Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Kucirkova, Natalia
Olfaction in early childhood research and practice :
How the study of smell charts new frontiers in early education.
ISBN 9781032772479.
Kucirkova, Natalia
With AI for kids, collaboration is key.
The Bookseller.
ISSN 0006-7539.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Det er ingen motsetning mellom papir og digital lesing.
ISSN 1891-635X.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Zuckerman, Barry
Generative AI for Children's Digital Health: Clinician Advice.
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.
ISSN 0196-206X.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Commentary from Norway.
I: Tackling cyberbullying and related problems : Innovative usage of games apps and manga.
ISBN 9780367202422.
Kucirkova, Natalia
The Future of the self : Understanding personalization in childhood and beyond.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
ISBN 9781800439450.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Etter at vi har slettet Facebook: Hva er fremtidens internett?.
Dagens Perspektiv.
ISSN 2535-6801.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Potter, John
Digital literacies in the UK: Creating, navigating and curating content.
I: Preparing globally minded literacy teacher : knowledge, practices and case studies.
ISBN 9780367027841.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Children's reading in the digital age : a research summary of children's digital books.
I: The Routledge handbook of digital literacies in early childhood.
ISBN 9781138303881.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Cremin, Teresa
Children reading for pleasure in the digital Age : Mapping reader engagement.
Sage Publications.
ISBN 9781526436627.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Personalized Education and Technology: How Can We Find an Optimal Balance?.
I: Exploring key issues in early childhood and technology : evolving perspectives and innovative approaches.
ISBN 9781138313798.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Children’s digital reading enhanced with smell: insights from an empirical study in Norway .
Sensing Stories Conference;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Edtech Quality Frameworks.
Erstad, Ola Andres;
Mangen, Anne;
Blikstad-Balas, Marte;
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Aarsand, Pål André
Ulike lesemåter er viktigere enn krangling om skjerm.
ISSN 1503-2892.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Decoding EdTech Evidence: Are Our Kids Really Learning?.
SXSW Austin;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Panel Discussion: Technology and Early Childhood Education
LiFT SYmposium, University of Oxford;
Kucirkova, Natalia;
fahad, Loleta
Inspirational Women in Academia.
Frontiers in Education.
ISSN 2504-284X.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Den gode digitale lesestunden.
ISSN 0805-3847.
Kucirkova, Natalia
The Opportunities and Drawbacks of AI-Powered Reading Coaches, Assistants and Tutors.
Ed Surge.
Kucirkova, Natalia
A Partnership Industry for Impactful Ed-Tech .
Stanford Social Innovations Reveiw Blog.
Løkken, Ingrid Midteide;
Campbell, Janine Anne;
Dale, Philip S;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Experiment with olfaction in reading with young children
EARLI SIG5 and SIG28 conference 2024;
2024-07-10 - 2024-07-13.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Building Better Learning Tools: Frameworks and Standards for High-Quality EdTech.
Tech policy Press.
Kucirkova, Natalia
The best stories smell.
Kucirkova I, Natalia
Children’s aesthetic experiences of olfaction.
Aesthetic Development, Annual Conference;
2024-11-07 - 2024-11-08.
Kucirkova I, Natalia
Sanselesing: Utforsking av barns engasjement med duftstimulertehistorier - Innsikt fra en studie i Norge og Malawi.
2024-10-23 - 2024-10-24.
Kucirkova I, Natalia
Lære-apper som ikke virker.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Kucirkova I, Natalia
Selecting EdTech for children in the Nordics, evaluation frameworks and certification possibilities.
GCEN Helsinki Global Symposium;
2024-11-11 - 2024-11-14.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Undheim, Marianne;
Unstad, Torstein;
Dardanou, Maria
PUST - Profesjonsfaglig utviklingsprosjekt i Stavanger og Tromsø.
Kucirkova, Natalia
NRK Nyhetsmorgen .
Kucirkova, Natalia
NRK Distriksnyheter.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Man bør tenke nøye igjennom hvilke apper man bruker sammen med barna.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Academia’s culture of overwork almost broke me, so I’m working to undo it.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Blanket solutions to disadvantage get snagged on interwoven identities.
