Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Escalona, Alejandro;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Zimmermann, Udo
Regional Geology and Main Hydrocarbon Provinces of South America.
I: Introduction to Petroleum Geology (ed. Saxe Lysholm).
ISBN 9788231500223.
Braathen, Alvar;
tveranger, Jan;
Fossen, Håkon;
Skar, Tore;
Cardozo, Nestor;
semshaug, siv;
bastesen, eivind;
sverdrup, einar
Fault facies and its application to sandstone reservoirs.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin.
ISSN 0149-1423.
Volum 93.
Hefte 7.
Blancone, Daniele;
Ruiz MAraggi, Leopoldo Matias;
Moscardelli, Lorena;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Escalona Varela, Alejandro
Hydrogen storage potential of salt caverns in the Norwegian North Sea.
EAGE Annual 85th conference;
2024-06-10 - 2024-06-13.
Blancone, Daniele;
Ruiz MAraggi, Leopoldo Matias;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Moscardelli, Lorena;
Escalona Varela, Alejandro
Hydrogen storage in salt caverns: a first screening of the potential in the Southern Norwegian North Sea.
Salt Tectonics in the Energy Transition;
2024-09-23 - 2024-09-24.
Blancone, Daniele;
Ruiz MAraggi, Leopoldo Matias;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Moscardelli, Lorena;
Escalona Varela, Alejandro
Potential of salt structures for Hydrogen
storage in the Norwegian North Sea.
Energy Norway 2024;
2024-04-15 - 2024-04-17.
Blancone, Daniele;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Escalona, Alejandro;
Marin, Dora
Characterization and modelling of North Sea salt composition for cavern storage
Energy Norway 2023;
2023-03-13 - 2023-03-15.
Cardozo, Nestor;
Watson, Lisa;
Escalona, Alejandro;
Augustsson, Carita;
Zimmermann, Udo;
Hiorth, Aksel;
Bratvold, Reidar Brumer;
Puntervold, Tina;
Weibull, Wiktor Waldemar;
Andersen, Pål Østebø
Det grønne skiftet trenger naturvitenskapene – også ved UiS!.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Oakley, David Owen Smith;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Røe, Per;
Almendral Vazquez, Ariel
Structural Geologic Modelling and Restoration Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter.
EGU General Assembly 2022;
2022-05-23 - 2022-05-27.
Oakley, David Owen Smith;
Cardozo, Nestor
Structural Geologic Modelling and Restoration by Ensemble Kalman Inversion.
International Association for Mathematical Geosciences Conference 2022;
2022-08-30 - 2022-09-02.
UiS må bidra med ingeniører som kan omstille norsk sokkel.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Cardozo, Nestor
Hvordan oppstår jordskjelv?.
Escalona Varela, Alejandro;
Watson, Lisa;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Cardozo, Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss
Vurdering av eller for læring?.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Cardozo, Nestor;
Weibull, Wiktor Waldemar;
Escalona, Alejandro
Jordskjelvrisikoen for Rogfast er liten.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Cardozo, Nestor;
Escalona, Alejandro
Vi må under overflaten for å løse klimakrisen.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Rotar, Vlad;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Schulte, Lothar
Reservoir modeling and uncertainty estimation: A comparison between stochastic and deterministic inversion.
GeoGulf Convention 2019;
2019-10-24 - 2019-10-25.
Nguyen, Hoang;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Schulte, Lothar;
Lageat, Gildas;
Clerc, Sylvain
Turbidite systems in the Northern North Sea: Applying geological process modelling.
GeoGulf Convention 2019;
2019-10-23 - 2019-10-25.
Oakley, David;
Cardozo, Nestor
Comparison of trishear and elastic dislocation fault-propagation-fold models and characterisation of uncertainty in model parameters.
GSA 2018;
2018-11-04 - 2018-11-07.
Botter, Charlotte;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Qu, Dongfang;
Tveranger, Jan;
Kolyukhin, Dmitriy
Seismic characterization of fault facies models.
EGU general assembly;
2018-04-08 - 2018-04-13.
Botter, Charlotte;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Tveranger, Jan;
Qu, Dongfang;
Alaei, Behzad
Seismic characterisation of fault models populated using fault-facies techniques.
Production Geoscience;
2016-11-01 - 2016-11-02.
Cunningham, Jennifer Elizabeth;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Townsend, Christopher
An In-depth seismic analysis of fault architecture: a case study from the Askeladd field area (Southwest Barents Sea)..
Production Geoscience ;
2016-11-01 - 2016-11-02.
Tveranger, Jan;
Tcheverda, Vladimir;
Cardozo, Nestor
SEISBARS -Seismic expression of fault and fracture zones in Barents Sea petroleum reservoirs.
2016-11-23 - 2016-11-24.
Botter, Charlotte;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Lecomte, Isabelle;
Rotevatn, Atle;
Paton, Gaynor
The effect of fluid flow in relay ramps on seismic images..
Fourth International Conference on Fault and Top Seals. 2015;
2015-09-20 - 2015-09-24.
