Anne-Sophie Hufer
Stipendiat i flerspråklighet

Rom: HG N-317
Fakultet for utdanningsvitenskap og humaniora
Institutt for kultur- og språkvitenskap
Kort om meg
I obtained both a Bachelor’s degree in General Linguistics and a Master’s in Multilingualism from the University of Konstanz, Germany. As part of my undergraduate studies, I spent a year at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in Florianópolis, Brazil (2016-2017). During my Master’s program, I worked as a research assistant under Prof. Tanja Kupisch on a project investigating ethnic policies affecting the Sámi in Norway and Sweden. This experience led me to write my Master’s thesis on Sámi language identity at the University of Tromsø (2020-2021). Following two years of professional experience outside academia, I began my PhD fellowship at UiS in March 2024, where I am now affiliated with the Department of Cultural Studies and Languages in the Faculty of Arts and Education.
Dette forsker jeg på
I am a linguist with a strong focus on multilingualism. In my PhD research, I examine child language acquisition and development among German-speaking children in Norway as they learn English as a third language. My main supervisor is Assoc. Prof. Nadine Kolb (UiS), with Assoc. Prof. David Natvig (UiS) as my co-supervisor and Prof. Cristina Flores (UMinho, Portugal) as my external advisor.