Times Higher Education.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Leser vil ha siste nytt fra forskerne.
ISSN 0805-3847.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Norwegian Parents’ Attitudes Towards Shared Reading with Their Children – Findings from Evaluation of Bookstart in Norway.
Global Network for Early Years Bookgifting;
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Gausel, Elisabeth Stray
Barns opplevelse av lukt og dufter.
FILIORUMs ressursbank.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Gausel, Elisabeth Stray
Children’s experiences of smells and scents.
FILIORUMs ressursbank.
Sterri, Aksel Braanen;
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Solheim, Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen
Er Norge verdens beste land å bo i?.
ISSN 0805-3847.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Ethics: fund an independent system to verify EdTech.
ISSN 0028-0836.
Kucirkova, Natalia
With generative AI, the consequences of no independent verification of Edtech evidence are looming large.
LSE - Parenting for a digital future.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Personalized Education Is Not a Panacea. Neither Is Artificial Intelligence.
The 74.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Digital Books Benefit Equitable Children's Reading.
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Will AI Transform Educational Standards of Evidence?.
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
3 Educational Challenges for Personalized AI Tutors .
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Le livre parfumé, un objet hybride: Sensory Books project.
Le livre parfumé, un objet hybride;
Kucirkova, Natalia
EdTech Startups make evidence their North Star .
Startup Magazin.
ISSN 2083-909X.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Erstad, Ola
Den digitale forbudstid.
ISSN 0805-3839.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Schewe, Olav
Kule læringsapper men funker de?.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Why EdTech must prioritise research and innovation from the Global South.
Agenda - The World Economic Forum.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Mangen, Anne
Det trengs uavhengig forskning til å avgjøre læringsutbytte av digitale læremidler.
Kucirkova, Natalia
How can philanthropy catalyse a system-wide change in EdTech?.
Alliance Magazine.
ISSN 1528-9788.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Norge har en ny strategi for digitalisering i barnehager og skoler. Vil den virke?.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Undheim, Marianne;
Dardanou, Maria
Barnehagen kan glede seg over en spennende strategi for digital kompetanse og infrastruktur.
Kucirkova, Natalia
How can teachers judge the efficacy of edtech?.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Blanket solutions to disadvantage elide identities.
The Times Higher Education Supplement.
ISSN 0049-3929.
Vikjord, Sigrid Anna Aalberg;
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Hansen, Kai Arne
Trenger vi egentlig bøker?.
ISSN 0805-3847.
Dardanou, Maria;
Unstad, Torstein;
Undheim, Marianne;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Workshop-based professional development of Early childhood educators’ digital competence.
Norsk barnehageforskningskonferanse 2023;
2023-10-24 - 2023-10-26.
Korsvoll, Nils Hallvard;
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Sareen, Siddharth
Leser vil ha siste nytt fra forskerne
ISSN 0805-3847.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Children’s Scented Stories.
Smell Expo-Odeuropa;
2023-11-29 - 2023-11-30.
Kucirkova, Natalia
A daycare center in the metaworld: what is it like?.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Gründeren sjekker kvaliteten på appene: «Digitale læremidler kan virke mot sin hensikt» .
Kucirkova, Natalia
Lumping EdTech Under Screentime Can Damage Education .
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Florence Bell died unrecognised for her contributions to DNA science – decades on female researchers are still being sidelined .
The Conversation.
ISSN 2201-5639.
Kucirkova, Natalia
AI Is Telling Bedtime Stories to Your Kids Now.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Bekymret for mye skjermtid i isolasjon? Her er ekspertenes råd.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Barns rettigheter må stå sentralt i det digitale samfunnet.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Kucirkova, Natalia
International Data Privacy Day: Best Practices Regarding Children's Learning .
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Digitalt bibliotek for ukrainske barn – fra Norge til verden.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Dette er grunnen til at du blir avhengig av TikTok.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Hva skjer når norske skolebarns personvern havner i amerikanske hender?.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).
ISSN 0804-3116.
Kucirkova, Natalia
EdTech has not lived up to its promises — here's how to turn that around.
Agenda - The World Economic Forum.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Hva skal til for at internett blir trygt og tilrettelagt for barn?.
