Jayantha Prasanna Liyanage

Professor i industriell teknologi og driftsledelse

Jayantha Prasanna Liyanage


Telefon: 51831440

E-post: j.p.liyanage@uis.no

Rom: KE E-245


Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

Institutt for maskin, bygg og materialteknologi

Kort om meg

Prof. Jayantha P. Liyanage spesialiserer seg på industriell assets, systemer, prosesser, operasjoner og prestasjon ved Universitetet i Stavanger (UiS), Norge. Han har B.Sc. i produksjonsteknikk (1995, First Class Honours), M.Sc. i ergonomi / menneskelige faktorer (MTO) (1999, Distinction), og doktorgrad i offshoreteknologi (2003). Han var en av de aktive bidragsyterne til videreutvikling og operasjonalisering av Offshore teknologi utdannings- og forskningsområdet ved den tidligere Høgskolen i Stavanger (HiS) siden 1999. Prof. Liyanage har gjennom sin karriere tilegnet seg omfattende erfaring innen utvikling, implementering og ledelse av høyere utdanningsprogrammer og FoU-prosjekter, samt effektivt industrielt samarbeid. Han er Founding Fellow av International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM), æresmedlem av Norges Teknologiske Vitenskapsakademi (NTVA) siden 2011, og æresmedlem av Stavanger Vitenskapsakademi (VIS) siden 2012. For tiden Prof. Liyanage fungerer som medlem av standardiseringskomiteen SN/K 536 om forvaltning av anlegg og verdier (Asset management)  og SN/K 569 revisjon av styringssystemer med Standard norge. Han er oppnevnt som medlem av Nasjonalt publiserings utvalg under MNT-domene; Publiseringskomiteen til konstruksjonsfag, Nasjonale fagorgan i MNT-fag, etablert av Universitets- og høgskolerådet (UHR).

  • Studieprogramleder for det 2-årige masterprogrammet Industriell teknologi og driftsledelse (tidligere Offshore technology-Industrial asset management), og Studieprogramleder for 1-årig studieprogram Årsstudium Havvind. Han var også studieprogramleder for det erfaringsbaserte masterprogrammet for teknologi og driftsledelse (Experience-based Master in Technology and Operations Management MTOM), et livslang lærings program.
  • Tidligere Chair, University-Industry Cooperative Cluster on Industrial Asset Management (CIAM) i nesten 15 år (2004-2018). Har en sterk bakgrunn fra å jobbe tett med mange industrisektorer og organisasjoner spesielt innen Energisektoren siden slutten av 90-tallet, inkludert store asset operatører og eiere, ingeniørselskaper, tjenesteleverandører, rådgivnings- og konsulentorganisasjoner, standardiserings institutter og nasjonale myndigheter.

Hans FoU-profil dekker blant annet; industriell assets og komplekse systemer, engineering-drift-forvaltning av industriell assets og infrastruktur, smart assets og infrastrukturer, moderne digitale industriell systemer, resiliens og integritet til komplekse assets og systemer, integrerte informasjonssystemer, integrerte og digitale arbeidsprosesser, informasjons drevne beslutningsprosesser, integrerte operasjoner, ISO 55000 og standardisering, komplekse sosio-tekniske systemer, menneske-teknologi-operasjoner-organisasjon, Industriell prestasjons dynamikk og ytelsesstyring, bærekraftig industriell assets-systemer-prosesser, moderne industrielle økosystemer.

Prof. Liyanage er en aktiv deltaker i ulike internasjonale konferanser som hovedtaler, invitert sesjonsleder og invitert foredragsholder. Han har publisert mer enn 250 publikasjoner innen feltet industriell assets.



Prof. Jayantha P. Liyanage specializes in Industrial assets, Systems, Processes, Operations, and Performance at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway. He has earned B.Sc. in Production engineering (First Class Honours), M.Sc. in Ergonomics / Human factors (Distinction), and PhD in Offshore technology. He was one of the active contributors for further development and operationalization of Offshore technology Education and Research area of the former Stavanger University College (HiS) since 1999. Through his career path, Prof. Liyanage has acquired extensive experience in Educational program development, implementation, and management, R&D, and Industrial collaboration. He is a Founding Fellow of the ISEAM (International Society of Engineering Asset Management), an Honorary member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA) since 2011, and an Honorary member of the Stavanger Academy of Sciences (VIS) since 2012. Currently Prof. Liyanage serves as a Member of the Standardization committee SN/K 536 on Asset management, and SN/K 569 Revision of Management systems with Standard Norway (Standard norge). He is appointed as a Member of the National Publication committee under MNT domain, established by the Universities of Norway (Publiseringskomiteen til konstruksjonsfag, Nasjonale fagorgan i MNT-fag, Universitets- og høgskolerådet (UHR)).  

  • Studyprogram director of the 2-year Master program on Industrial asset management (former Offshore technology-Industrial asset management), and the Studyprogram director of 1-year studyprogram on Offshore wind energy. He was also the Studyprogram director of the Executive Experience-based Master program on Technology and Operations management (MTOM), a Life-long learning Executive education program. 
  • Former Chair of the University-Industry Cooperative Cluster for Industrial Asset Management (CIAM) for almost 15 years (2004-2018). Has a strong background on working closely with many Industrial sectors and organizations especially in the Energy sector since late 90s, inclusive of Major asset operators and owners, Engineering companies, Service providers, Advisory and Consulting organizations, Standardization institutes, and National authorities. 
  • Served in the Board of Directors of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Stavanger section with specific role as a Scholarships chair (2007-2015). Also was elected to the Board of Directors of the Norwegian Ergonomics and Human factors Society (NEHF). 
  • Served as Co-Chair of the European Network for Strategic Engineering Asset Management (EURENSEAM) involving many European countries, Member of the Working Group (WG) on Advanced maintenance engineering, Services, and Technology of IFAC (International Federation for Automatic Control). An Honorary member of IFRIM (International Foundation for Research in Maintenance). He had also been a Guest Professor of Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia, and University of Cincinnati, USA.

Prof. Liyanage is an active participant in various International conferences as a Keynote speaker, an Invited session chair, and an Invited speaker. He has published more than 250 publications within the field of Industrial assets. 



  • PhD - Offshore Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway, 2003.
  • MSc - Ergonomics (Distinction), Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, 1999.
  • BSc - Production engineering (First Class Honors), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 1995



Industrial assets and Complex systems, Engineering-operations-management of Industrial assets and infrastructure, Resilience and integrity of Complex Assets and Systems, Integrated information systems, Integrated and Collaborative work processes, Information-driven decision processes, Modern interconnected Digital systems, Integrated operations, Smart assets and infrastructures, Digital work processes, ISO 55000 and Standardization, Complex Socio-Technical systems, Human-Technology-Operations-Organization, Industrial performance dynamics and performance management, Sustainable industrial assets, systems and processes, Modern industrial Eco-systems.





  • 2018 - Outstanding Achievement Award, International Society for Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM)
  • 2017 - Regional Management and Information Award for North Sea Region, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
  • 2014 - Ambassador 2014, Region Stavanger, Norway
  • 2004 - The Emerald Literati Club Award for Excellence, Emerald Publisher
  • 2003 - Best PhD Award - Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Stavanger section, Norway.
  • 2001 - Lyse Energy Research Award, Norway.
  • 1999 - The Overall Best Performance in Masters in Ergonomics, Sweden.
  • 1995 - Colombo Dockyard Award for Best Performance in Production engineering, Sri Lanka.
  • 1995 - University of Peradeniya Award for Best Performance in Engineering, Sri Lanka.



