Nordic Studies Specialization (NOR270)

Course description for study year 2024-2025. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction


Required prerequisite knowledge

One of the following alternatives:
NOR115 Scandinavian Language and Language History, NOR145 Text in Context, NOR165 Text and Interpretation: Literary and Rhetorical Analysis
NOR110 Linguistic Structure, NOR120 Text and History, NOR130 Language and History, NOR140 Literary Analysis, NOR150 Language and Literature
NOR120 Text in Context, NOR130 Language and History, NOR140 Literary Analysis, NOR150 Language and Literature
NOR115 Scandinavian Language and Language History, NOR165 Text and Interpretation: Literary and Rhetorical Analysis, NOR175 Linguistic Structure and Dialectal Variation
NOR115 Scandinavian Language and Language History, NOR145 Text in Context, NOR175 Linguistic Structure and Dialectal Variation
NOR145 Text in Context, NOR165 Text and Interpretation: Literary and Rhetorical Analysis, NOR175 Linguistic Structure and Dialectal Variation


Skriftlig innlevering og mappeinnlevering

Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Assignment 1/2 Letter grades All
Mappeinnlevering 1/2 Letter grades

Coursework requirements

Tre korte arbeidskrav

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

David Albert Natvig

Course teacher:

Klaus Johan Myrvoll

Course teacher:

Hadle Oftedal Andersen

Study Adviser:

Margrethe Melin

Study Adviser:

Anne Marie Nygaard

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Nordic Languages/Text and Context (NOR250_1) 5
Nordic Languages/Text and Context (MNOR250_1) 5

Open for

Nordic Language and Literature - Bachelor's Degree Programme Half Year Intermediate Program in Nordic Languages and Literature


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