Universiteter som innovasjonsknutepunkt som sentrale aktørar i innovasjon og ensrerprenørielle økosystemer.

Mandag 30. mai 2022 kl. 11:30-12:00,

Eit CIAM Lunch & Learn event om å auka kapasiteten ved universiteta til å bidra til regionale innovasjons- og entreprenørskapssystem.

Publisert Sist oppdatert
Logo for Innovation Capacity Building HEI
  • Dato: Mandag, 30 mai
  • Tid: 11:30 - 12:00
  • Presentasjon ved Utku Ali Riza Alpaydin (UiS)

NB! Presentasjonen blir halde på engelsk.

CIAM is a partner in the COM3 (Building Competences for Competitive Companies) project. And the University of Stavanger is also partner in another partly overlapping project named Boogie-U.

BOOGIE-U (Boosting Innovation and Entrepreneurship through European Universities) Project aims at increasing the institutional capacity of universities to serve innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems in their regions.

The main objective of the project is the establishment of Innovation Hubs in each 6 partner universities, which will serve as a one-stop-shop for external stakeholders to reach university constituents (students, academics, etc.) and services (education, research, infrastructure, commercialization etc.) through challenge-based learning/research/innovation methodology.

In this session, BOOGIE-U Project and its envisaged university innovation hub concept will be presented, followed by a short discussion on the involvement possibilities for external stakeholders.

Lunch & Learn webinaret er ope for CIAM medlemmer og UiS studentar og tilsette. Andre må kontakte CIAM på e-post ciam@uis.no for meir informasjon og registrering.