  • Study program director, Master degree program in Industrial Asset Management, University of Stavanger (Ranked by the Study-barometer of Norway in the Category of 'Mechanical and Electrical engineering' as; 3rd National best Master degree in 2015, 2nd National best Master degree in 2016, 3rd National best Master degree in 2017, and The National best Master degree in 2019https://www.tekna.no/magasinet/stavangermaster-topper-med-sideveis-tenking/ and The National best Master degree consecutively in 2020; https://www.tekna.no/magasinet/mastervinner-onsker-delt-kildekode-for-koronavaksiner/
  • Co-Author (2018), of the Publication that received Best paper award; Zhu, P., Liyanage, J.P., Jeeves, S., Condition and performance monitoring of emergency shutdown systems: data visualization and analysis for decision support, in  Liyanage, J.P., Amadi-Echendu, J., Mathew, J., Engineering assets and Public infrastructures in the Age of digitalization: The proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018), Springer, pp 376-386.
  • Doctoral thesis Advisor (2012 – 2020) of Ole-Erik Endrerud, PhD Project on ‘Simulation-Based Decision Support for Engineering Assets: An Agent-Based Approach for Operations and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms', in collaboration with Equinor (former Statoil) and Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE). The project lead to the Spin-off Company Shoreline AS .
  • Doctoral thesis advisor (2006-2009) of Jawad Raza, PhD project on 'Integrated operations: Technical integrity and Performance optimisation', in collaboration with ConocoPhillips Norway. The PhD thesis recieved the Best PhD thesis award from the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Stavanger section
  • Prinicpal Author (2003), of the Publication that received Best paper award; Liyanage, J.P., Kumar, U., Towards a value based view on operations and maintenance performance management, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Emerald Publishing, vol.9, no.4, pp 333-350.
  • Bachelor and Master thesis advisor of Eirik Tjoestheim and Faisal Dahman, 2 Student Thesis of Høgskolen i Stavanger (HiS) in 2003/2004 selected as 2 of the 10-Best Student thesis under ‘Den Tekniske Messen 2004’ held in Lillestrøm. Bachelor thesis on ‘Total productive maintenance (TPM)' by Eirik Tjoestheim (in Social Science & Personnel administration Program, Faculty of Social Sciences) was done in collaboration with Hydro Karmøy, and Master thesis on ‘Tail-end Production’ by Faisal Dahman (in Petroleum engineering program, Faculty of Science and Technology) was done in collaboration with AkerKværner. Eirik Tjoestheim received the 1st place of the Student thesis competition.     



  • 2022-todate:  Member of the National Publication committee for MNT domain, established by the Universities of Norway (Publiseringskomiteen til konstruksjonsfag, Nasjonale fagorgan i MNT-fag, Universitets- og høgskolerådet (UHR))  
  • 2018: World Congress Chair, The 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018), International Society for Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM)
  • 2004-2018: Chair, Cluster on Industrial Asset Management (CIAM), University of Stavanger.
  • 2009-todate: Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management (IJSEAM)
  • 2012-todate: Honorary member, Stavanger Academy of Sciences (VIS) 
  • 2011-todate: Honorary member, Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA)      
  • 2008-todate: Honorary Founding Fellow, International Society for Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM)
  • 2012-todate: Member of the National mirror committee SN/K536 on Asset management, Standard Norge (Standardization institution of Norway)
  • 2016-todate:  Member of the National mirror committee SN/K569 Revision of Management systems, Standard Norge (Standardization institution of Norway)
  • 2001-todate: Life member, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
  • 2004 - 2007: Member of the Management and Information Award Committee, Appointed by 2005 SPE President, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
  • 2004-todate: Member, The Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals (TEKNA)



  • 2024-2026:International project partner, Finnish project 'CoLife - Data Economy in Collaborative Asset Lifecycle Solutions (CoLife)', Funded by Business Finland, Partners; Metsäliitto Osuuskunta, SAP Finland, Nokia, Core Link, Etteplan, Kiwa Inspecta, Nortal, THTH Ry, VTT, Lappeenranta University of Tech., Finland, and other Industrial and Research partners. 
  • 2017-2021: International Expert project advisor (Sweden) EU Project on Predictive Cognitive Maintenance Decision Support system (PreCoM), Partners: Linnaeus University (Sweden), E-Maintenance (Sweden), Paragon (Greece), Savvy Data Systems (Spain), Vertech (France), Bosch-Rexroth (Germany), Soraluce (Spain), Sakana (Spain), Overbeck (Germany), Spinea (Slovakia), Goma-Camps (Spain), Lantier (Spain), Ideko (Spain), Alternative Energies and Atomis Energy Commission (France), Technological Institute for Industrial mathematics (Spain), Technical University of Munich (Germany), Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany).
  • 2018-2019: International Expert project advisor (Sweden), Swedish Project on Data analytics in Maintenance planning, Partners: Volvo Group Trucks Operations (Sweden), Volvo Car Corporation (Sweden), Volvo Construction Equipment (Sweden), IFS (Sweden), Axxos (Sweden), Scania (Sweden), VBG Group (Sweden), Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Målardalen University (Sweden).
  • 2015-2018: International project partner, Finnish project Service solutions for fleet management (S4Fleet), funded by Finnish Metals and Engineering Competence Cluster, Partners; Lappeenranta University of Tech., Finland, Alto University Finland, Kone, IBM, Nokia, Solteq, etc. 
  • 2013-2014: International Project partner, Finnish project Strategic business models and governance for sustainable solutions (StraSus), funded by Finnish research council TEKES, Partners; Lappeenranta University of Tech. Finland, VTT Finland, Polimi Italy, etc.
  • 2011-2014: Project partner & Work Package leader, EU funded project on Sustainable value creation in manufacturing networks (SustainValue). Partners; VTT Research Finland, University of Cambridge UK, University of Stavanger Norway, FIR Germany, DIN Germany, Politecnico di Milano Italy, FIDIA Italy, Riversimple UK, CLAAS Germany, Elson Solutions Finland. 



  • Doctoral project (Norway, forthcoming)
    • Data-driven decision support platform for Offshore Wind Energy Assets
  • Doctoral project (Norway)
    • Advanced Situation awareness in Complex industrial assets under dynamic and digital contexts, Industrial partner; Kairos Technology AS



  • 2018-2022: Doctoral project Co-advisor, Project on Modelling and simulation for intelligent maintenance, by Helge Nordal. University of Stavanger, Norway. In collaboration with Gassco.
  • 2016-2020: Doctoral project advisor, Project on Safety instrumented systems in low demand mode in oil and gas production process: Data-driven decision support for improvements in operation and maintenance practice, by Pengyu Zhu. University of Stavanger, Norway. In collaboration with industrial partners.
  • 2012-2020: Doctoral project advisor, Project on Simulation-Based Decision Support for Engineering Assets: An Agent-Based Approach for Operations and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms, by Ole-Erik Vestøl Endrerud, University of Stavanger, Norway. In collaboration with Equinor (former Statoil).
  • 2011-2014: Doctoral project advisor, Project on Analysis and Management of Bottlenecks in Supply Networks Towards a Structured Approach to Stabilization of Inbound Material Flow, by Jakob Emanuel Beer, University of Stavanger, Norway. Funded by European Commission.
  • 2010-2012: Project manager, Project on Integrity through systems engineering: Risk based criteria (INTECRITERIA), Partners: Norwegian Centre for Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE) and VTT-Finland
  • 2010-2012: Project manager, Project on Risk-based technology platforms and transfer strategies for Offshore wind energy assets, Partner: Norwegian Centre Offshore Wind Energy (NORCOWE).
  • 2007: Project manager and R&D partner, Joint industry project on Technical integrity management solutions for Gassled: Implementation solutions, Partners, Gassco, UiS, DNV, AGR Emi Team AS.
  • 2006-2009:  Doctoral project advisor, Project on Business-to-Business collaborative work processes for integrated environments: Evaluation and Development for Integrated Planning in complex Offshore Oil Production, by Yu Bai, University of Stavanger, Norway. Funded by the Petromaks program of Norwegian Research Council.
  • 2006-2009: Doctoral project advisor, Project on Technical Integrity and Operations & Maintenance Performance Optimization in Complex Assets: Optimization through Data and Organizational Intelligence in an Integrated Environment, by Jawad Raza, University of Stavanger, Norway. Funded by ConocoPhillips.
  • 2006-2009: Doctoral project advisor, Project on Managing Environmental Sustainability in Seaports: Towards an integrated method, by Alsnosy Balbaa, University of Stavanger, Norway. Funded by Arab Academy of Science and Technology, Egypt.
  • 2004-2008:  Doctoral project co-advisor, Project related to Maintenance performance indicators for Railroad system, by Thomas Åhren, Railway Research Center, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden.  
  • 2004-2008: Doctoral project co-advisor, Project related to Train punctuality improvement through effective maintenance, by Rikard Granstrøm, Railway Research Center, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden.  
  • 2004-2005: Doctoral project co-advisor, Project related to Industrial services and innovation in the knowledge intensive economy: Mapping of players, roles, content, and needs, by Sukhvir Singh Panesar, University of Stavanger, Norway. Funded by Norwegian research Council.
  • 2004-2006: Doctoral project co-advisor, Project related to Service delivery strategies for operations and maintenance of offshore production facilities, by Rajesh Kumar, University of Stavanger, Norway. Funded by Industrial partners.



