Timothy James Marshall

E-post: timothy.j.marshall@uis.no
Rom: KK S-3.ETG Landskap
Divisjon for utdanning
Avdeling for universitetspedagogikk
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Leading a work package on supporting learner's needs for the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) project, my focus lies in developing innovative educational models and enhancing user experiences for diverse stakeholders. With a strong foundation in communication and presentation skills, I facilitate the development of digital and face-to-face learner guidance and also lead the strategic development of user experience across the ECIU network.
I am also involved in active research in higher education pedagogy, where I have mentored teams of students within Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) and am a co-author on the book 'A Practical Guide to Understanding and Implementing Challenge-Based Learning'. I am committed to advancing innovative educational methods and furthering learning environments where students and educators alike can thrive through collaborative and forward-thinking approaches.