Mina Farmanbar
Førsteamanuensis i datateknologi

Telefon: 51834507
E-post: mina.farmanbar@uis.no
Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for data- og elektroteknologi
Kort om meg
I am currently an Associate Professor in Data Technology at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Stavanger, Norway. Since January 2025, I have also been serving as an advisor at Laerdal Medical AS, where I supervise master’s projects. I hold a bachelor’s degree in software engineering, along with a Master of Science (M.Sc.) and a Ph.D. in Computer Science, earned in 2007, 2012, and 2016, respectively.
I am deputy leader of the Applied Intelligence and Emerging Technologies (AIxTech) research group and am recognized among Norway's top 100 women in the AI field. Additionally, I have been an integral part of the program committee for NORA – Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium since 2021, showcasing my dedication to shaping the research landscape in Norway. I have served as the Springer Proceeding Co-Chair/ Editor for the 1st and 2nd FAIEMA: International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications.
Within my institution, I have been at the forefront of departmental teaching initiatives, securing funding to develop a new course for the undergraduate curriculum. This course, titled "AI for Engineers (DAT305)" is offered entirely online to the Faculty of Engineering. The course includes six main modules: Introduction to AI, Mathematics for Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing.
Keywords: data science, natural language processing, machine learning applications, and AI-driven solutions for healthcare.
- 2024: Best poster award at NORA Annual Conference
- 2023: Best paper award at FAIEMA
- 2023: Best paper award at NORA Annual Conference
Currently taught courses:
- DAT305 - Artificial Intelligence for Engineers (Bachelor Level)
- DAT200 - Algorithms and Data Structures (Bachelor Level)
- DAT550 – Data Mining and Deep Learning (Master Level)
Teaching competencies:
- NyTi program (50 hours, 2019)
- Basic course in higher education pedagogies (150 hours, 2022)
- PhD-supervisory qualification program (100 hours, 2023)
I actively collaborate with clinical experts, AI researchers, and healthcare professionals.
- (Stavanger University Hospital and UiS): Arrhythmical Risk Indicator (ARI) - Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Images to Identify Individuals at Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death funded by Validé AS in 2023 and awarded seed funding from HelseCampus Stavanger in 2024.
Since 2019, I have supervised over 35 Master's and Bachelor's theses and projects.
PhD Supervision:
- Muhammad Sulaiman, Co., since 2022
- Arezo Shakeri, Main., since 2023
- Gabriel Emerson Iturra Bocaz, Co., since 2025