Anne Marie Lunde Husebø

Professor i helsevitenskap

Anne Marie Lunde Husebø


Telefon: 51834140


Rom: OD B-2481


Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet

Avdeling for folkehelse

Kort om meg

Jeg er professor i helsevitenskap ved Avdeling for folkehelse ved Det helsevitenskaplige fakultet ved Universitetet i Stavanger, og har en doktorgrad i helsevitenskap fra 2015 ved Universitetet i Stavanger med teamet "Trening under brystkreftbehandling". Fra 2017-2019, var jeg Helse Vest-finansiert postdoktor i Helse Stavanger med prosjekt om behandlingsbyrde og tarmkreft.

Dette forsker jeg på

Mine forskningsinteresser omfatter folkehelse, helsefremmende arbeid ved langvarig sykdom, kreftoverlevelse, behandlingsbyrde, digitalisering og sosial innovasjon, samt utdanningsforskning. Jeg har bred kompetanse innen forskningsmetoder som anvender kvantitative, kvalitative, mixed-method og kunnskapsoppsummering som design.

For tiden er jeg involvert i forskning på digital oppfølging av pasienter med langvarige behandlingsbehov, utvikling av digitale veilednings- og vurderingsverktøy i sykepleieutdanning, sosial innovasjon i primærhelsetjenesten, og sykepleie ved multiresistens og antibiotikastyring. Jeg er leder for programområdet for forskning "Helsefremmende innsats ved helseutfordringer (HEVHELSE)", og besitter en hospitantstilling som forsker ved Kirurgisk Klinikk, Stavanger Universitetssjukehus.   


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Storm, Marianne; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Nurse-Assisted Remote Patient Monitoring for Self-Management Support to Patients With Long-Term Illness—A Qualitative Multimethod Study.

Journal of Advanced Nursing.

ISSN 0309-2402.

DOI: 10.1111/jan.16736

Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; May, Carl; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Acceptability and usability of a nurse-assisted remote patient monitoring intervention for the post-hospital follow-up of patients with long-term illness: A qualitative study.

International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances (IJNS Advances).

Volum 7.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnsa.2024.100229

Austin, Rosalynn; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Storm, Marianne; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Karlsen, Bjørg


Use of the chronic illness research recruitment taxonomy to evaluate recruitment strategies in an eHealth feasibility study..

Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications.

ISSN 2451-8654.

Volum 43.

DOI: 10.1016/j.conctc.2024.101420

Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Designing a future eHealth service for posthospitalization self-management support in long-term illness : qualitative interview study.

JMIR Human Factors.

ISSN 2292-9495.

Volum 10.


DOI: 10.2196/39391

Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Akerjordet, Kristin; Aase, Ingunn; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Andersen, Linda Lundgaard; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


Registered nurse mentors' experiences from co-creation in higher education targeting enhancement of mentorship practices in nursing homes: A qualitative study.

Journal of Advanced Nursing.

ISSN 0309-2402.

Volum 79.

Hefte 7.

DOI: 10.1111/jan.15602

Hansen, Marte Johanne Tangeraas; Storm, Marianne; Syre, Heidi; Dalen, Ingvild; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Attitudes and self-efficacy towards infection prevention and control and antibiotic stewardship among nurses : a mixed-methods study.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 32.

Hefte 17/18.


DOI: 10.1111/jocn.16657

Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Samskaping av digitale verktøy. I: Deltakelse : et helsefremmende perspektiv.


ISBN 9788245037722.


Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Karlsen, Bjørg; Storm, Marianne; Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Søreide, Jon Arne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Assessing a nurse-assisted eHealth intervention posthospital discharge in adult patients with non-communicable diseases: a protocol for a feasibility study.

BMJ Open.

ISSN 2044-6055.

Volum 13.

Hefte 8.

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069599

Fjellså, Hilde Marie Hunsbedt; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Braut, Harald; Mikkelsen, Aslaug; Storm, Marianne


Older adults’ experiences with participation and eHealth in care coordination : qualitative interview study in a primary care setting.

Journal of Participatory Medicine (JoPM).

ISSN 2152-7202.

Volum 15.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.2196/47550

Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Handeland, Maria; Aase, Ingunn; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Akerjordet, Kristin


Supporting the nurse educator in clinical education – a qualitative evaluation of a digital educational resource DigiVIS.

BMC Nursing.

ISSN 1472-6955.

