Marie Christine Lundberg
Professor i reiselivsledelse
Telefon: 51831228
Sted: H-324
Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet
NHS – Institutt for ledelse og tjenesteutvikling
Kort om meg
I was awarded a PhD in Business Administration, focus area marketing, from the School of Business, Economics and Law at Gothenburg University, Sweden in 2010. In the same year, I also co-founded the international research network POPCULTOUR, researching tourism and events in the wake of popular culture expressions such as films, TV shows, literature, and music. Before joining University of Stavanger as a Professor in 2020, I worked in higher education in the UK (University of Surrey & Leeds Beckett University) and Sweden (Mid Sweden University & University of Borås) for 20 years.
- 👩🏫 Primary areas of teaching in my +25-year career in higher education are services marketing and management, tourism and events, and qualitative methods
- 💎 I have published in high ranked journals such as Tourism Management and Journal of Travel Research (AJG/ABS: 4).
- 📝 Since 2020, I have been Co-Chief Editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism (AJG/ABS: 2). Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism | Taylor & Francis Online (
- ✍🏻 I am also the Travel Industry (Tourism) Subject Editor for the Norwegian Encyclopedia. Store norske leksikon
I have successfully secured substantial competitive research grants for projects in tourism, hospitality, and retail, focusing on destination development, innovation, customer experience, and crisis management/structural change. My research has been funded by prestigious organisations, including the European Structural Funds (twice), the Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council (twice), and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, among others.
My research primarily focuses on services marketing and management in popular culture tourism, investigating e.g., consumer experiences, destination and event management, and sustainable development in tourism linked to media and popular culture phenomena. Previous publications have covered:
- Screen Tourism: studying the economic, social, and developmental impacts of destinations featured in films and TV.
- Digital and Social Media: exploring digital platforms, collaboration, hybrid tourism experiences, and consumer engagement.
Previous research outputs have also covered nature-based tourism and hospitality settings, exploring entrepreneurship, service encounters, and workplace dynamics.
📚 PUBLICATIONS (a selection) 📚
Journal articles
- Lundberg, C., Lexhagen, M., & de Bernardi, C. (2025). The Trifecta of Popular Culture Tourism: Pursuing Eternal Life among the Living and Un-Dead. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 36, 100999.
- Lundberg, C.; Lexhagen, M., & Ziakas, V. (2024). Integrating popular culture tourism in local communities: a scoping review and ways forward. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 24(1), 4–26. DOI: 10.1080/15022250.2024.2359410
- Lexhagen, M., Ziakas, V., & Lundberg, C. (2023). Popular Culture Tourism: Conceptual Foundations and State of Play. Journal of Travel Research, 62(7), 1391-1410.
- Zainal Abidin, H., Scarles, & C. Lundberg, C. (2023). The antecedents of digital collaboration through an enhanced digital platform for destination management: A micro-DMO perspective. Tourism Management, 96, 104691. DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2022.104691
- Ziakas, V., Tzanelli, R,. & Lundberg, C. (2022). Interscopic fan travelscape: Hybridizing tourism through sport and art. Tourist Studies, 22, (3), 290-307. DOI: 10.1177/14687976221092169
- Ziakas, V., Lundberg, C., & Sakkas, G. (2021). “Out of the Black, Into the Big Blue” on a Single Breath: Sport Event Value Co-Creation as Symbolic World-Making. Journal of Sport Management, 36,(1), 25-44. DOI: 10.1123/jsm.2020-0187
- Lundberg, C. & Furunes, T. (2021). 20 Years of the Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism: looking to the past and forward. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 21(1)., 1-13. DOI: 10.1080/15022250.2021.1883235
- Li, S., Tien, W(S), Lundberg, C., Gkritzali, A., & Sundström, M. (2021). Two Tales of One City: Fantasy Proneness, Authenticity, and Loyalty of On-Screen Tourism Destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 60(8), 1802-1820.
- Sundström, M., Lundberg, C., & Ziakas, V. (2021). Episodic Retail Settings: A Sustainable and Adaptive Strategy for City Centre Stores. Episodic Retail Settings: A Sustainable and Adaptive Strategy for City Centre Stores.Sustainability, 13,(5). DOI: 10.3390/su13052482
- Lundberg, C. & Lindström, K.N. (2020). Sustainable Management of Popular Culture Tourism Destinations: A Critical Evaluation of the Twilight Saga Servicescapes. Sustainability, 12, 5177.
- Geraghty, L., Ziakas, V., & Lundberg, C. (2020). Guest Editorial: Exploring the Popular Culture and Tourism Place-Making Nexus. Journal of Popular Culture, 52, (6), 1241-1249.
- Lexhagen, M., Lundberg, C., & Chekalina, T. (2020). Traveling in the Footsteps of ABBA. Journal of Popular Culture, 52(6), 1408-1432.
- Lundberg, C. & Ziakas, V. (2018). Fantrepreneurs in the Sharing Economy: Co-Creating Neo-Tribal Events. Event Management, 22, (2), 287-301.
- Lundberg, C., Ziakas, V., & Morgan, N. (2017). Conceptulising On-Screen Tourism Destination Development. Tourist Studies, 18(1), 83–104.
- Li, S., Li, H., Song, H., Lundberg, C., & Shen, S. (2017). The Economic Impact of On-Screen Tourism: The Case of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Tourism Management, 60, 177-187.
- Larson, M, Lundberg, C., & Lexhagen, M. (2013). Thirsting for Vampire Tourism: Developing Pop Culture Destinations. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2(2), 74-84.
- Lundberg, C., Fredman, P., & Wall-Reinius, S. (2012). Going for the green? The role of money among nature-based tourism entrepreneurs. Current Issues in Tourism, 17(4), 373–380.
