Mina Farmanbar
Førsteamanuensis i datateknologi
Telefon: 51834507
E-post: mina.farmanbar@uis.no
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for data- og elektroteknologi
Kort om meg
Dr. Mina Farmanbar holds the position of Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway. She received a bachelor’s degree in software engineering and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science in 2012 and 2016 respectively. She has been an active researcher at UiS and Akershus University Hospital since 2017.
Notably, she is recognized among Norway's top 100 women in the AI field, a testament to her impactful contributions, and is currently a deputy leader of the Applied Intelligence and Emerging Technologies (AIxTech) research group. More information about the research group can be found at https://www.uis.no/en/applied-intelligence-and-emerging-technologies
Additionally, she has been an integral part of the program committee for NORA – Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium since 2021, showcasing her dedication to shaping the research landscape in Norway. She has served as the Springer Proceeding Co-Chair/ Editor for the 1st and 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications.
Keywords: data science, natural language processing, and machine learning applications.
- 2024: Best poster award at NORA Annual Conference
- 2023: Best paper award at FAIEMA
- 2023: Best paper award at NORA Annual Conference
Currently taught courses:
- DAT305 - Artificial Intelligence for Engineers (Bachelor Level) https://www.uis.no/en/studies/artificial-intelligence-for-engineers-dat305
- DAT200 - Algorithms and Data Structures (Bachelor Level)
- DAT550 – Data Mining and Deep Learning (Master Level)