Volum 22.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1186/s12912-023-01599-w

Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Aase, Ingunn; Akerjordet, Kristin; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


A digital educational resource to support and enhance effective mentorship practices of nursing students in nursing homes: a qualitative study.

BMC Nursing.

ISSN 1472-6955.

Volum 22.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1186/s12912-023-01570-9

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Søreide, Jon Arne; Kørner, Hartwig; Storm, Marianne; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Richardson, Alison; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Karlsen, Bjørg


eHealth interventions to support colorectal cancer patients’ self-management after discharge from surgery : an integrative literature review.

Supportive Care in Cancer.

ISSN 0941-4355.

Volum 32.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1007/s00520-023-08191-7

Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne; Søreide, Jon Arne; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Karlsen, Bjørg; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Posthospitalization follow-up of patients with heart failure using eHealth solutions : restricted systematic review.

Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR).

ISSN 1439-4456.

Volum 24.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.2196/32946

Fjellså, Hilde Marie Hunsbedt; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne


eHealth in care coordination for older adults living at home : scoping review.

Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR).

ISSN 1439-4456.

Volum 24.

Hefte 10.


DOI: 10.2196/39584

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Ødegård, Atle; Wegener, Charlotte; Aakjær, Marie; Pedersen, Anne Lyngby; Østergaard, Maja Boelsmand; Willumsen, Anna Elisabeth


Exploring social innovation (SI) within the research contexts of higher education, healthcare, and welfare services : a scoping review.

Nordic Journal of Social Research.

ISSN 1892-2783.

Volum 12.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.7577/njsr.3455

Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Bru, Lars Edvin; Larsen, Alf Inge; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Burden of treatment in patients with chronic heart failure – A cross-sectional study.

Heart & Lung.

ISSN 0147-9563.

Volum 50.


DOI: 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2021.02.003

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Dalen, Ingvild; Richardson, Alison; Bru, Lars Edvin; Søreide, Jon Arne


Factors influencing treatment burden in colorectal cancer patients undergoing curative surgery: A cross-sectional study.

European Journal of Cancer Care.

ISSN 0961-5423.


DOI: 10.1111/ecc.13437

Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Akerjordet, Kristin; Kihlgren, Annica; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


Exploring mentorship practices in clinical education in nursing homes: A qualitative mixed-methods study.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

DOI: 10.1111/jocn.15943

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Stakeholders’ Perspectives on eHealth Support in Colorectal Cancer Survivorship: Qualitative Interview Study.

JMIR Cancer.

ISSN 2369-1999.

Volum 7.

Hefte 3.

DOI: 10.2196/28279

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Dalen, Ingvild; Søreide, Jon Arne; Bru, Lars Edvin; Richardson, Alison


Cancer-related fatigue and treatment burden in surgically treated colorectal cancer patients – A cross-sectional study.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

DOI: 10.1111/jocn.16135

Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


A qualitative study of living with the burden from heart failure treatment: Exploring the patient capacity for self-care..

Nursing Open.

ISSN 2054-1058.

Volum 7.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1002/nop2.455

Aakjær, Marie; Wegener, Charlotte; Willumsen, Elisabeth; Storm, Marianne; Ødegård, Atle; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Hvad skete der med innovationen da den blev social. I: Samskaping : sosial innovasjon for helse og velferd.


ISBN 9788215034089.


Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Digital innovasjon i helse. I: Samskaping : sosial innovasjon for helse og velferd.


ISBN 9788215034089.


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Karlsen, Bjørg; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland


Health professionals' perceptions of colorectal cancer patients' treatment burden and their supportive work to ameliorate the burden - a qualitative study.

BMC Health Services Research.

ISSN 1472-6963.

Volum 20.

DOI: 10.1186/s12913-020-05520-y

Sevild, Cille Hagland; Niemiec, Christopher; Bru, Lars Edvin; Dyrstad, Sindre Mikal; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Initiation and maintenance of lifestyle changes among participants in a healthy life centre: a qualitative study.

BMC Public Health.

ISSN 1471-2458.

Volum 20.

DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-09111-8

Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Thomas, Elisabeth; Elwyn, Glyn; Zisman-Ilani, Yaara


Coordinating mental health services for people with serious mental illness: A scoping review of transitions from psychiatric hospital to community.

Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research.

ISSN 0894-587X.

Volum 46.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.1007/s10488-018-00918-7

Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Bru, Lars Edvin; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Patients' experience with heart failure treatment and self-care - a qualitative study exploring the burden of treatment..

