Statement from Rector Klaus Mohn and the academic community at the University of Stavanger.

The University of Stavanger wholeheartedly condemns the horrific acts that Palestinian civilians and Israelis currently are enduring.
Our thoughts go out to those who have lost their lives, their loved ones, and those who now live in suffering and fear.
UiS has staff and students from both Israel and Palestine, and we want to support them in this difficult situation.
UiS has also for many years engaged in student and staff exchanges with An-Najah National University in Nablus, Palestine. Nablus has been a twin city with Stavanger since 1996.
In this difficult time, we stand together with our students and with colleagues at universities and research institutions in the affected areas.
Norway has initiated and committed itself to the UN Safe Schools Declaration. UiS strongly urges that this declaration be respected in the current situation.