  • 2025/26 Member of the Assessment committee (appointed), Doctoral thesis on Risk-based operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms, by Mihai Florian, Aalborg University, Denmark.
  • 2024 Member of the Adjudication committee, Doctoral thesis on A Novel Approach to Developing Digital Twin in Maintenance Utilising Industrial Artificial Intelligence, by Amit Patwardhan, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.
  • 2024 Preliminary Examiner, Doctoral thesis on Customer value and negative critical incidents in outsourced industrial maintenance service, by Outi Nurmilaukas, University of Tampere, Finland.
  • 2022 Member of the Adjudication committee, Doctoral thesis on On the establishment of effective condition-based maintenance for oil-filled electrical transformers to avoid failures due to copper corrision problems and its role toward sustainable energy, by Ramsey Jadim, Linnaeus University, Sweden.
  • 2021 Principal examiner, Doctoral thesis on Impact of user experience on the quality of manually collected maintenance data, by Katrine Mahlamäki, Aalto University, Finland.
  • 2020 Principal opponent, Doctoral thesis on On the development of a new digitalised maintenance approach for factories of the future, by Hatem Algabroun, Linnaeus University, Sweden.
  • 2020 Principal opponent, Doctoral thesis on Soft Issues of Industry 4.0: A study of human-machine interaction, by Prasanna Illankoon, Luleå University of technology, Sweden.
  • 2020 Principal opponent and Member of the Adjudication committee, Doctoral thesis on Stochastic Wind Park Modelling and Maintenance Scheduling under Uncertainty, by Helene Seyr, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.
  • 2020 Primary examiner, Doctoral Thesis on Problems of implementing asset management policies in Australian water utilities, by Mary McGeoch, Southern Cross University, Australia.
  • 2019 Member of the Adjudication committee, Doctoral thesis on Smart Maintenance: Maintenance in digitalized manufacturing, by Jon Bokrantz, Chalmers University of technology, Sweden.
  • 2019 Principal examiner, Doctoral thesis on Supporting strategic asset management in complex and uncertain decision contexts,  by Juri Hanski, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, Finland.
  • 2019 Primary examiner, Doctoral thesis on Total cost of ownership along the mine asset management and supply chain, by Amir Noorbakhsh, Curtin University, Australia.
  • 2016 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Processing risk in Asset management: Exploring the boundaries of risk basd optimization under uncertainity in the Asset management department of a Dutch energy distribution network operator, by Ype C. Wijnia, Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands.
  • 2015 Principal examiner, Licentiate thesis on Human factors approach for Maintenance improvements, by Mojgan Aalipour, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.
  • 2014 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on On the wave wind interactions and implications for Offshore wind turbines, by Siri M Kalvig, University of Stavanger, Norway. 
  • 2014 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Offshore wind data integration, by Trinh Hoang, Nguyen, University of Agder, Norway
  • 2013 Principal examiner, Doctoral thesis on Modelling flexible asset management in industrial maintenance companies and networks, by Salla Marttonen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland.
  • 2012 External examiner, Doctoral thesis on Integrated health prediction of bridge systems using Dynamic object oriented Bayesian Networks (DOOBNs), by Ruizi Wang, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. 
  • 2011 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Gas turbine based power generation with CO2 capture, by Nikolett Sipocz, University of Stavanger, Norway. 
  • 2011 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Activity based life-cycle cost analysis: Design, operation, and maintenance in arctic environment, by Dina Kayrbekova, University of Stavanger, Norway. 
  • 2010 External examiner, Doctoral thesis on Power systems reliability studies in the liberalized scenario, by Vijay Venu, Indian Institute of Technology, India. 
  • 2009 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Design for production performance: Reliability, maintainability, Arctic condition, by Xueli Gao, University of Stavanger, Norway.
  • 2009 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Evaluation of the structural integrity of corroding oil & gas pipes, by Maneesh Singh, University of Stavanger, Norway.
  • 2009 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Technologies for better utilization of production resources, by Anders Ingwald, Vaxjo University, Sweden. 
  • 2007 Member of the Assessment committee, Doctoral thesis on Industrial service innovations: Practices, Processes, and Service relationships, by Sukhvir Panesar, University of Stavanger, Norway. 
  • 2003 Principal examiner, Licentiate thesis on Product support and spare part planning considering system reliability and operating environment, by Behzad Ghodrati, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. 






Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Bakhshandeh, Mohammad; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Asheim, Bjarne Andre; Li, Lu


Process deviations, Early sensemaking, and Enabling operators: Thinking beyond the traditional Alarm-based practice to enhance Industrial resilience.

Journal of Safety and Sustainability.

ISSN 2949-9267.


DOI: 10.1016/j.jsasus.2024.09.002

Bakhshandeh, Mohammad; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Resilience of Complex systems in modern contexts: Sense-making of Deviations and Enabling the Human to mitigate Unwanted events and incidents.

International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management.

ISSN 1753-7169.

Volum 11.

Hefte 1-4.


DOI: 10.1504/IJDSRM.2023.142152

Vila Forteza, Marc; Galar, Diego; Lin, Janet; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


New paradigms in the maintenance, operation, and health management of large fleets of rotating machines: the effect of Industry 4.0.

Condition Monitor.

ISSN 0268-8050.

Volum 434.


Zhu, Pengyu; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Kumar, Rajesh; Panesar, Sukhvir Singh


Decision quality related to emergency shutdown system in the oil and gas industry: Influences from data and information.

International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management.

ISSN 1753-7169.

Volum 10.

Hefte 1/2.


DOI: 10.1504/IJDSRM.2021.117568

Zhu, Pengyu; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Cybersecurity of safety instrumented systems in the context of digitalization : Some issues and challenges within oil and gas production assets. I: e-proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020 PSAM15).

Research Publishing Services.

ISBN 9789811485930.

Zhu, Pengyu; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Jeeves, Simon


Data-driven failure analysis of emergency shutdown systems in oil and gas industry: Evaluation of detectability from failure progression perspective.

Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering.

ISSN 1355-2511.

DOI: 10.1108/JQME-03-2018-0022

Zhu, Pengyu; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Panesar, Sukhvir Singh; Kumar, Rajesh


Review of workflows of emergency shutdown systems in the Norwegian oil and gas industry.

Safety Science.

ISSN 0925-7535.

Volum 121.


DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2019.02.037

Zhu, Pengyu; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Application of Prognostics and Health Management to Low Demand Systems: Use of Condition Data to Help Determine Function Test Interval.

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.

ISSN 2157-3611.

Volum 2019-December.


DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2018.8607354

Zhu, Pengyu; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Low Demand Safety Instrumented System: Update of Function Test Intervals with Layer of Protection Analysis in the Operational Phase.

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.

ISSN 2157-3611.

Volum 2019-December.


DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2018.8607756

Ylä-Kujala, A; Kinnunen, Sini-Kaisu; Marttonen-Arola, S.; Kärri, Timo; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Parhaita käytäntöjä Norjasta: ”öljyteollinen internet” (Best practices from Norway: ‘Internet’ of the Oil industry). I: Teollinen internet uudistaa palveluliiketoimintaa ja kunnossapitoa.

ISBN 978-952-68687-0-7.


Endrerud, Ole-Erik Vestøl; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Decision Support for O&M of Offshore Wind Parks. I: Engineering Asset Management - Systems, Professional Practices and Certification.


ISBN 978-3-319-09506-6.


DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09507-3_95

Endrerud, Ole-Erik Vestøl; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Keseric, Nenad


Marine logistics decision support for operation and maintenance of offshore wind parks with a multi method simulation model.

Winter simulation conference : proceedings.

ISSN 0891-7736.

Volum 2015-January.


DOI: 10.1109/WSC.2014.7020021

Abraha, Haftay Hailay; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Understanding hazards and risks in modern sociotechnical systems: Systemic approach to identify human, organizational and technical factors.

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.

ISSN 2157-3611.

