Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Fjeldstad, Øystein Devik;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning
Business models and B2B governance Research.
I: Handbook of business to business marketing.
Edward Elgar Publishing.
ISBN 9781803923611.
Rindfleisch, Aric;
Antia, Kersi;
Bercovitz, Janet;
Brown, James R.;
Cannon, Joseph;
Carson, Stephen J.;
Ghosh, Mrinal;
Helper, Susan;
Robertson, Diana C.;
Wathne, Kenneth
Transaction costs, opportunism, and governance: Contextual considerations and future research opportunities.
Marketing letters.
ISSN 0923-0645.
Volum 21.
Hefte 3.
DOI: 10.1007/s11002-010-9104-3
Biong, Harald;
Wathne, Kenneth
Når vennene lurer deg.
Magma forskning og viten.
ISSN 1500-0788.
Volum 12.
Hefte 5.
Heide, Jan B.;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Rokkan, Aksel Ivar
Interfirn Monitoring, Social Contracts, and Relationship Outcomes.
Journal of Marketing Research.
ISSN 0022-2437.
Volum XLIV.
Rokkan, Aksel I.;
Heide, Jan B.;
Wathne, Kenneth;
Wathne, Kenneth
Specific investments in marketing relationships. Expropriation and bonding effects.
Journal of Marketing Research.
ISSN 0022-2437.
Volum 40.
Hefte may.
Wathne, Kenneth;
Biong, Harald;
Heide, Jan B.
Choice of supplier in embedded markets : relationship and marketing program effects.
Journal of Marketing.
ISSN 0022-2429.
Volum 65.
Hefte 2.
Wathne, Kenneth H.;
Heide, Jan B.
Opportunism in Interfirm Relationships: Form, Outcomes, and Solutions.
Journal of Marketing.
ISSN 0022-2429.
Volum 64.
Hefte 4.
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Butt, Moeen;
Antia, Kersi D.
Mitigating Early Franchise Agreement Terminations: The Role Public and Private Ordering.
2023-05-23 - 2023-05-26.
Wathne, Kenneth Henning
Pushing the Boundaries of B2B Research.
AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium 2023;
2023-06-14 - 2023-06-17.
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Butt, Moeen;
Antia, Kersi D.
Mitigating Unilateral Relationship Termination: The Role of Franchise System Hierarchy, Reputation, and Regulation .
2023 AMA Winter Academic Conference;
2023-02-10 - 2023-02-12.
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Kumar, Alok;
Heide, Jan B.
Offshore Outsourcing.
2023 AMA Winter Academic Conference;
2023-02-10 - 2023-02-12.
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Antia, Kersi D.;
Mitra, Amrita;
Mooi, Erik A.
2021 ISBM Academic Conference;
2022-08-10 - 2022-08-11.
Wathne, Kenneth Henning
B2B Marketing: Research and Teaching in the Post-COVID Era.
The European Marketing Academy Annual Conference ;
2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27.
Wathne, Kenneth Henning
Seeking Crisis Recovery In Alliance Rebranding.
The role of cross-understanding in complex problem solving in interorganizational relationships.
2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference;
2021-02-17 - 2021-02-19.
Sande, Jon Bingen;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Ghosh, Mrinal;
Jensen, Henrik
The role of cross-understanding in complex problem solving in interorganizational relationships.
B2B Marketing Research Online Seminar Series (BROSS);
Sande, Jon Bingen;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Ghosh, Mrinal
A problem-finding and problem-solving perspective to customer solutions: the role of cross-understanding and relational contracting.
2019 AMA Winter Academic Conference;
2019-02-22 - 2019-02-24.
Sande, Jon Bingen;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Ghosh, Mrinal
Microfoundations of value creation and relational contracting in B2B relationships: The role of cross-understanding.
Nordic Workshop on Interorganizational Research;
2017-04-26 - 2017-04-28.
Sande, Jon Bingen;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Ghosh, Mrinal
Microfoundations of Value Creation and Relational Contracting in B2B Relationships: the Role Cross-understanding.