Botter, Charlotte;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Hardy, Stuart;
Lecomte, Isabelle;
Escalona, Alejandro;
Paton, Gaynor
From Geomechanical Modelling to Seismic Imaging of 3D Faults..
NGF Vinterkonferansen 2015;
2015-01-12 - 2015-01-14.
Cardozo, Nestor;
Botter, Charlotte Delphine;
Hardy, Stuart;
Lecomte, Isabelle;
Escalona, Alejandro
From mechanical modelling to seismic imaging of faults.
Tectonic Studies Group-Annual Conference;
2014-01-06 - 2014-01-08.
Botter, Charlotte ;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Hardy, Stuart;
Lecomte, Isabelle;
Escalona, Alejandro;
Cooke, Nicholas;
Paton, Gaynor
From Geomechanical Modelling to Seismic Imaging of 3D Faults.
76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2014;
2014-06-16 - 2014-06-19.
Botter, Charlotte ;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Hardy, Stuart;
Lecomte, Isabelle;
Escalona, Alejandro;
Cooke, Nicholas;
Paton, Gaynor
From Geomechanical Modelling to Seismic Imaging of 3D Faults.
AAPG International Conference & Exhibition 2014;
2014-09-14 - 2014-09-17.
Botter, Charlotte Delphine;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Hardy, Stuart;
Lecomte, Isabelle;
Escalona, Alejandro
Mechanical modelling and seismic imaging of fault zones.
UniResearch - Characterization and modelling of fracture and fault zones;
2013-05-27 - 2013-05-28.
Botter, Charlotte Delphine;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Hardy, Stuart;
Lecomte, Isabelle;
Escalona, Alejandro
Mechanical modelling and seismic imaging of fault zones.
Fault and Top Seals;
2012-10-01 - 2012-10-03.
Botter, Charlotte Delphine;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Hardy, Stuart;
Lecomte, Isabelle;
Escalona, Alejandro
Mechanical modelling and seismic imaging of fault zones.
Lofotenseminaret i petroleumsgeofysikk;
2012-08-15 - 2012-08-17.
Campos, Henry;
Mann, Paul;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Escalona, Alejandro
Tectonic and subsidence history of the Llanos foreland basin of Colombia: implications for hydrocarbon exploration.
AAPG Annual conference;
2011-04-10 - 2011-04-13.
Cardozo, Nestor;
Aanonsen, Sigurd
Optimized trishear inverse modeling.
2009-01-13 - 2009-01-15.
Escalona, Alejandro;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Nicolaisen, Elin
Characterizing fault zones from 3D seismic data.
Geosciences production;
2009-11-03 - 2009-11-04.
Cardozo, Nestor;
Allmendinger, Richard
SSPX: A Program to Visualize Strain in Discrete Element Models.
GSA 2008 Joint Annual Meeting;
2008-10-05 - 2008-10-09.
Tveranger, Jan;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Kjeldaas, G.C.;
Nøttveit, Henning;
Røe, Per
Volumetric fault zone modelling using fault facies.
Fault Zones: Structure, Geomechanics and Fluid Flow;
2008-09-18 - .
Tveranger, Jan;
Braathen, Alvar;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Espedal, Magne;
Fredman, N;
Fossen, Haakon;
Nøttveit, Henning;
Røe, Per;
Skorstad, Arne
Fault Facies Modelling - a practical approach to incorporating 3D fault architecture in standard reservoir models.
AAPG and AAPG European region energy conference and exhibition: Challenge our myths;
2007-11-18 - 2007-11-21.
Cardozo, Nestor;
Røe, Per;
Soleng, Harald Heimtun;
Tveranger, Jan
Volume based strain computation in Havana: A methodology for efficiently populating corner point grids with strain.
NGF Vinterkonferansen;
2007-01-08 - 2007-01-10.
Tveranger, Jan;
Braathen, A.;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Espedal, M.;
Fredman, Niclas;
Fossen, H.;
Nøttveit, H.;
Røe, Per;
Skorstad, Arne;
Soleng, Harald Heimtun;
Syversveen, Anne Randi
Faults in reservoir models – unwanted surprises and new methods for avoiding them.
14th SPE Bergen One Day seminar;
2007-04-18 - .
Tveranger, Jan;
Braathen, A.;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Espedal, M.;
Fredman, Niclas;
Fossen, H.;
Nøttveit, H.;
Røe, Per;
Skorstad, Arne;
Soleng, Harald H.;
Syversveen, Anne Randi
Fault Facies modelling – a practical approach to incorporating 3D fault architecture in standard reservoir models.
AAPG International Energy Conference and Exhibition, Athens, Greece;
2007-11-20 - .
Braathen, Alvar;
Tveranger, J.;
Fossen, H.;
Skar, T.;
Cardozo, Nestor;
Semshaug, Siv Lise;
Bastesen, Eivind;
Sverdrup, Einar
Fault Facies – old geological concepts into new methods.
CIPR Petroleum Technology Seminar;
2006-05-09 - 2006-05-10.
Cardozo, Nestor;
Røe, Per;
Soleng, Harald Heimtun
Computing strain in faulted reservoirs.
CIPR Petroleum Technology Seminar;
2006-05-09 - .