Volum 2015-January.


DOI: 10.1109/IEEM.2014.7058839

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Human - An asset or a liability: The real deal with modern humans in intelligent systems and complex operations. I: Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2012).


ISBN 978-3-319-02461-5.


Endrerud, Ole-Erik Vestøl; Austreng, Knut Ragnar; Keseric, Nenad; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


New vessel concepts for operations and maintenance of offshore wind farms.

ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Proceedings.

ISSN 1098-6189.

Volum 2015-January.


Mardiasmo, Diaswati; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Asset management reform through policies, regulations, and standards: The need for ‘soft’ interface.

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering.

ISSN 2195-4356.

Volum 19.


DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09507-3_100

Abraha, Haftay Hailay; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Managing modern sociotechnical systems: New perspectives on human-organization—technological integration in complex and dynamic environments.

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering.

ISSN 2195-4356.

Volum 19.


DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09507-3_94

Kadiri, Oluwaseun; Raza, Jawad; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Current status and innovative trends of asset integrity management (AIM): Products & services in the Norwegian oil and gas industry.

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering.

ISSN 2195-4356.

Volum 19.


DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09507-3_44

Endrerud, Ole-Erik Vestøl; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Decision support for operations and maintenance of offshore wind parks.

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering.

ISSN 2195-4356.

Volum 19.


DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09507-3_95

El-Thalji, Idriss; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Grand features of Systems of System development in Engineering asset management: A practitioner’s perspective within the Wind energy sector.

Engineering Asset Management Reviews.

ISSN 2190-7846.

DOI: 10.1007/8663_2015_3

Wijnia, Ype; de Croon, J; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Towards and Asset management reference model: Basis for a unified approach. I: Engineering Asset Management 2011: Proceedings of the sixth World congress on Engineering asset management.


ISBN 978-1-4471-4992-7.


Valkokari, Katri; Valkokari, Pasi; Palomaki, Katariina; Uusitalo, Teuvo; Reunanen, Markku; Macchi, Marco; Rana, Padmakshi; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Road-mapping the Business potential of sustainability within the European manufacturing industry.


ISSN 1463-6689.

Volum 16.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1108/FS-05-2012-0037

Tiusanen, Risto; Jannes, Jere; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Evaluation of RAMS+I Factors Affecting Different Offshore Wind Turbine Concepts.

International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering.

ISSN 1053-5381.

Volum 23.

Hefte 2.


Vignes, Birgit; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


The Human performance model for Complex and Safety critical operations: A case study on Drilling and Wireline operations from North Sea.

International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management (IJSEAM).

ISSN 1759-9733.

Volum 1.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1504/IJSEAM.2012.050920

Bai, Yu; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Framework and systematic functional criteria for Integrated work processes in Complex assets: A Case study on Integrated planning in Offshore oil & gas production industry.

International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management (IJSEAM).

ISSN 1759-9733.

Volum 1.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.1504/IJSEAM.2012.044988

El-Thalji, Idriss; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


On the Operations and Maintenance practices of Wind power assets: A status review and observations.

Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering.

ISSN 1355-2511.

Volum 18.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1108/13552511211265785

Tiusanen, Risto; Jannes, Jere; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Identification and Evaluation of RAMS+I factors affecting the Value added by different Offshore wind turbine concepts in Nordic context. I: Proceedings of the Twenty-second (2012) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference.

International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers.

ISBN 978-1-880653-94-4.


El-Thalji, Idriss; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Hjøllo, Magnar


Scalable and Customer oriented Life cycle costing model: A case of an innovative Vertical wind turbine concept. I: Proceedings of the Twenty-second (2012) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference.

International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers.

ISBN 978-1-880653-94-4.


Beer, Jakob Emanuel; Schumacher, T; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Network performance impact on Supply realibility in the Automobile industry. I: Technology Management for Emerging technologies: Proceedings of the Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) 2012 Conference.

IEEE conference proceedings.

ISBN 978-1-4673-2853-1.


Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; El-Thalji, Idriss


Architecting decision support of integrated asset diagnostic & prognostic system : systems challenges within wind power applications. I: Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management (COMADEM2011).

COMADEM International.

ISBN 0-9541307-2-3.


Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Eren, Nordan; El-Thalji, Idriss


Maintenance optimization practices within wind power systems : : State-of-the-art. I: Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management (COMADEM2011).

COMADEM International.

ISBN 0-9541307-2-3.


Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Tiusanen, Risto; Jännes, Jere; Reunanen, Markku


RAMSI Management from Single Analyses to Systematic Approach. I: Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management (COMADEM2011).

COMADEM International.

ISBN 0-9541307-2-3.


Badurdeen, Fazleena; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Sustainable Value Co-creation through Mass Customization: A framework.

International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing (IJSM).

ISSN 1742-7223.

Volum 2.

Hefte 2/3.


DOI: 10.1504/IJSM.2011.042151

Bai, Yu; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Integrated planning as a ‘one for all’ solution in distinctive business environments: A case-based comparison between North Sea and Bohai Bay.

International Journal of Business and Systems Research.

ISSN 1751-200X.

Volum 5.

Hefte 4.


DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2011.040786

El-Thalji, Idriss; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Integrated asset management for Large scale wind energy farms. I: Engineering Asset Management and Infrastructure Sustainability: Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2010).


ISBN 9780857293015.


El-Thalji, Idriss; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Design for environmental compatibility of Wind power systems: A case study on Offshore and Cold climate from a dependability perspective. I: Proceedings of the Twenty-First (2011) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference.

International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers.

ISBN 978-1-880653-96-8.


El-Thalji, Idriss; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


An asset management solution for Offshore wind farms based on System dynamics simulation: A case study. I: Proceedings of the Twenty-First (2011) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference.

International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers.

ISBN 978-1-880653-96-8.


Tiusanen, Risto; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Framework to assess systems risk associated with offshore wind farms in Northern context. I: Proceedings of the Twenty-First (2011) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference.

International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers.

ISBN 978-1-880653-96-8.


Raza, Jawad; Liyanage, Jayantha


Managing hidden system threats for higher production regularity using intelligent technological solutions: a case study.

European Journal of Industrial Engineering.

ISSN 1751-5254.

Volum 4.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1504/EJIE.2010.031080

Raza, Jawad; Liyanage, Jayantha


An assessment of gaps and technical risks in sophisticated technology implementation efforts in complex operations : a case from an integrated production monitoring environment. I: Reliability, Risk and Safety. Theory and Applications.

CRC Press.

ISBN 978-0-415-55509-8.


Halgamuge, Malka; Liyanage, Jayantha; Mendis, Priyan


Wireless technologies for Integrated e-Operations in Offshore environments.

Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering.

ISSN 1443-9255.


Liyanage, Jayantha


Maintenance for Industrial systems (by Riccardo Manzini, Alberto Regattieri, Hoang Pham, and Emilio Ferrari - Book review).

Production planning & control (Print).

ISSN 0953-7287.

Volum 21.

Hefte 8.


DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2010.527168

Raza, Jawad; Liyanage, Jayantha; El Atat, Hassan; Lee, Jay


A comparative study of maintenance data classification based on neural networks, logistic regression, and support vector machines.

Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering.

ISSN 1355-2511.

Volum 16.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1108/13552511011072934

Liyanage, Jayantha


State of the art and emerging trends in Operations & Maintenace of Offshore oil & gas production facilities: Some experiences and observations.

International Journal of Automation and Computing.

ISSN 1476-8186.

Volum 7.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1007/s11633-010-0137-0

Bai, Yu; Liyanage, Jayantha


Evaluating and Optimizing Integrated planning in complex production assets: Learnings from Offshore petroleum industry.

International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management.

ISSN 1753-7169.

Volum 2.

Hefte 03.apr.


DOI: 10.1504/IJDSRM.2010.037486

Balbaa, Alsnosy; Liyanage, Jayantha


On the development of an Integrated framework based on Pers and EFQM for Environmental sustainability management in Seaport: A case from Egypt. I: Definitions, Concepts and Scope of Engineering Asset Management.


ISBN 9781849961776.


Liyanage, Jayantha


Living with Digital risk: A critical foresight of Human-Social-Organizational transformations. I: 5th International Conference of Information and Automation for Sustainability (ICIAFS) 2010, 17-19 Dec. 2010, Colombo, Sri Langka.