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 28.


DOI: 10.1111/jocn.14799

Dombestein, Heidi Janne; Norheim, Anne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Understanding informal caregivers' motivation from the perspective of self-determination theory: an integrative review.

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.

ISSN 0283-9318.

Volum 34.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1111/scs.12735

Rosenberg, Adriana; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Aase, Ingunn


Nursing student's experience of the clinical learning environment in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional study .


ISSN 1338-6263.

Volum 9.

Hefte 2.


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Espeland, Jens; Hagen, Laila Garberg; Karlsen, Bjørg


Discussing a nurse assisted ehealth service from hospital to home.

IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking, and Communications.

ISSN 2160-4886.

Volum 2019-October.


DOI: 10.1109/WiMOB.2019.8923545

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Våga, Bodil Bø; Rosenberg, Adriana; Akerjordet, Kristin


Status of knowledge on student-learning environments in nursing homes: A mixed-method systematic review.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 27.

Hefte 7-8.


DOI: 10.1111/jocn.14299

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Eriksen, Kristina Sundt; Nordfonn, Oda Karin


The patient experience with treatment and self-management (PETS) questionnaire: translation and cultural adaption of the Norwegian version.

BMC Medical Research Methodology.

ISSN 1471-2288.

Volum 18.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1186/s12874-018-0612-9

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Husebø, Tormod Lunde


Quality of Life and Breast Cancer: How Can Mind–Body Exercise Therapies Help? An Overview Study..


ISSN 2075-4663.

Volum 5.

Hefte 4.

DOI: 10.3390/sports5040079

Guise, Veslemøy; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Moltu, Kirsti; Wiig, Siri


Telecare in Home Healthcare Services: Implications for Quality and Safety. I: Researching Patient Safety and Quality in Health Care: A Nordic Perspective.

Taylor & Francis.

ISBN 9781472477132.


DOI: 10.1201/9781315605609-13

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Karlsen, Bjørg; Allan, Helen; Søreide, Jon Arne; Bru, Lars Edvin


Factors perceived to influence exercise adherence in women with breast cancer participating in an exercise programme during adjuvant chemotherapy: a focus group study.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 24.

Hefte 3-4.


DOI: 10.1111/jocn.12633

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Allan, Helen; Karlsen, Bjørg; Søreide, Jon Arne; Bru, Lars Edvin


Exercise: A Path to Wellness during Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer?.

Cancer Nursing.

ISSN 0162-220X.

Volum 38.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1097/NCC.0000000000000205

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Dyrstad, Sindre Mikal; Mjaaland, Ingvil; Søreide, Jon Arne; Bru, Lars Edvin


Effects of scheduled exercise on cancer-related fatigue in women with early breast cancer.

Scientific World Journal.

ISSN 1537-744X.

Volum 2014.

DOI: 10.1155/2014/271828

Wiig, Siri; Guise, Veslemøy; Anderson, Janet; Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Testad, Ingelin; Søyland, Elsa; Lorentsen Moltu, Kirsti


Safer@home- Simulation and training: the study protocol of a qualitative action research design.

BMJ Open.

ISSN 2044-6055.

Volum 4.

Hefte 7.

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-004995

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne


Virtual Visits in Home Health Care for Older Adults.

Scientific World Journal.

ISSN 1537-744X.

DOI: 10.1155/2014/689873

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Dyrstad, Sindre Mikal; Søreide, Jon Arne; Bru, Lars Edvin


Predicting exercise adherence in cancer patients and survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of motivational and behavioural factors.

Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN).

ISSN 0962-1067.

Volum 22.

Hefte 1-2.


DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2012.04322.x

Wiig, Siri; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Using simulation-based training to ensure safe implementation processes of new technology in the home context – A literature review. I: 2nd Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Health Care,Book of Abstracts, 6-7. March 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.

ISBN 978-87-92706-43-0.


Bøker og kapitler

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Exercise during breast cancer treatment A study of physical and psychosocial outcomes, and motivational challenges. .

Universitetet i Stavanger.

ISBN 978-82-7644-631-9.


Storm, Marianne; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Austin, Rosalynn; Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Karlsen, Bjørg; Dalen, Ingvild; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne; Richardson, Alison; Elwyn, Glyn; Bru, Lars Edvin; Søreide, Jon Arne; Kørner, Hartwig; Mo, Rune; Strömberg, Anna; Lurås, Hilde; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Evaluation of the nurse-assisted eHealth intervention ‘eHealth@Hospital-2-Home’ on self-care by patients with heart failure and colorectal cancer post-hospital discharge : protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

BMC Health Services Research.