ISSN 1891-635X.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Dårlig design er det aller største problemet i barns teknologibruk.
ISSN 1891-635X.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Ukrainian children desperately need books – UK publishers, please help.
The Bookseller.
ISSN 0006-7539.
Bus, Adriana Gerarda;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Digital Picture Books: A New Opportunity for Children Whose Parents Do Not Read With Them.
The Good Men Project.
Kucirkova, Natalia
The promising world of children's digital books.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Et hierarki av flyktninger?.
ISSN 0805-3839.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Digital ulikhet : et forslag
ISSN 0805-3839.
Bus, Adriana Gerarda;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Digital picture books : A new opportunity for children whose parents do not read with them.
Child & Family Blog.
Unstad, Torstein;
Undheim, Marianne;
Dardanou, Maria;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Challenges and opportunities of digital technology use in Norwegian ECEC settings.
EECERA 2022;
2022-08-24 - 2022-08-26.
Undheim, Marianne;
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Unstad, Torstein;
Dardanou, Maria
PUST prosjektet - en oppsummering (workshop i Stavanger).
Workshop PUST-prosjektet;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Norges første luktutstilling på Vitenfabrikken: – Æsj, det lukter bæsj!.
Kucirkova, Natalia
World's First Children's Olfactory Exhibition Launched in Norway.
Perfumer & Flavorist.
ISSN 0272-2666.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Ingebretsen, Trond
Hva skjer når norske skolebarns personvern havner i amerikanske hender?.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).
ISSN 0804-3116.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Opinion: EdTech has not lived up to its promises — here's how to turn that around.
Agenda - The World Economic Forum.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Hvordan skaper utdanningsteknologi et hierarki mellom lærere?.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Alle barn fortjener tilgang til teknologier av høy kvalitet.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Personalisering i læring: the good, the bad and the unknown.
Kucirkova, Natalia
NRK Nyheter Rogaland, Lnasering av utstillingen på Vitenfabrikken.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Children's Literature Goes Digital, Federation of European Literacy Associations, Children’s literary experiences with digital books.
Children's Literature Goes Digital;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Sensory books – coming back to our senses to transform children’s digital reading.
Sesnational Books;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Collaborative design of olfactory digital books.
International Conference of the United Kingdom Literacy Association;
2022-07-01 - 2022-07-03.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Stray Gausel, Elisabeth
Conceptualising, Designing and Implementing a Scented Adventure Trail for Kindergarten Children.
The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education;
2022-07-07 - 2022-07-10.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Inclusive design for children's digital books.
International Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction for Disability Inclusion;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Utforsker rollen av luktesansen i barns lesing.
Norsk Barnehagekonferanse;
2022-10-26 - 2022-10-28.
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Hoel, Trude;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Presentasjon av FILIORUM og nye tildelinger fra NFR.
Møte med rektoratet UiS;
2021-01-25 - .
Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie;
Hoel, Trude;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Nye prosjekter i FILIORUM, og strategi og framdrift i Ressursbanken
Referansegruppemøte FILIORUM;
2021-01-28 - .
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Unstad, Torstein;
Undheim, Marianne;
Dardanou, Maria
Profesjonell faglige utvikling med digital teknologi hos barnehagepersonalet gjennom workshop.
Lærerutdanningskonferansen 2021;
Kucirkova, Natalia
What is next for children who grew up with the personalisation revolution? .
Parenting for a Digital Future (14 Apr 2021).
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Undheim, Marianne
Er du bekymret for barnas «skjermtid»? Det er ikke skjermen som er problemet!.
Barshay, Jill;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Paper beats pixels on most picture books, research finds.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Cremin, Teresa
Reciprocal reading for pleasure in online and offline reading communities
United Kingdom Literacy Association International Conference;
2021-07-02 - 2021-07-04.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Cremin, Teresa
Peering out the children’s literature window into children’s engagement with multimedia texts.
International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature International Conference;
2021-06-23 - 2021-06-26.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Bus, Adriana Gerarda
A Comparison of Children’s Reading on Paper versus Screen: A Meta-analysis.