IEEE conference proceedings.

ISBN 978-1-4244-8551-2.


Balbaa, Alsnosy; Liyanage, Jayantha


Environmental sustainability management process in a port of study in Egypt: Compliance level and importance analysis towards and integrated methodology.

International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management (IJSSM).

ISSN 1753-3600.

Volum 2.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1504/IJSSM.2010.032555

Vignes, Birgit; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Making it right: The critical performance influence factors for Offshore drilling and wireline operations. I: Advances in Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Safety in Manufacturing and Service Industries.

Taylor & Francis.

ISBN 9781439834992.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Badurdeen, Fazleena


Strategies for integrating maintenance for sustainable manufacturing. I: Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM) 2009, Athens, Greece, 28-30 Septmeber, 2009.


ISBN 978-1-84996-002-1.


Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Badurdeen, Fazleena


Strategies for maintenance integration for Sustainable manufacturing. I: Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM) 2009, Athens, Greece, 28-30 Septmeber, 2009.


ISBN 978-1-84996-002-1.

El-Thalji, Idriss; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Integrated asset management practices for Offshore wind power industry: A critical review and a road map to the future.

ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Proceedings.

ISSN 1098-6189.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Badurdeen, Fazleena; Ratnayake, Chandima


Industrial Asset Maintenance and Sustainability Performance: Economical, Environmental, and Societal Implications. I: Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering.


ISBN 9781848824713.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Lee, Jay; Emmanouilidis, Chris; Ni, Jun


Integrated E-Maintenance and Intelligent maintenance systems. I: Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering.


ISBN 9781848824713.


Emmanouilidis, Chris; Liyanage, Jayantha; Jantunen, Erkki


Mobile solutions for Engineering asset and Maintenance management.

Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering.

ISSN 1355-2511.

Volum 15.

Hefte 1.


Raza, Jawad; Liyanage, Jayantha


An integrated qualitative trend analysis approach to identify process abnormalities: a case of oil export pumps in an offshore oil and gas production facility.

Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part E, journal of process mechanical engineering.

ISSN 0954-4089.

Volum 223.

Hefte E4.


DOI: 10.1243/09544089JPME246

Raza, Jawad; Liyanage, Jayantha


Application of intelligent technique to identify hidden abnormalities in a system: A case study from oil export pumps from an offshore oil production facility.

Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering.

ISSN 1355-2511.

Volum 15.

Hefte 2.


Balbaa, Alsnosy; Liyanage, Jayantha; Labib, Ashraff


Quality concepts for Environmental sustainability in Seaports: A case study from Egypt.

International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management.

ISSN 1466-2132.

Volum 10.

Hefte 03.apr.


Bai, Yu; Liyanage, Jayantha


Field-wide integrated planning in complex and remote operational environment : reflections based on an industrial case study. I: Engineering asset management : proceedings of the third World congress on engineering asset management and Intelligent maintenance systems (WCEAM-IMS 2008).


ISBN 978-1-84882-216-0.


Balbaa, Alsnosy; Liyanage, Jayantha


Integration of "PERS" and "EFQM" as the basis towards a holistic method for environmental sustainability management : a case of an Egyptian seaport. I: Engineering asset management : proceedings of the third World congress on engineering asset management and Intelligent maintenance systems (WCEAM-IMS 2008).


ISBN 978-1-84882-216-0.


Sahoo, Trinath; Liyanage, Jayantha


Computerized maintenance management systems - For effective plant performance.

Chemical engineering (New York).

ISSN 0009-2460.

Volum 115.

Hefte 1.


Liyanage, Jayantha


Managing Industrial assets and Complex technologies in the Digital era: Human and Organizational integration.

International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction.

ISSN 1548-3908.

Volum 4.

Hefte 1.

Vinnem, Jan-Erik; Liyanage, Jayantha


Human and Organizational aspects of Collision risk management in Dynamic environments: A case from North Sea.

International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction.

ISSN 1548-3908.

Volum 4.

Hefte 1.


Liyanage, Jayantha


Integrated e-operations-e-maintenance : applications in North Sea offshore assets. I: Complex System Maintenance Handbook.


ISBN 9781848000100.


Liyanage, Jayantha


Rapid virtual enterprising to manage complex and high-risk assets. I: Handbook of research on virtual workplaces and the new nature of business practices.

Information Science Reference.

ISBN 9781599048932.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Herbert, MIke


Collaborative networks and virtual support enterprises. I: Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations (3 Volumes).

Information Science Reference.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Langeland, Thore


Smart assets through digital capabilities. I: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition (8 Volumes).

Information Science Reference.


Liyanage, Jayantha


Operations and Maintenance performance in production and manufacturing assets: The sustainability perspective.

Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management.

ISSN 1741-038X.

Volum 18.

Hefte 03.apr.


Raza, Jawad; Liyanage, Jayantha


Technical integrity and Performance optimization for enhanced reliability in 'Smart assets': Case of a North Sea oil & gas production facility. I: Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2007).

Taylor & Francis.


Balbaa, Alsnosy; Liyanage, Jayantha


Total quality management and environmental sustainability in seaports. I: 6th International conference Quality, Reliability and Maintenance, QRM 2007.

Coxmoor Publishing Company.

Bai, Yu; Liyanage, Jayantha


Migration towards Integrated work processes to realiz eOperation (IO) for high-risk assets. I: WCEAM : World Congress on Engineering Asset Management 2007.

Coxmoor Publishing Company.

Ratnayake, Chandima; Liyanage, Jayantha



Coxmoor Publishing Company.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Herbert, MIke; Harestad, Jan


Smart integrated e-operations for high-risk and technologically complex assets: Operational networks and collaborative partnerships in the digital environment,. I: Supply chain management: Issues in the new era of collaboration and competition.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Bjerkebæk, Eirik


Use of advanced technologies and information solutions for North Sea offshore assets: Ambitious changes and Socio-technical dimensions Key note paper.

Journal of International Information Management.

ISSN 1063-519X.

Volum 15.

Hefte 4.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


A global framework to manage maintenance performance to condition plant health: Reflections from the Norwegian oil & gas industry.


Volum 7.

Hefte 1.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


Towards a value based view on operations and maintenance performance management.

Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering.

ISSN 1355-2511.

Volum 9.

Hefte 4.


Ellingsen, Hans Petter; Kumar, Uday; Liyanage, Jayantha; Nerhus, Olav; Waldeland, Reidar; Hamre, Reidar; Nilsen, Nils Martinus; Dragesæt, Jørgen; Dragesaet, Kjetil


Management of assets, resources, and maintenance by using a balanced scorecard based performance framework.


Volum 3., no.400.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


Process of maintenance performance management and its imperatives within the offshore petroleum industry (Part 1): The emerging environment for asset maintenance in the new business economy.


Volum Winter 2001/2002.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


A value-based working algorithm to manage maintenance performance: Key learning points from oil & gas industry about an integrated production asset.


Volum 4.

Hefte 4.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


Process of maintenance performance management and its imperatives within the offshore petroleum industry (Part 2): Value-based maintenance performance management.


Volum Spring 2002.

Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


Strateski uskladen sustav mjerenja u svrhu odrzavanja: neki problemi vezani uz razvojnu metodu (1.dio).


Volum 4.

Hefte 2.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


A strategically Balanced Measurement System for Maintenance Process: Some Foundational Issues for a Development Method (Part-I).


Volum 4.

Hefte 2.


Bøker og kapitler

Pavlou, Dimitrios; Correia, José A.F.O.; Fazeres-Ferradosa, Tiago; Gudmestad, Ove Tobias; Siriwardane , Sudath C.; Lemu, Hirpa G.; Ersdal, Gerhard; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Hansen, Vidar Folke; Minde, Mona Wetrhus; RATNAYAKE MUDIYANSELAGE, Chandima; Delimitis, Andreas; El-Thalji, Idriss; Adasooriya, Mudiyan Nirosha Damayanthi; Samarakoon, Samarakoon Mudiyansele Samindi; Hemmingsen, Tor


Analytical and experimental methods in mechanical and civil engineering : Contributions of the 1st olympiad in engineering science (OES 2023).

Springer Nature.

ISBN 978-3-031-49722-3.

Volum 28.

Hefte ..

