HelseCampus announces opportunity to apply for seed funding

From 19. August 2024 innovation projects within the three strategic focus areas simulation, integration of care services, and security and safety will be able to apply for seed funding.

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Manager Line Hurup Thomsen encourages interested parties to apply for seed funding.

The project should be based on needs within the service, addressing solutions for current and/or future challenges in the healthcare sector. 

Themes related to service development, development of competence, and digitalization will be prioritized (as per NOU 2023:4 "Time for Action" and White Paper St 9 (2023-2024) "National Health and Collaboration Plan 2024-2027: Our Common Health Service"). It is desirable that projects demonstrate societal impact by highlighting measurable benefits in health services.

Projects that can show cross-sectoral collaboration between partners from the public sector, academia, private sector, and user organizations will be given preference. Projects granted seed funds should exhibit upscaling potential through plans to apply for further regional, national and international research and innovation funding. The detailed proposal will require a detailed description of how the funds will be allocated and the long-term goals of the project. The University of Stavanger (UiS) must be either the project leader or a partner in the proposal. 

The application form with further information will be posted on HelseCampus Stavanger's website on 19. August. We advise interested parties to use this time to assess whether this could be of interest to you and your R&I partners.  

We look forward to some excellent proposals!  

Universitetsfondet i Rogaland provides the seed funding.

Project duration 6-12 months
Maximum funding per proposal NOK 300 000
Total funding for the call in autumn 2024NOK 1 200 000
Deadline for Declaration of Intent (1 page)13.09.2024
Deadline for Full Application 27.10.2024
Award of seed funding 10.12.2024