Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Saadallah, Nejm;
Gravdal, Jan Einar;
Ewald, Robert;
Moi, Sonja;
Daireaux, Benoit;
Ambrus, Adrian;
Sivertsen, Stian;
Hellang, Kristian;
Shor, Roman J.;
Sui, Dan;
Sandor, Stefan;
Chojnacki, Marek;
Odgaard, Jacob
OpenLab: Design and Applications of a Modern Drilling Digitalization Infrastructure.
Society of Petroleum Engineering.
DOI: 10.2118/195629-MS
de Sousa Gomes, Dalila;
Bjørkevoll, Knut Steinar;
Frøyen, Johnny;
Fjelde, Kjell Kåre;
Sui, Dan;
Udegbunam, John Emeka;
Moeinikia, Fatemeh
Probabilistic Flow Modelling Approach for Kick Tolerance Calculations.
I: ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 8: Polar and Arctic Sciences and Technology; Petroleum Technology, Trondheim, Norway, June 25–30, 2017
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
ISBN 978-0-7918-5776-2.
DOI: 10.1115/OMAE2017-61391
Udegbunam, John Emeka;
Sui, Dan;
Moeinikia, Fatemeh;
Lage, Antonio C V M;
Fjelde, Kjell Kåre;
Arild, Øystein;
Rabenjafimanantsoa, Herimonja Andrianifaliana;
Nygaard, Olav Gerhard Haukenes
A Transient Flow Model for Predicting Pressure Buildup in Closed Annuli.
I: ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 8: Polar and Arctic Sciences and Technology; Petroleum Technology, Trondheim, Norway, June 25–30, 2017
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
ISBN 978-0-7918-5776-2.
DOI: 10.1115/OMAE2017-61209
Regularized Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer – Theory and application to automotive friction estimation.
I: Preprints of the NIL workshop on Selected Topics on Constrained and Nonlinear Control.
ISBN 978-80-968627-2-6.
Gola, Giulio;
Nybø, Roar;
Sui, Dan
A grey-box approach for predicting the well bottom-hole pressure in pressure-controlled drilling operations.
I: Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management (COMADEM2011).
COMADEM International.
ISBN 0-9541307-2-3.
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne
Moving Horizon Estimation for Tire-Road Friction During Braking.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Control Applications.
ISSN 1085-1992.
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne
Regularized Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer for Detectable Systems.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series.
ISSN 1474-6670.
Le, Feng;
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sui, Dan
Barrier Function Nonlinear Optimization for Optimal Decompression of Divers.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes.
ISSN 0191-2216.
Sui, Dan;
Le, Feng;
Hovd, Morten
Algorithms for online implementations of explicit MPC solutions.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series.
ISSN 1474-6670.
Volum 17.
Hefte 1.
Sui, Dan;
Le, Feng;
Hovd, Morten
Robust output feedback MPC for linear systems via interpolation technique.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series.
ISSN 1474-6670.
Volum 17.
Hefte 1.
Le, Feng;
Sui, Dan;
Hovd, Morten
On further optimizing prediction dynamics for robust model predictive control.
American Control Conference (ACC).
ISSN 0743-1619.
Sui, Dan;
Ong, C.J.
Interpolated Model Predictive Controller for Linear Systems with Bounded Disturbances.
American Control Conference (ACC).
ISSN 0743-1619.
Sui, Dan;
Ong, C.J.
Computation of Polytopal Invariant Sets of PWL Systems with Bounded Disturbances.
American Control Conference (ACC).
ISSN 0743-1619.
Gravdal, Jan Einar;
Sui, Dan;
Nagy, Attila;
Saadallah, Nejm;
Ewald, Robert
A Hybrid Test Environment for Verification of Drilling Automation Systems .
SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition 2021;
2021-03-08 - 2021-03-12.
Tunkiel, Andrzej Tadeusz;
Sui, Dan;
Wiktorski, Tomasz
OMAE2020-18151: Drilling Dataset Exploration, Processing and Interpretation Using Volve Field Data.
OMAE 2020;
2020-08-03 - 2020-08-07.
Tunkiel, Andrzej Tadeusz;
Sui, Dan;
Wiktorski, Tomasz
OMAE2020-18154: Continuous Drilling Sensor Data Reconstruction and Prediction via Recurrent Neural Networks.
OMAE 2020;
2020-08-03 - 2020-08-07.
Hemba Geekiyanage, Suranga Chaminda;
Løken, Erik Andreas;
Sui, Dan;
Wiktorski, Tomasz
Architectures and algorithms for a smart drilling robot.
Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th International OMAE Conference;
2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14.
Hemba Geekiyanage, Suranga Chaminda;
Ambrus, Adrian;
Sui, Dan
Feature selection for kick detection with machine learning using laboratory data.
Proceedings of the ASME 2019 38th OMAE International Conference;
2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14.
Wiktorski, Ekaterina;
Khatibi, Milad;
Geekiyanage, Suranga C. H.;
Sui, Dan;
Time, Rune Wiggo
Experimental Study of drillstring dynamics using a high-speed camera as a non-invasive motion sensor.
ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering;
2019-06-09 - 2019-06-14.