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Amadi-Echendu, Joe E.; Mathew, Joseph


Engineering assets and public infrastructures in the age of digitalization : Proceedings of the 13th world congress on engineering asset management.


ISBN 9783030480202.

Hefte 8.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Uusitalo, Teuvo


Value Networks in Manufacturing: Sustainability and Performance Excellence.


ISBN 978-3-319-27797-4.

Hefte ..

Holgado, M.; Macchi, M.; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Beer, Jakob Emanuel


An Integrated assessment platform for Sustainability performance in Value networks: A proposal and first evidence from industry. I: SDM-14 Conference Proceedings.

ISBN 978-0-9561516-4-3.

Abraha, Haftay Hailay; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Human and Organizational factors (HOFs) contributions to the occurance of major accidents using Offshore accidents as a Case study. I: Advances in Safety Management and Human Factors.

ISBN 978-1-4951-2100-5.


Tiusanen, Risto; Jannes, Jere; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


RAMSI Management model and Evaluation criteria for Nordic Offshore wind assets.

ISBN 978-951-38-7870-2.

Hefte 47.

Singh, Maneesh; Raj B. K. N., Rao; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management (COMADEM2011).

COMADEM International.

ISBN 0-9541307-2-3.

Ratnayake, Chandima; Liyanage, Jayantha


Analytic Hierarchy Process for Multi-criteria Performance evaluation: An Application to Sustainability in Oil&Gas Operations. I: Book of abstracts.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Operations and maintenance performance in oil and gas production assets: Theoretical architecture and Capital value theroy in perspective.

ISBN 8247156040.


Bakhshandeh, Mohammad; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Dealing with abnormalities and deviations to enhance resilience in engineering Assets: A critical review from human factors and decision-making perspectives under complex operational contexts.

The 4th Conference of Computational Methods & Ocean Technology (CoTech 2023);

2023-11-30 - 2023-12-01.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Keynote speech: Engineering the Future of critical Assets and Infrastructures under Emerging uncertain conditions.

The 4th Conference of Computational Methods & Ocean Technology (CoTech 2023);

2023-11-30 - 2023-12-01.

Vila Forteza, Marc; Galar, Diego; Lin, Jing; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


New paradigms in Maintenance, operation, and health management of rotating machinery large fleets: The effect of Industry 4.0.

The 18th International Conference on Condition monitoring and Asset management (CM2022-BINDT);

2022-06-07 - 2022-06-09.

Brasen, Lucas Peter Høj; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


On Defining Industrial Agility as a Strategic Capability for Competitive Performance of Engineering Assets: an Industrial Eco-systems Perspective..

IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management (IEEE - IEEM 2022);

2022-12-07 - 2022-12-10.

Vila Forteza, Marc; Galar, Diego; Lin, Janet; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


New paradigms in the maintenance, operation, and health management of large fleets of rotating machines: The effect of Industry 4.0.

The 18th International Conference on Condition monitoring and Asset management (CM2022-BINDT);

2022-06-07 - 2022-06-09.

Zhu, Pengyu; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Application of Prognostics and Health Management to Low Demand Systems: Use of Condition Data to Help Determine Function Test Interval.

IEEE Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2018 Conference;

2018-12-16 - 2018-12-19.

Zhu, Pengyu; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Jeeves, Simon


Condition and performance monitoring of emergency shutdown systems: data visualization and analysis for decision support.

The 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018);

2018-09-24 - 2018-09-26.

Zhu, Pengyu; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Clarifications of dangerous detected failures of low demand safety instrumented system in the oil & gas industry.

The 13th World Congress on Engieering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018);

2018-09-24 - 2018-09-26.

El-Thalji, Idriss; Abdusselam, M. S.,; Duque, Santiago E.; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Augmented reality technology for predictive maintenance education: A pilot case study.

The 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018);

2018-09-24 - 2018-09-26.

Ramanan, S. K.,; Raza, Jawad; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


The Dynamic Risk Simulator – A decision support tool for rotating equipment integrity management.

The 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018);

2018-09-24 - 2018-09-26.

Viste, Jan Helge; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Asset Management in the transition from ‘Traditional Business Practice’ to ’Connected Business Eco-Systems’.

The 13th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018);

2018-09-24 - 2018-09-26.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Keynote Speech: High risk Assets under uncertain conditions: Strategic imperatives and new initiatives towards defensive solutions in a rapidly changing environment.

The 12th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2017);

2017-08-02 - 2017-08-04.

Hodkiewicz, M. R.; Schoenmaker, R.; Marquez, A. C.; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Asset Management Performance Assessment Systems; Why and how they need to evolve.

The 12th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2018);

2017-08-02 - 2017-08-04.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Data analytics and Maintenance planning: Review reflections.

Data analytics and Maintenance planning (DAIMP) Project evaluation meeting;

2017-10-26 - 2017-10-27.

Zhu, Pengyu; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Effective decisions for asset critical systems under dynamic conditions: An integrated research platform.

World Congress on Engineering Asset Management;

2017-08-02 - 2017-08-04.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Engineering Asset Management: Developments, Leassons learnt, and Opportunities for Collaboration .

Seminar, Chengdu Research Institute, UESTC, China;


Endrerud, Ole-Erik Vestøl; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Keseric, Nenad; Austreng, Knut Ragnar


New Vessel Concepts for Operations and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms.

The Twenty-fifth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference;

2015-06-21 - 2015-06-26.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Keynote Speech - Assets under uncertain conditions: Trends and Scenarios.

10th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2015);

2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30.

Salicath, E; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Public asset management: Concept and Framework for Public Schools With the life-cycle costing model Reversed LCC..

10th World Congress on Engieering Asset Management (WCEAM 2015);

2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30.

Salicath, E; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Fladberg, D


Activity-based lifecyle costing of Public assets: A case study of Schools in Norway..

10th World Congress on Engieering Asset Management (WCEAM 2015);

2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30.

Salicath, E; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Fladberg, D


Capturing value-added processes during service life of Public assets in Norway: Learning from ISO 55000..

10th World Congress on Engieering Asset Management (WCEAM 2015);

2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30.

Jayakumar, S; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Safety integrity under demanding conditions: A case study on Permit-to-Work (PTW) systems in the marine sub-sea sector..

10th World Congress on Engieering Asset Management (WCEAM 2015);

2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Digitalization and Business models for Asset service delivery: Some reflections from the Oil & Gas sector..

10th World Congress on Engieering Asset Management (WCEAM 2015);

2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Intelligent Fields / Smart assets in the Norwegian Oil & Gas sector: Developments, Lessons learnt, and Opportunities for Collaboration..

Norwegian Energy Day;


Endrerud, Ole-Erik Vestøl; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Keseric, Nenad


Marine Logistics Decision Support for Operation And Maintenance of Offshore Wind Parks With a Multi Method Simulation Model.

Winter Simulation Conference 2014;

2014-12-07 - 2014-12-10.

Thalji, N.E.; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Korhonen, H


Sustainability-based development of local Food service in a Hypermarket context: A case study in Finland.

International Conference on Industrial systems and Manufacturing engineering (ISME 2014);

2014-11-11 - 2014-11-13.

Seldal, A; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


On the assurance of Environmental quality in a new Offshore production platform: A study from North sea.

9th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2014);

2014-10-28 - 2014-10-31.

Darmawan, A; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Subsea asset maintenance on the NCS: On the trends, future innovations, and fitness of Life of Field.

9th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2014);

2014-10-28 - 2014-10-31.

Rabinad, D; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Cost of Quality in EPC projects in Oil & Gas industry: A case analysis of lessons learned.

9th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2014);

2014-10-28 - 2014-10-31.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Strategic management of oil & gas assets.

9th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2014);

2014-10-28 - 2014-10-31.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Mba, D; Smit, J.; Tse, P


Recognition / Endorsement of Engineering asset management programs.

9th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2014);

2014-10-28 - 2014-10-31.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Schaeperkotter, C


Managing performance in Networked business environments.

Public event - EU project on Sustainable Value Creation in Manufacturing Networks (SustainValue);


Endrerud, Ole-Erik Vestøl; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Decision Support for O&M of Offshore Wind Parks.

World Congress on Engineering Asset Management 2013;

2013-10-30 - 2013-11-01.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Keynote Speech: Intelligent assets and Complex operations: Reflections from the Offshore oil & gas sector on the lessons learnt and way forward.