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 28th Annual Meeting;
2021-07-13 - 2021-07-16.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Digital Personalized Learning: Conceptualization, Operationalization and Impact.
The 19th Biennial EARLI Conference;
2021-08-23 - 2021-08-28.
Kucirkova, Natalia
En digital bok kan göra att någon hittar läsglädjen för första gången.
Special Nest.
Kucirkova, Natalia
The Digitized and Quantified "You": Where Is Our Agency?.
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Begrepet «skjermtid for små barn» er unyansert.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Hefte 21.06.2021.
Undheim, Marianne;
Unstad, Torstein;
Dardanou, Maria;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Developing Norwegian kindergarten teachers’ digital competence through a national learning network.
EECERA online festival 2021;
2021-09-01 - 2021-09-17.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Mangelen på evalueringskriterier for barnas apper er ikke lenger holdbar.
Dagens Perspektiv.
ISSN 2535-6801.
Kucirkova, Natalia
How can books hit the sweet spot between the reader and the story character?.
British Educational Research Association: Blogs.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Kvaliteten på historien og voksenrollen betyr mer for barns læring enn bokas format.
Kucirkova, Natalia
The Educational Power—and the Limits—of Personalized Children’s Books.
Scientific American.
ISSN 0036-8733.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Å si nei til Facebook er å si ja til fremtiden.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).
ISSN 0804-3116.
Kucirkova, Natalia
The Internet Needs New Rules: My Top Three.
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
What Makes Social Media Harmful?.
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
The Key Ingredients of Children’s Favorite Storybooks.
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Ensuring EdTech is truly educational.
Kucirkova, Natalia
How the Internet Shapes Who We Are.
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Internett og oss i framtiden.
Stavanger Aftenblad.
ISSN 0804-8991.
Undheim, Marianne;
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Unstad, Torstein;
Dardanou, Maria
Digital kompetanse og forskningsperspektiver (workshop i Stavanger).
Workshop PUST-prosjektet;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Digital utdanning uten pedagogiske regler.
ISSN 1894-8995.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Vi må samarbeide for å gjøre barns teknologibruk trygg og utviklende.
ISSN 0805-3847.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Dufteinntrykk og barns digitale lesning.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Children’s digital reading.
Education and Digital Skills: A Conversation Event;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Her er barnet helten i boka.
Pollarolo, Enrico;
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Størksen, Ingunn;
Skarstein, Tuula Helka
Perceptions of Norwegian early childhood educators on children's critical thinking skills.
Norske barnehageforskningskonferanse;
2021-10-26 - 2021-10-28.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Digitale bildebøker for barn.
FILIORUMs ressursbank.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Children's digital books.
FILIORUMs ressursbank.
Cranner, Kristin Vestrheim;
Kucirkova I, Natalia;
Bus, Adriana G.;
Klippen, May Irene Furenes
Digitale bildebøker kan skade barns evne til å forstå historien de leser
Med mindre bøkene har den rette utformingen..
Kucirkova, Natalia
The silver lining in corona times: video-call shared reading with children
LSE Parenting for Digital Future.
Kucirkova, Natalia
And a Selfie Must Follow, as the Night the Day
The Psychology Today
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
4th International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Children & Recommender and Information Retrieval Systems
'What does good look like: From design, research, and practice to policy'Co-located with ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Conference 2020 - London, England.
ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Conference 2020;
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Hoel, Trude
The silver lining in corona times: video-call shared reading with children.
LSE - Parenting for a digital future.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Hvordan kan man lykkes med å bli mer synlig som forsker og hvorfor er det viktig med digital synlighet?.
Forskningsledelse på Vestlandet;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Høytlesing med barn.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Education Week.
Kucirkova, Natalia
How to Use Digital Reading Programs During COVID-19. Teachers Still Matter.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Allsop, Yasemin;
Rzyankina, Ekaterina;
Rowsell, Jennifer;
Wildfeuer, Janina;
Zhao, Sumin
The Shelfie phenomenon and academics: a multi-disciplinary research case study
Bookshelves in the Age of the COVID-19 Pandemic conference;
2020-11-03 - 2020-11-04.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Donohue, Chip;
Highfield, Kate
Teaching and Learning in the Early Years, Effective Classroom Practices for Integrating Technology
Bright Start Conference;
2020-12-09 - 2020-12-12.