Wiktorski, Ekaterina;
Geekiyanage, Suranga C. H.;
Løken, Erik Andreas;
Sui, Dan
Comparative study of surface and downhole drillstring vibrations measurements on a laboratory-scale drilling rig.
SPE Norway One Day Seminar in Bergen 2019;
Leulseged, Amare;
Sui, Dan;
Nepal, Sima A.;
Geekivanage, Suranga C. H.
Kick Management Study on Automated Well Control for Managed Pressure Drilling in Long Wells.
37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering;
2018-06-17 - 2018-06-22.
Aadnøy, Bernt Sigve;
Sui, Dan
The importance of physicis in drill string modelling.
Fourth International Colloquium on Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Deep Drilling Systems;
2018-05-14 - 2018-05-16.
Ewald, Robert;
Gravdal, Jan Einar;
Shor, Roman;
Sui, Dan
Web-enabled high fidelity drilling computer model with user-friendly interface for education, research and innovation.
the 59th International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society, SIMS 2018;
2018-09-26 - 2018-09-28.
Khatibi, Milad;
Wiktorski, Ekaterina;
Sui, Dan;
Time, Rune Wiggo
Experimental Study of Frictional Pressure Loss for Eccentric Drillpipe in Horizontal Wells.
IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition, 27-29 August;
2018-08-27 - 2018-08-29.
Hemba Geekiyanage, Suranga Chaminda;
Løken, Erik Andreas;
Wiktorski, Ekaterina;
Sui, Dan
Design of a Finite State Machine: Case Study on Algorithms & Architecture for a Smart Drilling Rig.
Celle Drilling 2018;
2018-09-11 - 2018-09-12.
Wiktorski, Ekaterina;
Kuznetsov, Artem;
Sui, Dan
ROP Optimization and Modeling in Directional Drilling Process.
SPE One Day Seminar in Bergen;
Sui, Dan;
Nybø, Roar;
Azizi, Vahid
Real-time Optimization of Rate of Penetration during Drilling Operation.
2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA);
2013-06-12 - 2013-06-14.
Gjerstad, Kristian;
Sui, Dan;
Bjørkevoll, Knut Steinar;
Time, Rune Wiggo
Automatic Prediction of Downhole Pressure Surges in Tripping Operations.
International Petroleum Technology Conference;
2013-03-26 - 2013-03-28.
Guulio, Gola;
Nybø, Roar;
Sui, Dan;
Roverso, Davide
SPE 150201 - Improving management and control of drilling operations with artificial intelligence.
SPE Intelligent Energy International;
2012-03-27 - 2012-03-29.
Sui, Dan;
Gulsrud, Thor Ole;
Kristoffersen, Espen
SPE 149906 - Advanced PreDrill Simulations for Safer and More Cost-effective Drilling.
IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition;
2012-03-06 - 2012-03-08.
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne
Exponential Stability of Regularized Moving Horizon Observer for N-Detectable Nonlinear Systems.
IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA’11);
2011-12-19 - 2011-12-21.
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne
Moving Horizon Estimation for Tire-Road Friction During Braking.
IEEE Multi-conference of Systems and Control;
2010-09-08 - 2010-09-10.
Sui, Dan;
Johansen, Tor Arne
Regularized Nonlinear Moving Horizon Observer for Detectable Systems.
2010-09-01 - 2010-09-03.
Le, Feng;
Gutvik, Christian Ragnar;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sui, Dan
Barrier Function Nonlinear Optimization for Optimal Decompression of Divers.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control;
2009-12-16 - 2009-12-18.
Le, Feng;
Sui, Dan;
Hovd, Morten
On further optimizing prediction dynamics for robust model predictive control.
ACC 2008;
2008-06-11 - 2008-06-13.
Sui, Dan;
Le, Feng;
Hovd, Morten
Robust output feedback model predictive control for linear systems via moving horizon estimation.
ACC 2008;
2008-06-11 - 2008-06-13.
Sui, Dan;
Le, Feng;
Hovd, Morten
Robust explicit time optimal controllers for linear systems via decomposition principle.
17th IFAC world congress;
2008-07-06 - 2008-07-11.
Sui, Dan;
Le, Feng;
Hovd, Morten
Robust output feedback MPC for linear systems via interpolation technique.
17th IFAC world congress;
2008-07-06 - 2008-07-11.
Sui, Dan;
Le, Feng;
Hovd, Morten
Algorithms for online implementations of explicit MPC solutions.
17th IFAC World Congress;
2008-07-06 - 2008-07-11.
Sui, Dan;
Le, Feng;
Hovd, Morten
Robust explicit time optimal controllers for linear systems via decomposition principle.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series.
ISSN 1474-6670.
Sui, Dan;
Le, Feng;
Hovd, Morten
Robust output feedback model predictive control for linear systems via moving horizon estimation.
American Control Conference (ACC).
ISSN 0743-1619.
Sui, Dan;
Ong, C.J.
Computation of Polytopal Invariant Sets of PWL Systems with Bounded Disturbances.
American Control Conference;
2007-07-11 - 2007-07-13.
Sui, Dan;
Ong, C.J.
Interpolated Model Predictive Controller for Linear Systems with Bounded Disturbances.
American Control Conference;
2007-07-11 - 2007-07-13.