The 8th World Congress on Engineering asset management (WCEAM 2013) and The 3rd International conference on Utility management and Safety (ICUMAS 2013) ;

2013-10-30 - 2013-11-01.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Keynote Speech: Managing performance in Networked business: Opportunities and Risks.

Maintenance Performance Measurement and Management Conference (MPMM 2013);

2013-09-12 - 2013-09-13.

Endrerud, Ole-Erik Vestøl; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Value Creation Through Collaborative Operating Environments.

World Congress on Engineering Asset Management 2012;

2012-10-08 - 2012-10-09.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Editorial: Engineering Asset Management.

International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management (IJSEAM).

ISSN 1759-9733.

Volum 1.

Hefte 1.


Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Editorial: From profits to Funadementals...and more....

International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management (IJSEAM).

ISSN 1759-9733.

Volum 1.

Hefte 2.


Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Keynote Speech: Asset management for Wind farms.

Science meets Industry: Conference on Marine operations, and Operations & Maintenance of Offshore wind farms;


Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Intelligent fields vs. Human capital: The real deal with X-Y-Z generation in Complex operations.

The 3rd Intelligent Fields Summit 2011 (IFS 2011);

2011-07-05 - 2011-07-06.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Integrated e-Operations towards Intelligent assets (i-fields): What can we learn from the Norwegian offshore sector.

The 3rd Intelligent Fields Summit 2011 (IFS 2011);

2011-07-05 - 2011-07-06.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Developing and Deploying intelligent assets: learning from application in the offshore oil and gas production industry.


ISSN 1798-7024.

Volum 3.

Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Integrated e-operations towards intelligent assets: what can we learn ftom the offshore oil and gas production industry?.

Amintworld congress;

2011-03-22 - 2011-03-23.

Beer, Jakob Emanuel; Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Sustainability risk for global production clusters in the Automobile industry: A case of supplier networks.

Advances in Production management systems 2011 conference; Value networks: Innovation, Technologies, and Management;

2011-09-26 - 2011-09-29.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Managing strategic engineering assets in the emerging business environment: From convention to smart integration.

The 5th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2010);

2010-10-25 - 2010-10-27.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Keynote speech Human factors towards the 21st Century: A critical foresight into the future.

Nordic Ergonomics Society Conference 2010 on Proactive Ergonomics: Implementation of Ergonomics in planning of jobs, tasks, systems, and environments.;

2010-09-06 - 2010-09-08.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Setting the guidelines for best practices in Engineering asset management: From a holistic perspective to achieve sustainable performance.


Volum 1.

Hefte 1.


Liyanage, Jayantha


Managing change under accelerated conditions: Intelligent fields from Complex socio-technical systems perspective.

the 2nd Annual Intelligent Fields Summit 2010;

2010-05-24 - 2010-05-27.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Mapping the decision bases for development and deployment of intelligent oil fields from a global perspective.

The 2nd Annual Intelligent Fields Summit 2010;

2010-05-24 - 2010-05-27.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Human-Technology-Organizational integration for Intelligent oil fields from a Complex socio-technical systems perspective.



Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna


Managing strategic engineering assets in the emerging business environment: From convention to smart integration.

Engineering asset management and Infrastructure sustainability: The 5th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM-2010), ;

2010-10-25 - 2010-10-27.

Liyanage, Jayantha; Badurdeen, Fazleena


Sustainability from Design to Decommissioning: Managing risks in complex Engineering assets from a life-cycle perspective.

The 1st International Congress on Sustainability Science and Engineering;

2009-08-09 - 2009-08-12.

Badurdeen, Fazleena; Liyanage, Jayantha


Product Lifecycle-based Approach to Mass Customization for Sustainable Manufacturing,.

5th Mass Customization and Personalization;

2009-10-03 - 2009-10-06.

Ratnayake, Chandima; Liyanage, Jayantha


Asset integrity management: Sustainability in action.

International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management (IJSSM).

ISSN 1753-3600.

Volum 1.

Hefte 2.


Bai, Yu; Liyanage, Jayantha


Migration towards itegrated work processes to realize Integrated eOperations (IO) for high-risk assets.


2008-10-27 - 2008-10-30.

Balbaa, Alsnosy; Liyanage, Jayantha


Integration of PERS and EFQM as a basis towards a holistic method for environmental sustainavility management: A case of an Egyptian seaport.


2008-10-27 - 2008-10-30.

Raza, Jawad; Liyanage, Jayantha


Framework for Cue-dependent Systems intelligence for Integrated e-Operations: A case from North Sea for risk-based decision support and production Ioss management.

The 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management;

2008-08-05 - 2008-08-08.

Balbaa, Alsnosy; Liyanage, Jayantha


Environmental sustainability in seaports: Extending the scope of EFQM and PERS.

The 13 International Conference on Productivity and Quality Research (ICPQR);

2008-06-25 - 2008-06-27.

Ratnayake, Chandima; Liyanage, Jayantha


Analytic Hierarchy Process for Multi-criteria Performance evaluation: An Application to Sustainability in Oil&Gas Operations.

The 15 international Annual European Operations management Conference (Euroma);

2008-06-15 - 2008-06-18.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Invited Key note adress: Strategic asset management in the 21st century: The sustainability challenge and risk management.

Advanced maintenance and asset optimization forum for the Oil&Gas industry;


Liyanage, Jayantha


Performance measurement and management (Module-1: Emerging challenges and Industrial trends).

Liyanage, Jayantha


Performance measurement and management (Module-2: Reccommended criteria to design and develop).

Liyanage, Jayantha


Performance measurement and management (Module-3: Popular/Emerging methodologies and frameworks).

Liyanage, Jayantha


Performance measurement and management (Module-4: Application areas and Industrial use).

Sahoo, Trinath; Liyanage, Jayantha


Integrated computerized maintenance management systems for effective plant performance.

RAMS Asia (Realiability, Availability, Maintainability & Safety Business Magazine).

ISSN 1793-3471.

Volum Jan-Mar 2007.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Bjerkebæk, Eirik


Role of Human and Organizational factors in the success of Integrated operations (IO) under an accelerated change: Is the 'Systems thinking' in place.

Future Fields Summit, UK;

2007-05-09 - 2007-05-10.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Integrated eMaintenance in Offshore assets in North Sea: Ambitious changes towards Smart assets,.


2006-10-31 - 2006-11-03.

Ellingsen, Hans Petter; Liyanage, Jayantha; Ruså, Roy


Smart integrated operations and maintenance solutions to manage offshore assets in North sea: The 3rd leap to enhance cost-effectiveness and production efficiency,.

18th European Maintenance Congress: Euromaintenance 2006,;

2006-06-20 - 2006-06-22.

Jardine, Andrew; Liyanage, Jayantha; March, John


24/7 online real-time performance diagnostic and prognostic technologies and Intelligent watchdog agents for physical assets,.

18th European Maintenance Congress: Euromaintenance 2006, Basel, Switzerland,;

2006-06-20 - 2006-06-22.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Sustainability risk management: Managing business risk in complex environments through systematic operations and maintenance performance specifications.

18th European Maintenance Congress: Euromaintenance 2006, Basel, Switzerland,;

2006-05-13 - 2006-05-15.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Strategies for sustainability risk management through active BAP (Business-Asset-Process) performance integration.

The 1st World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM);

2006-07-11 - 2006-07-14.

Liyanage, Jayantha


A socio-technical perspective on Integrated operations for high-risk and complex industrial assets: Experience from North Sea oil and gas industry.

The 1st World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM);

2006-07-11 - 2006-07-14.

Åhren, Thomas; Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


Maintenance performance measurement study at Barnverket.

The 19th International Congress and Exposition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management,;

2006-06-12 - 2006-06-15.

Liyanage, Jayantha; Løvås, Bodil


Integrated operations: A complex socio-technical system,.

NITO Modifications Conference;

2006-03-28 - 2006-03-29.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Sustainability business case for offshore oil and gas production.



Liyanage, Jayantha


Center for Maintenance and Asset management, Project based bi-lateral collaboration, and Funding opportunities.



Liyanage, Jayantha


Human-Technology-Organization (Module-1: Basics in Human factors and Ergonomics, Systems risk in perspective).