ISSN 1472-6963.

Volum 24.

DOI: 10.1186/s12913-023-10508-5

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Syre, Heidi; Dalen, Ingvild


Nurses’ attitudes and self-efficacy when caring for isolated patients during a pandemic - a longitudinal study .

Nordic Conference in Nursing Research ;

2024-10-02 - 2024-10-04.

Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Aase, Ingunn; Akerjordet, Kristin; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


Enhancing mentorship practices in nursing homes using a digital educational resource.

Nordic Conference in Nursing Research;


Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


A qualitative mixed methods design to assess the feasibility of a complex eHealth intervention.

Nordic Conference in Nursing Research;

2023-10-02 - 2023-10-05.

Storm, Marianne; Syre, Heidi; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Dalen, Ingvild


Mixing data.

Nordic Conference in Nursing Research ;

2023-10-02 - 2023-10-05.

Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Akerjordet, Kristin; Kihlgren, Annica; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


Exploring mentorship practices in clinical education in nursing homes.

Rapid 5 Presentation;

2022-10-19 - 2022-10-22.

Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Akerjordet, Kristin; Aase, Ingunn; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Andersen, Linda Lundgaard; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


Co-creation in Higher Education with registered nurse mentors from nursing homes.

Mini oral with poster presentation;

2022-10-19 - 2022-10-22.

Storm, Marianne; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


eHealth@Hospital-2-Home: digital, sykepleieassistert hjemmeoppfølging etter utskrivelse fra sykehus - en mulighetsstudie.

Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2022;

2022-10-18 - 2022-10-19.

Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


eHealth@Hospital-2-Home- A Norwegian study on digital follow-up of patients with heart failure and patients surgically treated for colorectal cancer transitioning from hospital to home. .

Co-Production Lab Meeting;


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne


eHealth@Hospital-2-Home-«Hjem fra sykehus-med digital selvhjelp».

Mulighetsmøte HelseCampus ;


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


eHealth@Hospital-2-Home- A study on digital follow-up of patients with heart failure and patients surgically treated for colorectal cancer transitioning from hospital to home. .

Prosject Seminar-Open lecture;


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne


Trygghet etter utskrivelse fra sykehus ved digital hjemmeoppfølging Foreløpige erfaringer fra prosjektet «eHealth@Hospital-2-Home» .

Webinar-serie Digital hjemmeoppfølging;


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Jensen, Anne Ree; Rossavik, Bente; Husebø, Sissel Iren Eikeland


Traineeprogram etablerer heltidsstillinger og sikrer sykepleiefaglig kompetanse.

Tidsskriftet sykepleien.

ISSN 0806-7511.

Volum 109.

DOI: 10.4220/Sykepleiens.2021.86362

Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Aase, Ingunn; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


What characterizes the RN mentors’ experiences with engaging in a co-creative process target to develop an e-learning intervention to enhance mentorship practices of nursing students in nursing homes..

Poster utstilling;

2021-10-04 - .

Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne; Storm, Marianne; Karlsen, Bjørg; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Experiences from using co-creation as a methodological approach for development of an eHealth-service post-hospital discharge.

Nordic Conference in Nursing Research;

2021-10-04 - 2021-10-06.

Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne


Telephone interview as a data collection method. Developing an eHealth service to support the transitioning from hospital to home..

Nordic Conference in Nursing Research;

2021-10-04 - 2021-10-06.

Rosenberg, Adriana; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Aase, Ingunn


The influence of previous work experience on student's perception of the clinical learning environment in nursing home.

International Nurse Education Conference ;

2020-04-26 - 2020-04-29.

Fjellså, Hilde Marie Hunsbedt; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne


E-health technologies in care coordinaton for older patients living home: A scoping review .

Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2020;

2020-03-10 - 2020-03-11.

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne


Hjem fra sykehus - med digital selvhjelp..

Faglig presentasjon;

2020-10-19 - .

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Hjem fra sykehus - med digital selvhjelp.



Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Hjem fra sykehus - med digital selvhjelp (eHealth@H-2-H).

Samarbeid om eHelse UiS-SUS;


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Self-management demands following surgical treatment burdens colorectal cancer survivors.

Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2020;

2020-03-10 - 2020-03-11.

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne; Karlsen, Bjørg


Digital helsehjelp kan lette behandlingsbyrden hos kronisk syke.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Digital innovasjon i helse.



Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne


Digitalization of healthcare services - a social innovation?.

Den 3 nasjonale helsetjenstekonferansen;

2019-03-12 - 2019-03-13.

Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Brekklund, Jannicke; Tran, Son Thanh; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Aase, Ingunn; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Gonzalez, Marianne Thorsen; Skovdahl, Kirsti-Iren; Slettebø, Åshild; Akerjordet, Kristin


Gjør sykehjemmene attraktive!.

Stavanger Aftenblad.

ISSN 0804-8991.

Rosenberg, Adriana; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Aase, Ingunn



12th International Scientific Conference; Theory, Research and Education in Nursing;

2019-05-23 - 2019-05-24.

Zisman-Ilani, Yaara; Thomas, Elisabeth; Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Elwyn, Glyn


Review finds common pitfalls in post-hospital care for people with SMI.

Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Bru, Lars Edvin; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


My heart failure nurse is my checkpoint and my safety: a qualitative study on management of treatment burden among heart failure patients.

Euro Heart Care 2018;

2018-06-07 - 2018-06-09.

Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Eriksen, Kristina Sundt; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Pre-test of a Norwegian version of Patient Experience with Treatment and Self-management (PETS) questionnaire, using cognitive interviewing techniques.

Nordic Conference of Nursing Research;

2018-06-14 - 2018-06-15.

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Våga, Bodil Bø; Rosenberg, Adriana; Akerjordet, Kristin


Mixed Method reviews in exploring Learning environments in nursing education.

Nordic Conference of Nursing Research;

2018-06-14 - 2018-06-15.

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Våga, Bodil Bø; Rosenberg, Adriana; Akerjordet, Kristin


Student learning environments in nursing homes.

International conference 2017;


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Factors perceived to influence exercise adherence in women with breast cancer participating in an exercise program during adjuvant chemotherapy: a focus group study..

World Congress on Breast Cancer. August 03-05, Birmingham, UK.;

2015-08-03 - 2015-08-05.

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne


Virtual visits in home health care for elderly people – A systematic, integrative literature review.

9th Biennial International Conference in Organisational Behaviour in Health Care. ;

2014-04-23 - 2014-04-25.

Storm, Marianne; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Virtual visits in home health care for elderly people - A systematic integrative review of service content and technology users' experiences.

3rd Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Health care;

2014-10-02 - 2014-10-03.

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


The role of social support in motivation for exercise in women with early stage breast cancer during chemotherapy.

8th. ICN. IPA/APNN Conference 2014;

2014-08-18 - 2014-08-20.

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Exercise; promoting psychological health in women with breast cancer.

Health promotion Research-An International Forum;

2014-08-25 - 2014-08-27.

Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Scientific testing of an exercise program for women being treated for breast cancer.

Research presentation;


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Trening som helsefremmende tiltak for kvinner med brystkreft.



Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Funn fra treningsstudien.

Presentasjon av forskning;


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Funn fra treningsstudien.

presentasjon av forskning;


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Predicting exercise adherence in cancer patients and survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of motivational and behavioral factors.

PhD Journal Club;


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Scientific testing of an exercise program for women being treated for breast cancer.

PhD Students Meeting;


Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde


Fysisk aktivitet-en kilde til velvære for kvinner med brystkreft.

Athene-Medlemsblad for Brystkreftforeningen.

Volum 3.


Guise, Veslemøy; Wiig, Siri; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Søyland, Elsa; Testad, Ingelin; Lorentsen Moltu, Kirsti


Videokommunikasjon i hjemmebaserte tjenester - Bruksområder, brukere og mål for opplæring.

Informasjonsmøte hos Randaberg kommune;

2014-08-22 - .

Guise, Veslemøy; Wiig, Siri; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Søyland, Elsa; Testad, Ingelin; Lorentsen Moltu, Kirsti; Anderson, Janet


Kartlegging av opplæringsbehov: Resultater fra datainnsamling i WP4.


2014-06-05 - .

Kunstnerisk produksjon

Nordfonn, Oda Karin; Karlsen, Bjørg; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Morken, Ingvild Margreta; Storm, Marianne; Wathne, Hege Bjøkne; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne; Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug


Hjem fra sykehus-med digital selvhjelp.