SIOE 2017 (Society for institutional & organizational economics);
2017-06-23 - 2017-06-25.
Mariia, Koval;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Hunneman, Auke
Alliance Termination and Firm Idiosyncratic Risk: The Role of Governance Misfit.
23rd Nordic Workshop on interorganizational research;
2017-04-26 - 2017-04-28.
Yilmaz, Tuba;
Antia, Kersi;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Wuyts, Stefan
Crises in Multilateral Co-branding Alliances: Consequences for Member Firms.
Winter Educator’s AMA Conference;
2017-02-17 - 2017-02-19.
Koval, Mariia;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Hunneman, Auke;
van Oest, Rutger Daniel
Termination of R&D Alliances: The Role of Formal and Informal Governance.
EMAC 2016 Annual Conference;
2016-05-24 - 2016-05-27.
Koval, Mariia;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Hunneman, Auke;
van Oest, Rutger Daniel
Termination of R&D Alliances: The Role of Formal and Informal Governance.
Knowledge & Innovation, Cooperative Strategy, and Entrepreneurship Paper Development Workshop at Strategic Management Society Annual Conference;
2016-09-17 - 2016-09-20.
Sande, Jon Bingen;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Ghosh, Mrinal
Does interorganizational cross-understanding matter in buyer-supplier relationships?.
2016-05-24 - 2016-05-27.
Sande, Jon Bingen;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Ghosh, Mrinal
The Micro-Foundations of Value Creation in B2B Relationships: The Role of Cross-Understanding.
ISBM Academic Conference 2016: Advances in Business-to-Business Marketing;
Koval, Mariia;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
van Oest, Rutger Daniel;
Hunneman, Auke
Governing alliance portfolios: alliance termination decisions under relational risks and
structural constraints.
EMAC Doctoral Colloquium 2015, Leuven (Belgium), advanced track ;
2015-05-24 - 2015-05-26.
Koval, Mariia;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
van Oest, Rutger Daniel;
Hunneman, Auke
The Stability of R&D Alliances: Complementary Role of Formal and Informal Governance.
NFB Research School Conference 2015 in Trondheim (Norway);
2015-08-25 - 2015-08-26.
Koval, Mariia;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
van Oest, Rutger Daniel;
Hunneman, Auke
Termination of R&D alliances: the role of formal and informal governance.
SMS Annual International Conference;
2015-10-03 - 2015-10-06.
Koval, Mariia;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
van Oest, Rutger Daniel;
Hunneman, Auke
Termination of R&D alliances: the role of formal and informal governance.
The 6th Israel Strategy Conference ;
2015-12-20 - 2015-12-22.
Wathne, Kenneth Henning
John A. Howard/AMA Doctoral Award Competition.
2013 Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference;
2014-03-02 - 2014-05-02.
Wathne, Kenneth Henning;
Antia, Kersi;
Mani, Sudha
Governance and Bankruptcy in Franchisor-Franchisee Relationships.
35th ISMS Marketing Science Conference 2013;
2013-07-11 - 2013-07-13.
Wathne, Kenneth Henning
Howard/AMA Doctoral Award Competition.
American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s Conference;
2013-02-15 - 2013-02-17.
Sande, Jon Bingen;
Wathne, Kenneth Henning
Measuring relational norms as higher-order belief structures.
Johan Arndt Konferansen;
2012-05-30 - 2012-06-01.
Wathne, Kenneth Henning
Customer Identification in Marketing Alliances: Does it Matter Whom They Identify With?.
INFORMS Marketing Science conference;
2010-06-17 - 2010-06-19.
Wathne, Kenneth Henning
Customer Identification in Marketing Alliances: Does it Matter Whom They Identify With?.
ISBM Academic Conference;
2010-08-11 - 2010-08-12.
Wathne, Kenneth Henning
Hybrid Governance Mechanisms, Ownership Contexts, and Performance Outcomes in Marketing Relationships.
ISBM Academic Conference;
2010-08-11 - 2010-08-12.