Liyanage, Jayantha


Human-Technology-Organization (Module-2: Human factors and Organizational aspects, Work processes, Macroergonomics).

Liyanage, Jayantha


Human-Technology-Organization (Module-3: Human factors and Application technology, Information systems, ICT.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Human-Technology-Organization (Module-4: Human factors and Systems engineering, Engineering psychology, Design for Ergonomics).

Liyanage, Jayantha


Achieving performance excellence in high-risk and technologically complex assets through new technologies and digital capabilities.

Finnish National Maintenance Congress and Exhibition;

2005-11-01 - 2005-11-02.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Operations and Maintenance Performance Optimization within Sustainable Business Frameworks: The Case for Complex and High Risk Assets.

The 4th International Conference on Quality and Reliability (ICQR-2005);

2005-08-09 - 2005-08-11.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Managing Integrity of Offshore Assets through Digital Capability: Reducing Risk and Adding Value through Integrated OMS in North Sea.

The 4th International Conference on Quality and Reliability (ICQR-2005);

2005-08-09 - 2005-08-11.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Sustainable O&M Performance Framework: Emerging Basis to Review and Re-define O&M Practice in High Risk and Complex Industrial Assets.

The 18th International Congress and Exposition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM-2005);

2005-08-31 - 2005-09-02.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Reducing risk and Adding Value through Smart Integrated Assets: Managing Complex Industrial Assets in Complex Environments.

The 18th International Congress and Exposition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM-2005);

2005-08-31 - 2005-09-02.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Quality of operations and maintenance performance in sustainable oil and gas production environment.

5th International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Maintenance Univ Oxford, St Edmund Hall;


Liyanage, Jayantha


Smart Integrated OMS: The 3rd leap to manage the integrity of high risk, capital intensive, and technologically complex offshore assets on NCS.

The 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Systems Integrity and Maintenance (ACSIM-2004) and Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinary (VETOMAC-03);


Liyanage, Jayantha


Operations and maintenance of complex assets in sustainable environments: The emerging basis for systematic managementof quality, risk, profitability, and growth.

The 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Systems Integrity and Maintenance (ACSIM-2004) and Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinary (VETOMAC-03);


Liyanage, Jayantha


Digital future of operations and maintenance on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

The 17th International Congress and Exposition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM-2004);


Liyanage, Jayantha


Sustainability business case for maintenance in offshore oil and gas production assets: Experience from North Sea.

The 17th European Maintenance Congress and Exposition: EuroMaintenance 2004.;


Liyanage, Jayantha


Safety challenges in mature installations in a challenging operating environment.

NITO Seminar on Safety Challenges in Mature Installations in a Challenging Operating Environment;


Liyanage, Jayantha; Markeset, Tore


Drift og Vedlikehold -Videregående.

Markeset, Tore; Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday



Markeset, Tore; Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


Drifts- og Vedlikeholdsstyring.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Asset operations and maintenance: Potensials and opportunities.

International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS) Workshop;

2003-11-28 - 2003-11-29.

Liyanage, Jayantha


Managing operations and maintenance performance in emerging business context: Issues and challenges.

Lecture and Discussion / Division of Operations and Maintenance Engineering.;


Liyanage, Jayantha


The business case for operations and maintenance: From profits to value.

Asset and Maintenance day in Rogaland - 2003.;

2003-09-22 - 2003-09-23.

Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


Value based management of maintenance performance: Partnering maintenance into oil & gas business process.

The 4th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, and Maintenance;


Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


Adjusting maintenance policy to business conditions: Value-based maintenance performance management.

IFRIMmmm Maintenance Management and Modelling Conference;


Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


Value based management of maintenance performance: The best practice for the 21st century maintenance based on experiences and learning from oil & gas industry.

The 16th International Maintenance Conference (Euromaintenance 2002);


Ellingsen, Hans Petter; Kumar, Uday; Nerhus, Olav; Hamre, Reidar; Waldeland, Reidar; Nilsen, Nils Martinus; Dragesaet, Kjetil; Liyanage, Jayantha


Management of assets, resources, and maintenance using a balanced scorecard based performance framework.

The 16th International Maintenance Conference (Euromaintenance 2002);


Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, U.


Utility of maintenance performance indicators to consolidate operational and technical health beyond the regulatory compliance.

2000 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress And Exposition;

Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


Measuring Maintenance Process Performance Using the Balanced Scorecard.

The 15th European Maintenance Congress: Euromaintenance-2000 by the Swedish Maintenance Society (UTEK) and the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (EFNMS);

Kumar, Uday; Liyanage, Jayantha


Design and Development of Maintenance Measurement System for the Offshore Industry.

The 3rd International Quality, Reliability & Maintenance Conference (QRM-2000) by Universities of England Consortium for International Activities, Institution of Mechanical;

Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


Value Based Maintenance: An Agenda to Streamline Operations and Maintenance Performance to Improve Process Profitability.

The Second European Petrochemical Technology Conference (EPTC-2000) by Euro Petroleum Consultants Ltd and Hydrocarbon Processing;

Liyanage, Jayantha


Reality vs. Challenge: Informational Networks to Enhance Competitive Knowledge in Ergonomics.

10th Year Anniversary Ergonomics Conference by the Division of Industrial Ergonomics, Lulea University of Technology;

Liyanage, Jayantha; Abeysekera, John


On the Way to World-wide Ergonomics: A Methodical Approach to Introduce Ergonomics to IDCs- A Typical Example from Sri Lanka.

The International Ergonomics Association XIV Triennial Congress by the International Ergonomics Association and The Human Factors & Ergonomics Society;

Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


In Search of Maintenance Performance Excelence: Utility of Performance Indicators in Knowledge Management and Process Intelligence.

Asset and Maintenance Day in Rogaland - 2000 Seminar by the Norwegian Maintenance Society (NFV), Stavanger University College (HiS), Centre for Asset and Maintenance Management;

Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


On the Attempt to Streamline Maintenance Process Using a Value Based Performance Measurement System.

Asset and Maintenance Day - 2000 Seminar by the Centrum for Operations & Maintenance (CTU), Swedish Maintenance Society;

Liyanage, Jayantha; Markeset, Tore; Kumar, Uday


On the knowledge driven performance management grounded in process intelligence: With applications to Asset maintenance and Product development.

The Second European Conference on Intelligent Management Systems in Operations;

2001-07-03 - 2001-07-04.

Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


In search of performance excellence in asset maintenance: Performance indicators, knowledge management & process intelligence.


Volum 14.

Hefte 1.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


El procesco de la gestion de los resultados del mantenimiento en el entorno de una fabrica integrada: Establecimiento de las bases de una nueva perspectiva.



Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


Re-defining the strategic significance of asset maintenance from a cost centre to a value driver (Part I): Inferences from the Petroleum industry.


Volum 16.

Hefte 1.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


VBM & BSC: An adaptive performance measurement system using the Balanced scorecard.


Volum 16.

Hefte 2.


Liyanage, Jayantha Prasanna; Uday, Kumar


Value based maintenance performance diagnostics: An architecture to measure maintenance performance in Petroleum assets.

The International Conference of Maintenance Societies (ICOMS) 2001;

2001-05-30 - 2021-05-31.

Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday; Osmundsen, Petter


A pathfinder for value-based maintenance in the 21st century: A structured technique for an operations & maintenance scorecard for process industries.

The 3rd Middle East Refining and Petrochemicals Exhibition and Conference (Petrotech 2001);


Abeysekera, John; Liyanage, Jayantha


Introducing ergonomics to university education curricular in industrially developing countries: A learning point.

The Indian Ergonomics Congress on Humanizing Work and Work Environment;


Liyanage, Jayantha; Markeset, Tore; Kørte, Jens; Kumar, Uday


Value & Risk: A balanced Performance Assessment Criterion for Maintenance in Offshore Engineering Constructions.

The 11th International Offshore & Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-2001), International Society of Offshore and Polar Engi eers (ISOPE);

2001-06-18 - 2001-06-22.

Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


A strategically balanced measurement system for maintenance process: Some foundational issues for a development method (Part II).


Volum 4.

Hefte 3.


Liyanage, Jayantha; Kumar, Uday


Strateski uskladen sustav mjerenja u svrhu odrzavanja: neki problemi vezani uz razvojnu metodu (2.dio).


Volum 4.

Hefte 3.
