Beyond education: Translational simulation to improve healthcare quality and safety

Wednesday 16 October 2024 11:00-12:00,
in HelseCampus Stavanger Innovasjonsparken bygg i2, Professor Olav Hansens vei 7A,

Welcome to professional lunch with Victoria Brazil.

Published Updated on

Healthcare simulation has traditionally focused on improving safety and quality through educational efforts. In this talk Victoria will share a conceptual approach to exploring and transforming healthcare systems through simulation, together with practical examples and applications.

Victoria Brazil is an emergency physician, educator, simulation specialist and healthcare team coach.

She is Professor of Emergency Medicine and Medical Director of the Simulation Service at Gold Coast Health, and leads the Bond University Translational Simulation Collaborative. Victoria’s main interests are in connecting education with patient care - through translational simulation in healthcare, and in developing high performing healthcare teams.

She has authored over 80 peer reviewed publications in health professions education, simulation and teamwork in healthcare. Victoria also writes for the International Clinician Educators Network blog and is Senior Editor at Advances in Simulation. Victoria is co-producer of Simulcast, a podcast about healthcare simulation.

Follow Victoria at @SocraticEM or look her up at

Coffee and tea will be served, but please bring your own lunch.

We welcome all employees and leaders in the HelseCampus Stavanger cluster. Sign up, and we’ll see you there!

The event is organized by SHARE/UiS, Laerdal Medical and HelseCampus Stavanger.


  • 11:00-11:05: Welcome by Line Hurup Thomsen, manager of HelseCampus Stavanger
  • 11:05-11:35: Beyond education: Translational simulation to improve healthcare quality and safety by Victoria Brazil
  • 11:35-12:00: Questions and answers led by Siri Wiig, Professor of Quality and Patient Safety and Center Director at SHARE/UiS