Gabriel Emerson Iturra Bocaz
Stipendiat i språkteknologi (NLP) og informasjonsinnhenting (IR)

Det teknisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Institutt for data- og elektroteknologi
Akademisk bakgrunn
- Information Access and Artificial Intelligence Research Group, Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval, University of Stavanger, Supervisor: Dr. Petra Galuscakova, 2024 - present.
- Representations for Learning and Language Research Group, MSc in Computer Science, University of Chile, Supervisor: Dr. Felipe Bravo-Marquez, 2021 - 2023.
- Representations for Learning and Language Research Group, Computer Science Engineer, University of Chile, Supervisor: Dr. Felipe Bravo-Marquez, 2021 - 2023.
- Department of Computer Science, BSc in Computer Science, University of Chile, 2016 - 2019.
- Department of Industrial Engineering, BSc in Industrial Engineering, University of Chile, 2015 - 2019.