- Lundberg, C. & Fredman, P. (2011). Success Factors and Constraints among Nature-Based Tourism Entrepreneurs. Current Issues in Tourism,5(7), 649-671.
- Sundström, M., Lundberg, C. & Giannakis, S. (2011). Tourist Shopping Motivation: Go with the Flow or Follow the Plan. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 3(2), 211-224.
- Lundberg, C. (2011). Critical Service Encounters in Restaurants: The Personnel’s Perspective. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 11(1), 1-19.
- Lundberg, C. & Lexhagen, M. (2010). The Popular Culture Tourism Service System: The Case of Twilight. Impresa Ambiente Management, 4(3), 439-458.
- Lundberg, C., Gudmundson, A. & Andersson, T. (2008). Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Work Motivation Tested Empirically on Seasonal Workers in Hospitality and Tourism. Tourism Management, 30, 890-899.
- Lundberg, C. (2008). A Word-of-Mouth Approach to Informal Information Sharing among Part-Time and Short-Term Employed Front-Line Workers in Tourism. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 14(1), 23-39.
- Lundberg, C. & Mossberg, L. (2008). Learning by Sharing: Waiters’ and Bartenders’ Experiences of Service Encounters. Journal of Foodservice, 19(1), 44-52.
- Ziakas, V., Lundberg, C. & Lexhagen, M. (Eds.) (2024). Touristic World-Making and Fan Pilgrimage in Popular Culture Destinations. Channel View Publications.
- Lundberg, C. & Ziakas, V. (Eds.) (2018). Routledge Handbook of Popular Culture and Tourism. Routledge.
- Lundberg, C., Lexhagen, M. & Mattsson, S. (2012). Twication™: The Twilight Saga Travel Experience. Jengel Förlag AB.
- Lundberg, C., Lexhagen, M. & Mattsson, S. (2011). I populärkulturturismens spår: Twilight + Vacation = Twication©. Jengel Förlag AB.
- Lundberg, C. (2010). Challenges in Delivering Services: The Front-Line Hospitality and Tourism Perspective. PhD thesis. School of Business, Economics, and Law, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden: Intellecta Infolog.
Book chapters
- Lundberg, C., Ziakas, V. & Lindström, K. (2024). The Everyday Tourist: Traveling the Theatre of the Mind in the Wake of Permacrisis. In S. Reijnders, E. Martens & A. Nanjangud (Eds), Worlds of Imagination: Global Perspectives on Media, Tourism and Culture. Routledge. The Everyday Tourist | 9 | Traveling the Theater of the Mind in the Wa
- Ziakas, V., Lundberg, C. & Lexhagen, M. (2024). Introduction to Popular Culture Destinations: Contexts, Perspectives and Insights. (p. 1-14). In V. Ziakas, C. Lundberg & M. Lexhagen (Eds), Touristic World-Making and Fan Pilgrimage in Popular Culture Destinations. Channel View Publications.
- Tian, W., Lundberg, C. & Gkritzali, A. (2024). Millennials’ Responses to Popular Culture-Induced Visual and Verbal Cues: An Eye-Tracking Investigation (p. 146-170). In V. Ziakas, C. Lundberg & M. Lexhagen (Eds), Touristic World-Making and Fan Pilgrimage in Popular Culture Destinations. Channel View Publications.
- Ziakas, V., Lundberg, C. & Lexhagen, M. (2024). Conclusions for Popular Culture Tourism Research: Progress and Problematics (p. 215-228). In V. Ziakas, C. Lundberg & M. Lexhagen (Eds), Touristic World-Making and Fan Pilgrimage in Popular Culture Destinations. Channel View Publications.
- Lexhagen, M. Ziakas, V. & Lundberg, C. (2024). Popular Culture Tourism. In J. Jafari & H. Xiao (Eds), Encyclopedia of Tourism, 2nd Edition, Springer Nature.
- Fredman, P., Sievänen, T., Jensen, F.S., Gundersen, V., Wall-Reinius, S., Lexhagen, M., Lundberg, C., Sandell, K., Vistad, O.I., Wolf-Watz, D. (2023) Approaches to Foresight Recreation and Tourism in Nature – Experiences from the Nordic Region. (p. 131-148). In The Routledge Handbook of Nature Based Tourism Development. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003230748-12
- Gyimóthy, S, Lundberg, C, Lindström, K, Lexhagen, M & Larson, M (2015). 'Popculture Tourism: A Research Manifesto'. In D Chambers and T Rakic (Eds), Tourism Research Frontiers. Tourism Social Science Series, Bingley: Emerald.
- Lundberg, C. & Lexhagen, M. (2014). Pop Culture Tourism: A Research Model. In A. Chauvel, N. Lamerichs and J. Seymour (Eds), Fan Studies: Researching Popular Audiences. Freeland (U.K.): Inter-Disciplinary Press, pp. 13-34.
- Lexhagen, M., Larson, M. & Lundberg, C. (2013). The Virtual Fan(g) Community: Social Media and Pop Culture Tourism. In S. Gyimóthy, A. M. Munar and L. Cai (Eds), Tourism Social Media: Transformations in Identity, Community and Culture, Tourism Social Science Series, Vol. 18, Emerald: Bingley, pp. 133-157.
- Lundberg, C. & Lexhagen, M. (2012). Bitten by the Twilight Saga: From Pop Culture Consumer to Pop Culture Tourist. In R. Sharpley & P. Stone (Eds.) Contemporary Tourist Experience: Concepts and Concequences, Routledge.
Akademisk bakgrunn
- 2010 - PhD in Business Administration, School of Business, Economics, and Law , Gothenburg University, Sweden
- 1999 - BA in Business Studies at Tourism Programme, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
- 1999 - BA in Human Geography at Tourism Programme, Mid Sweden University, Sweden