Kucirkova, Natalia
The value of good mentors.
Inspiring Women at WELS;
Full uttelling for barnehageforskningen ved UiS.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Klikk, rist og sveip - drømmer og dilemmaer i det interaktive bildebokfeltet i Norge.
Numer : tidsskrift for tegning, illustrasjon og bokkunst.
ISSN 0807-1152.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Why Fathers Who Read to Their Children Are the Coolest.
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Digital Shadows Remain Even if You Can't See Them.
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Next Time We Zoom, Show Me Your Hands.
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
A Time Without Touch Is an Opportunity to Rethink Its Place.
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
And a Selfie Must Follow, as the Night the Day.
Psychology Today.
ISSN 0033-3107.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Study links high levels of screen time to slower child development
Kucirkova, Natalia
I was interviewed by a BBC journalist Gorana Jelovina for a planned programme about children's screentime..
Kucirkova, Natalia
Personalised pluralisation in art.
Wired Speakers Series;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Organiser and Chair of Symposium1 ‘Cross-disciplinary and international insights into children’s reading on screen’ and Symposium2 ‘Reconceptualizing Book Sharing with Young Children in a Digital Era’ and presenter of Individual paper ‘Promising Personalized Features of Digital Books’, Reconceptualising Early Childhood Literacies: An International Conference, Manchester, UK.
Reconceptualising Early Childhood Literacies: An International Conference;
2019-03-07 - 2019-03-09.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Symposium Chair for ‘Children’s reading on screen: the unique case of digital books’ and presenter of paper ‘Insights from research on children’s digital books in the UK’, Skriv! Les! Conference, Stavanger, Norway.
Skriv! Les! Conference;
2019-05-07 - 2019-05-09.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Co-organiser of interdisciplinary workshop 3rd KidRec Workshop: What does good look like?, ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) conference, Boise, Idaho, USA.
ACM IDC 2019;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Organiser and chair of symposium ‘Turning to Affect to Imagine Socially Just Pedagogies for Reading for Pleasure’, UKLA International Conference, Sheffield, UK.
UKLA International Conference;
2019-07-12 - 2019-07-14.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Families reading with young children in the digital age: Insights from research.
Bokstart – språk fra første stund;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Young children's use of apps: myths, realities and evidence-based criteria.
Policy-maker and librarians meeting;
Kucirkova, Natalia
E-books, apps and algorithms: the positives and limitations of children’s reading on screen.
Closing project conference Erasmus+ project on Augmented Reading/Cyprus;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Connecting research to practice: personalized education, invited keynote, Nordic Edge Expo EdTech Conference, Stavanger, Norway.
EdTech Conference;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Reading in the 21st Century: What Skills and Values do we need?.
Foreningen Les! Annual Conference;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Use of Digital Resources in Early Childhood Literacy Development.
Pre-Conference Institute, International Literacy Association, Annual Conference;
2019-10-10 - 2019-10-13.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Exploring Key Issues in Early Childhood and Technology
(invited panelist, panel chaired by Chip Donohue).
the NAEYC Annual Conference;
2019-11-20 - 2019-11-23.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Forget swiping. Your next date will be based on your genes.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Exploring Key Issues in Early Childhood and Technology- panellist part of a symposium.
the NAEYC Annual Conference;
2019-09-20 - 2019-09-22.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Turning to Affect to Imagine Socially Just Pedagogies for Reading for Pleasure.
UKLA International Conference;
2019-07-12 - 2019-07-14.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Connecting research to practice: personalized education.
Nordic Edge Expo;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Personalised pluralisation in art,Wired Speaker Series, Conde Nast College, London, Invited presentation.
Conde Nast College;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Pedagogical and digital competence in Time municipality: insights from research
Time kommune;
Kucirkova, Natalia
Children’s personalised books: a look back and a look ahead.
University of Berkeley ;
Kucirkova, Natalia
The International Collective of Children's Digital Books.
Kucirkova, Natalia
Reading to your child? Digital books are as important as print books.