with special educational needs

Øyvind Munthe

Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Stavanger
Areas of expertise 

– research administration

Solfrid Helen Naustvik

Senior Adviser
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Stavanger
Areas of expertise 

– administration

– tender

Tone Rove Nilsen

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– kindergarten

– physical environment for play and learning

– transition from kindergarten to school

– after school programs

Dag Jostein Nordaker - Head of Centre

Head of Centre
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– Head of Centre

Erik Nordgreen

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

Mads Olsen

Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Stavanger
Areas of expertise 

– research administration

Ebru Ozbek

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– cyberbullying

Ella Bjerga Pettersen

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– video observation of teachers

Henning Plischewski

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

Frank Rafaelsen

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

Narges Ranginkaman

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– mapping tools - social and emotional development

Pål Roland

Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– innovation

– management in kindergarten and school

– bullying

Solveig Iren Roth

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– Head of department - Porsgrunn

– diversity

– social relations

– inclusion

– learning environment

– school-home collaboration

Inge Schreuder-Lindløv

Lesesenteret/Læringsmiljøsenteret, Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Stavanger
Areas of expertise 

– film making

Ida Risanger Sjursø

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– Head of Education

– bullying

– cyberbullying

Ingrid Skage

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– innovation

– physically active learning

Tor Mauritz Smedsrud

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Areas of expertise 

– nature and play in kindergarten

Ksenia Solheim

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– teacher-student-interaction

Jørn Harald Heinrich Steen

Higher Executive Officer
Læringsmiljøsenteret, Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– film making

– photography

Maria Gilje Strand

Senior Adviser
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
Administrasjon NSLA Avd. Stavanger
Areas of expertise 

– Coordinator for Communication

– Press Officer

– research dissemination

– podcast

– media training

– communication

Janne Støen

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– bullying

– inclusion

– school management

Ingunn Størksen

Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– Head of Research

– early development

– life skill education

– self-regulation

– playfull learning

– quality in kindergartens

– consequences of divorce

Janken Camilla Sæbø

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– safe environment in kindergarden

– inclusion

– care, play and learning in kindergarten

– transitions

Randi Myklebust Sølvik

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– teacher-student-relations

– learning environment and school subjects

Linne Cristin Tangen

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– challenging behaviour

– attachment and trauma

– inclusive learning environment

– inclusion of children with special vulnerabilities

– management

Kjersti Balle Tharaldsen

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– mental health in school and follow-up after bullying

– social emotional competence and life skill education

– motivation for learning

stress and coping in school

Anna Gausland Tjelta

PhD Candidate
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– classroom interaction in secondary school

May Liss Olsen Tobiassen

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– kindergarten

Maren Stabel Tvedt

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– motivation for schoolwork

– teacher-student relations in secondary schools

– risk of dropout in secondary school

Grete Sørensen Vaaland

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– classroom management

– authority issues

– observation in the classroom

Elin Nesvoll Vangsnes

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– mental health in schools

– life learning skills

Lene Vestad

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– development of social and emotional competences in adolescence

– motivation for learning

– stress and coping in school

– mental health in school

Hanne Mette Kristiansen Vindvik

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– kindergarten

Janne Marit Vistnes

PhD Candidate
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– public health and life skills

Nora Østby

Assistant Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Porsgrunn
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Avdeling Porsgrunn
Areas of expertise 

– mental health

Klara Øverland

Associate Professor
Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Areas of expertise 

– child and youth development

– mental health in kindergarten and school

– trauma, follow-up after bullying and other mental challenges

– attachment

– divorce and it's consequenses for children and adolescents

– behavioural challenges, aggression, substance abuse, ADHD and coping

– youth culture

Visiting academics

Ekstern forsker II
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Neil Humphrey
Adjunct Professor
University of Manchester
Ekstern professor II, Nasjonalt utviklingssenter for barn og unge (NUBU)
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Kirsti Klette
Adjunct Professor
Teaching Learning VideoLab, Oslo
Marja-Kristiina Lerkkanen
University of Jyväskylä
Eija Pakarinen
University of Jyväskylä
Associate Professor
Ekstern førsteamanuensis II, Finland
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Pam Sammons
Adjunct Professor
University of Oxford
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Østerrike
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education
Takuya Yanagida
Universitetet i Wien
Adjunct Associate Professor
University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Faculty of Arts and Education
Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education